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Two Wolf Battlebrothers


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My two first completed space wolf battle brothers..

Any and all comments and criticism is most welcome













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Those are freaking awesome! Love the dark look and battle gore look. Font forget to add a little mud to their boots, mb some blood too! Awesome! I'd love to have a whole army painted that well, just fantastic job. Love the gem on the belt and the lighting you did accentuates the face of the the other. Amazing. Well done, sir.


Edit: Oh, and I think a bit of brown on the wolf pelts would help them stand out from the grey armor a little. Other than that, they rock. Keep it up.

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Yes they are supposed to be battle-worn and darker than GW's crappy baby-blue color scheme.. :tu:

mud on the boots would look odd considering that the whole army will be deep snow-themed (some models will be wading through snow going as far up as to their knees).


The pelt on him is supposed to be that grey-white (but it has some browner tones, these pics don't show it that great though) because the wolf is supposed to have been a winter pelted one. I will have brown, brown-grey, grey and black maned wolf pelts as well :P

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i have to say that i think these models are very beautiful. I would really love to see a whole sqaud of these guys painted up tho this standard :P WOuld be even nicer seeing a whole army !!!! but that might just be wishful thinking :P



Also i was wondering, how did you manage to do the blood effects? It looks really really good :)


Keep up the good work!!!

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Alrighty, managed to get two more done :huh:

















@ whitebeardixon:

I have an armor tutorial done on my minis blog: http://minisfromvalhall.blogspot.com (note that the original idea and some steps are taken from another fellow B&C Wolf player who had a WIP/Hall Of Heroes 13th company thread on here, but I have tweaked it and made it my own, I did have the vision of trying to make my wolves look as dark and menacing as the ones on the cover of the current Wolf Codex).


@ FallenAngels123:

Oh you will see a whole squad painted up (now have pretty much 5 out of 10 finished) and will be entering these guys into the golden bolter so you'll see the rest pretty soon :P

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