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Generic Marines


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As if Space Wolves weren't enough, I decided at one point to do "Codex" Marines. No big deal right? Well...


Seeing as how I periodically get the urge to paint various chapters, this is saving me the trouble of being stupid and starting a whole new army from scratch on a whim (Imperial Guard), as I've already done that plenty of times as it is (Once if you don't count DH; I don't). At worst I'd wind up with a "Crusade" style army, or various low point starter armies (I hope) theoretically. I blame the novels, they tickle my imagination.


In any case, I generally only paint these layabouts when I get sick of working on my primary army/armies or not playing games, working, spending time with the wife, ect. It saves me monies since these were free extras from an order I made to GW, (I got to keep them ). I only lose if I DON'T wind up painting them.


Additionally, this gives me the opening of furthering my relatively founded tradition of buying at least one blister/model in a town/state that has a store that carries GW product within reasonable distance from my location at the time. So far I've done this twice which has resulted in two of my favorite, best painted (IMO) models. So those won't go to waste, and they'll have some significance beyond their intended purpose.


Terminator Chaplain - (Picked him up in Las Vegas last December while visiting relatives; also first attempt at extreme highlights)







Terminator Librarian - (Picked him up in Rhode Island visiting relatives. First Attempt at blending different shades of blue.)










Termie HQ Groupshot - (For Comparison)



HQ's are painted extremely generic so they can be used in any Marine Army.


Tactical Squad 1st Half - (Minus Rhino; Sgt is based off of the Marine on the cover of Brothers of the Snake)











This squad was the first thing I painted after getting the new washes. Pretty much aside from the white pads, red, and metallics, it's all wash. No extreme highlights. Also, the latter five to be painted will be painted in as similar a manner as possible to match. A backstep for me now, perhaps, but I'm looking for consistency and don't feel like stripping and repainting these. Still need to freehand the snake emblem/Tac decals. Putting this off due to poor freehand ability.



Oh, and if you notice any grainy-ness in the pictures, that may be because I'm probably about half an inch away from the model in question at the time.



Really, this thread can be summed up as an outlet for my finished random marine models.


C&C Welcome

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those look pretty good. the Snakes are quite well done. If you'd like to see a bunch of the chapter icons, done merely to a tabletop standard, here ya go: Ensis Ferrae's Iron Snakes


once you get the hang of the chapter icon, it really is pretty easy, and doesnt take too long to do, which personally was probably a big reason i still had so much fun making the beginnings of my snake army.

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