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Space Hulk Terminators


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Thank you Vel'cona. The original pictures are not the best of quality, I was still getting used to a new camera. I've since worked out all the functions and what I need to look at to make the most out of my models. As well as looking at some very good how posts on here and ATT about set up and digital clean up.


Allot of the techniques used on all of these models where new to me. I had decided to go trial by fire rather than practice is because of some advice I received when I was younger. I remember one art teacher telling me that if I started to draw with a pen I couldn't undo my mistakes, making me more careful and purposeful with my marks/lines. At the time this made no sense to me at all, until I'd spent some time putting it to practice. I've since taken this philosophy and put into my painting. I know I have a long way to go before I could say I've “mastered” anything, I also don't think I'll ever find a limit to the hobby side of 40k.


I'm also glad that people in communities like this are so supportive of peoples work as it's fuels the drive to better ones abilities and keep going even when you've hit a wall (we've all had painter block).

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I'm now the proud owner of a fully painted space hulk.


Here is a group shot of the whole set.





I very much like the high contrast colours on the genestealers. The colour scheme was my interpretation of my best friends swarm, with some minor alterations of coarse.


I hope you enjoy looking at them and let me know what you think.

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Much better pic this time! Now I can really see the detail work on the Termies, and though it's off-topic for B&C I will give a thumbs up to the 'Stealers as well. Would that I had the gumption to actually paint all my SH stuff! ;)
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  • 2 years later...
When I saw that space hulk was coming out I got all excited about the possibility of the new Blood Angels codex being soon! This made me want space hulk more than ever, I looked at my wallet and found it lacking. I tried to convince my self the model quality was going to be rubbish anyway.


I tired to put it out of my mind and went in to my local store (the week before release) and saw all the model spread out over a table with every customer huddled around it. After hearing the hushed awe I had to look, to my horror the quality of everything, even down to the markers meant this was a must have buy.


I got home that day and asked my wife to get me a copy for our anniversary and made sure she new it had to be bought soon, as they would sell out fast! (at least they did in the UK)


I've finally gotten around to painting up my space hulk models (well some of them). My Blood Angel army has fallen out of favour over the years with not having a hard copy of the rules and Tau being my new love. This project has made me remember why I chose Blood Angels for my very first army.


I've batch painted all 12 models in terminator armour (including the man in the chair), but have tried to get them all to a high standard to reflect the brilliance of detail in their mouldings. I know I'd have done them more justice if I'd gone at them one at a time..... But I'm just not that patient.










And finally a quick work in progress.




I hope you enjoyed them and please fell free to comment.


These are awesome. Now make a wet palette :P

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Well after looking at the models again and these old Photo's I saw that they've done the models no justice at all (except the libby one) and set about taking some new Pictures.


I've learnt a few things in the process;


I still can't take a good photo with this digital camera and in pictures it really looks like I don't highlight my reds!


I know my models in general could do with a bit more contrast, but these do have quite a bit more than my standard troopers!


I still have a lot of room for improvement and I've settled into a funk lately and I'm rushing my current projects just the try and clear my backlog!!


I must regain focus and start to give each model more time and stop cutting corners or I'll never improve my skill level!!!


Here are the newer pics I took, I hope you enjoy and any advice people can give me about photography would be appreciated.





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