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In most games my heroes do incredibly well no matter how I equip them

and because of this I normally leave them and a unit that suits them (assault termi's for calgar, servitors for tech marine, etc)

then send them off by them selves or there abouts


and this tactic has never failed me

I've been in the states (tasmania) other tournaments and such and it always works.


My latest conquest saw a chaplain with jump pack and power fist with 5 vanguard veterans W power weapons and jump packs assault and beat 5 grey knight termi's with grand master (no extra wargear) then with stand a round of shoting from a unit of 10 grey knights then charge them and do the same to them (only over two turns)


does this just happen to me or is it a common occurence


p.s not trying to be rude or anything

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Thats just it I don't roll exeedingly well niether do my opponents roll exeedinly badly

I do sometimes move them with the rest but where ever they go I seem to have an easy job of it so to make the game more interesting I keep them seperate


but I do have to specify I'm not trying to be pig headed or rude I'm just a little confused about the whole thing

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A well equiped HQ can do a heck of alot with a good supporting squad, your right. The larger battles you play the less they can do alone though... about in the 1500pt range they can do alot. By the time you hit 1850, you should have atleast a second supporting squad or youll probly get owned.
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I know I 'should' but what annoys me is the fact that they dont and it just seems to ruin the game, well in a matter of speak

this is annoying to my friends and me but I'd much rather try and work out how they could counter it or what they should send to kill them then just not take them

everything I've suggested hasn't worked

(e.g. daemon prince of khorne, chaos dreadnought and a unit of 5 chaos chosen with bolt pistol and power weapons vs 6 assault termi's 5 pairs of LC and 1 TH and SS with calgar)


I have had to start playing down the rest of my army's elite, fast attack and hvy support to create a close game

once again though not trying to sound rude because I know this does sound a little like bragging but I assure you its not

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Special characters are becoming more and more prevalent in the game these days. We're close to what it was like in 2nd edition where every single list had a special character. It's not something I'm terribly happy about, but its a fact we'll have to deal with, as will your opponents.


Your opponent needs to be canny in what he does to counter your uber units. Sometimes, and some people struggle with this, the best tactic is to ignore them. Or at the very least avoid them. Some people see an uber unit and are so intimidated by it that they will throw masses of resource into killing it, despite the fact that they may not actually have done him that much harm if he'd stayed away. This is especially true on objective based games.


As for your Vanguard and Chaplain, they may be nasty on the charge, but they die as easily as any other marine when it comes to shooting. No unit is un-killable and no unit is all powerful.

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to support what cardan said, if i'm not playing my Crimson fisted Sternguard Piggy piggy rhino list: then i always if i can take my 2 Plasma cannon armed dreadnaughts. depending on the point cap, i'll upgrade one to a Ven Dread and and we'll burn all and every MEQ dual wielding Assault units within 36inches.


as for playing for fun, run them as regular assault marines. get the Power sword/meltabomb combo, for your sGt. and super kit your Chaplin...as much as you can, uh Meltabombs and digtial weapons i guess... you already have a jump pack and a power fist. And have fun with the escapaids(sp) of this tuned down unit. <<IMHO^^^^

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