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Tactical Squads

Captain Valren

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Greetings Brothers and Sister of the B&C,


I have an interesting question for everyone here. How do you use your tactical squads? What is the most effective way that you have found to use them? I ask this question because I just can't seem to get my tactical squads to work for me. I have tried different load outs and combat squading, it just never really works out for me. Feel free to include any of the current PA codex and rules in answering the question (I use most of the PA codexs to represent different parts of my chapter).



Captain Valren

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i take ten man squads with a flamer and multi-melta, combat squad 'em, take both specialists and run them in a rhino firing from the hatches at some nice juicy targets while the other half sits in a gunline close to my objective


but that may be just me

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Tactical Squads, are as the name suggests, Tactical. You can kit them and field them to do many different things. A squad with a Lascannon and Plasmagun is nice for forming a gunline and supporting the efforts of Devastator Squads. A Missile Launcher and flamer squad is cheap and can be combat squaded to provide both a gunline support unit and a mobile assault unit that can be transported in a rhino or a razorback.


Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun and Combi-Plasma or Plasma pistol squads make for nice heavy infantry threats and light armor popping units that can support the efforts of a gunline or mounted in a rhino can form a fairly mobile harassment and assault unit.


A squad with a Meltagun and Powerfist and/or combi-melta Sergeant is not bad at riding around in a rhino and popping tanks. Or it also makes for a unit that can be effectively drop podded into an opponents lines alongside an Ironclad Dreadnaught.


Another Drop Poddable unit is one with a Flamer and Combi-Flamer, it makes for a great unit to drop into an enemies lines and burn stuff when it arrives. Drop Pods are far less risky to land amongst an opponents forces and a good way to bring flamers to bear quickly.


The ability to combat squad Tactical Units makes even mixed weapon setups practical and effective as you can split the squad into two specialised units that take up only one spot on the Force Organisation Chart.


It all depends on what you want the unit to do and what it's place in your army is. In my Ultramarines army I have a mix of squads built to do various things, a core of Las/Plas squads with a couple more specialised units thrown in for various tasks. My Imperial Fists Tactical Squads compries two Melta/Missile Launcher units that commonly split into combat squads to support my Devastators and form a mobile assault element with a las/plas squad there to form a buffer between the enemy and my softer Devastator Squads. In my Raven Guard two Las/Plas squads assist my sole Devastator unit in harassing the enemy while my Assault Squads close for the kill. In my friend's Salamanders army that I helped design his Tactical squads are split into a Plasma Cannon and Plasma Gun squad that threatens heavy infantry and tough buggers while a melta and multi-melta squad is there to pop tanks and a Meltagun and Powerfist Sergeant squad rolls around in a rhino to assault objectives backed up by Assault Marines.


So it depends on what task you have in mind for the Tactical Squads. You just have to recognize and accept their capabilities and weaknesses as Tactical Marines are really the jack of all trades and masters of none, they can do nearly anything but will not do it better than specialised units designed for a specific role. But they are great at supporting other units in your army and should form the core of nearly any Space Marine army. I always build my lists around 2 full Tactical Squads and often add more.

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Have some nice long range heavy weapons, like LC and PC on two squads, split both into combat squads and use the flamer/meltagun halves of both squads to ride together in a rhino so that the can use their assaulting capabilities to take objecetives. Give the sargeants power fists or plasma pistol and CCW to deal with tougher enemies.


The other half just sits tight on your home objective and pops blast S7 AP2 at the occasional enemy squad that's in range and the LC bores holes through any tank that's foolish enough to expose itself.


:rolleyes: usually works quite well.

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I like to have a lascannon and a meltagun, sergeant w/ power fist with a Razorback. Combat squad the power fist and the melta into the razorback, drive off to cause destruction. Lascannon lays down some long range fire power.


I like the razor back as a transport for a combat squaded group, no wasted space and a cheap twin linked heavy bolter. Good times.

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Tactical squads are better at shooting than assault, unless you REALLY beef them up for the task. Flamer, Power Weapon or Fist on the sarge, and preferably something else leading them into the fray. Plus, you have to get them there.


Otherwise, you can leave them alone to sit back and pop squads and take objectives later in the game. Good combo options, with three special weapons and five heavy, plus Sarge.


I'm actually not a big fan of combat squad-splitting with tactical squads though. I find that 5 man squads are too fragile, even with good use of cover and support. Its okay to leave the heavy weapons back to fire, but I hate sending the other half into close-in/ assault roles without another 5 guys.



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@ Proteus - I dont think I agree that they are better at shooting unless you tool them out. What they are best at, is both. Boltguns on the way in, bolt pistols on the charge, and then close combat. Over the last 12" thats a fairly high damage output, although none of it lethal.


