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Rusty Marine

Captain Mike

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As an accompaniment (is that how you spell it?) to my Adeptus Mikalikus, I'm going to be doing some marines, complete with the Mikalikus symol. Although this guy is just a generic marine, I will be converting others to be more 'Mikalikan', i.e robotically insane.With some luck, I'm hoping to do some more 'steampunk-esque' back packs. But time will tell.


Note, the triangle is the sign of the Adeptus Mikalikus.







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What you have accomplished more looks like that marine is operating in awfully dusty conditions. Maybe a red dust or sulfur mine enviornment and simply needs a bath. You still havent highlighted the eyes and edges and looks like a few parts still need excess plastic trimmed off. Also what is 'Mikalikus'. HEard of Mechanicus... But didnt think they ever wore space marine armor cuz they didnt have carapace implants. They have artificer armor... but only for tech marines, right? Edited for spelling.
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Ah, sorry. Mikalikus is my own little version OF the mechanicus, mostly an outlet for my creative insanity. And about the plastic mould lines, I know and I am suitably ashamed. Eyes are highlighted (Hawk Turquiose, ice blue, skull white). I guess it doesn't show in the picture.


As for the rust, that I must thank you on. I'm happy with the outcome, but must agree it looks dusty not rusty. The 'rust' application I tired to do had a shortfall: GW doesn't supply one of the paints anymore. It was meant to be Vermin brown, Blazing orange, fiery orange. Gw discontinued fiery orange, so i used golden yellow (fool of a took!) the outcome was much more sulfer dust than iron oxide. Does anyone know how to make up an effective fiery orange?


The Mikalikus fluff is sketchy at best, and for once I'm not that interested in it. I'm just sorta making stuff up as I go along, such as marines with an AdMech relation. Anything with 'Mikalikus' on it is probably not gonig to be fluff rigid. I got a little thread going in the AdMech subforum, in case you wanted to check it out.

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