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Word Bearers Lord/Terminators


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Hey guys,


So after a long time of not being in the hobby I've decided to make a comeback. My chosen method: repaint my DIY Chaos Marines as Word Bearers, and add all the stuff I never got to when I left. So I've gathered all my minis and they now have at least a red basecoat. But in the spirit of having something finished at all I decided to break from mass producing a near-2000 point army to work solely on my Terminator Lord and his retinue, pictured below. While the lord is entirely unique in the scheme I used for him, the other terminators represent what the rest of the army will look like. Enjoy, and feel free to comment/critique and these pics as much as you want. I'm hoping to sell this army to help fund a mission trip, so they have to look perfect. Thanks!



Dark Apostle


Lord Khalaek





The Retinue



Champion (Name TBD)



















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Why is your Dark Apostle white? Is that some part of your background story?


I painted the DA's armor to resemble white marble. There was originally some background behind the decision, but I've since forgotten exactly what that was :). I decided to leave the armor the way I originally had it because it would make him stand out more on the tabletop and he took me forever to paint, and I painted him using the same techniques that I used on the terminators. Basically I couldn't justify repainting him in more appropriate colors, so I didn't. Lazy art majors, UNITE! :)


also, thanks for the comments/critiques of the script. I chose WB specifically so I could do scriptwork. But I do agree, it could be better...

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