In general. I always take 10 man squads. Hardly any point taking less. These days, Rhinos are so cheap, I tend to try to buy every squad one, even if all it does is act as cover or a storm bolter on wheels. At the moment my favorite combination is 1 squad with a rhino, lascannon and plasmagun 1 squad with missile launcher and a meltagun plus a razorback with a heavy bolter. If I have the point I'll give the sergeant of that squad a power fist and send them out tank hunting. Otherwise the las-plas sit back with their rhino and half the other squad, outputting bolter rounds; meanwhile the other 5 men roll around the board as a fairly cheap extra heavy bolter with the capability to be fairly painful to anyone who get close enough. Both squads will be combat squadded so that if the lascannon has a tank to kill, at least the other 5 with the plasmagun can still engage a different target.


Basically, you can't really go wrong with tactical marines. The only main downfall is having them bite off more than they can chew. What you need to do as far as combat squads goes, is make sure that as many heavy weapons can target the enemy of choice (lascannons vs tanks and plasmacannons vs power armor or similar etc) while not wasting bolter totting marines by having them hanging around not close enough to get shots off. Although a lot of people dislike combat squads because a 5 man squad is quite vulnerable, thats dosen't mean you cant have the two combat squads hanging around together. If nothing else, it means a little more flexiblity, and more scoring units. If I intent a unit to get into assault or just get stuck in in general then I wont combat squad them however, as more than likely they would just get in eachothers way and be targeting the same enemy. Having the larger squad does mean that they are more likely to get the chance to kill off enemy heavy weapon troopers and sergeants, so its worth bearing that in mind.

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I'm not a fan of combat squadding Tactical Squads, they are too fragile to stand up to focussed firepower and don't have too good a damage output. Normally I run the squads with a power fist, flamer, multi-melta/heavy bolter and in Rhinos if they are being aggresive. The other squad (I use three), utilises a plasma cannon and a plasma gun/flamer, with a Razorback for support.


As Tactical Squads are versatile, it's best to arm them for your local metagame. If you know that you'll meet a lot of horde armies give them flamers, heavy bolters and plasma cannons. If you're facing MEQ armies take melta and plasma weapons. Lots of tanks? Try using meltas and lascannons. My metagame uses a lot of MEQ armies so I go for melta weapons (as I'm a bit low on meaningful anti-tank as well).

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Lots of opinions except for the basics.


Its easy to understand if you ask yourself questions on what they do.


1: What guns do they have in the majority?

1a: What other units in the whole game fit the same category of their majority guns? (Dire avengers come to mind, yes its the bolter)


2: Combat squadding and special weapon upgrades, how does that change their playstyle to you? (if you combat squad at all, sometimes a flamer, or a plasma gun with a heavy bolter suits the bill and no combat squading is needed)


3: What are their secondary weapons? (Krak grenades, sergeant melee weapon upgrade, very anti vehicle, so that puts the rhino on the map for anti tank role)


4: Is it wise to split them from the main body, or use them in conjunction with the rest of the army?

4a: What makes a unit a solo rider unit that goes in solo? (Tip: Dire avengers are not, while fire dragons are solo rider capable units, should answer your question on marines)


Easy enough. Aside from personal opinion on weapon loadouts, I always say if your going in rapid fire range, you're going to need a powerfist. A simple 115 pt model can put down 200+ points of 10 marines easily without it. And what do you do if you hesitate to put your men in bolter range?... Nothing!


Combi Flamer for the combi weapon choice because it never misses, even if its spendier you only really get the chance to fire a flamer maybe once, or twice during 6 average turns. Meltagun isnt ENTIRELY needed if you go to slap a tank, you have kraks and a powerfist for it, so don't hesitate to try a flamer or plasma gun for the plasma's range. Heavy bolter suits a larger squad's bolters and is in sync with their guns. Aside from that, its all your decision on the special and heavy weaps. Some say multimelta because of the AP1 and get inside bolter range characteristic that makes it synchronise with the rest of the unit.

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HQ: Pedro Kantor


Alpha Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL

Alpha's Rhino EA


Bravo Tactical 10m PC PF PG MB CombiFL

Bravo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Echo Squad 9m PF x2HFL MB

x07 CombiMelta

Echo's Rhino EA DB


SternGuard:Delta Squad 10man PF MB LC HFL

x08 CombiPlasma

Echo's Rhino EA DB


i use my Tactical in this lists, (my most often played) as muti support/object holders...

depends on who i play and what happens from turn to turn.

having all my units count as scoring, means i can use my tacticals to tarpit enemy units effectively

and their wargear allows them to deal with pretty much anything. but, they never ever go off on their own.

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