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Devs/Havocs still useful?


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This isn't applicable for Chaos players, but for loyalists I think the best devastator squad is actually Sternguard :)


5 Devestators with 2 plasma cannons in a rhino comes out at 175 points.

5 Sternguard with 2 plasma cannons in a rhino comes out at 180 points.


Both can sit on an objective while shooting from the rhino. Pedro makes the latter unit scoring, and with their special ammunition plus a few combi-meltas they can take on pretty much anything.


Blech. If I'm going to buy Devvies with one of my Heavy Support slots, I'm sure as heck not taking only five of them. 8+ or go home, IMO. I'm also going to be taking as many heavy weapons as I can, to maximize the firepower of that slot. Otherwise, I might as well go with a Land Raider or a Predator, or even a Thunderfire Cannon.

Don't half-step your Devastators. They'll hate you for it.

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This isn't applicable for Chaos players, but for loyalists I think the best devastator squad is actually Sternguard :P


5 Devestators with 2 plasma cannons in a rhino comes out at 175 points.

5 Sternguard with 2 plasma cannons in a rhino comes out at 180 points.


Both can sit on an objective while shooting from the rhino. Pedro makes the latter unit scoring, and with their special ammunition plus a few combi-meltas they can take on pretty much anything.



Or 6 Devestators with 3 missle launchers for about the same price...

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Does anyone use a 4x Heavy Bolter squad? It seems nice on paper until you realize that you can't hurt AV12 and most horde units will have some kind of cover save to protect them. Add in the 36" range vs 48" for the Missile Launcher's frags and I wonder where its most useful.
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Does anyone use a 4x Heavy Bolter squad? It seems nice on paper until you realize that you can't hurt AV12 and most horde units will have some kind of cover save to protect them. Add in the 36" range vs 48" for the Missile Launcher's frags and I wonder where its most useful.

I've used them before to great effect. Though I have to add that you need to get them up high with a dominating view and an open killing field to look out over. This needs to be thought of as you deploy terrain, but is worth it as they can tear up any marching infantry.

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I've heard alot of people mention how bad Dawn of War deployment is, but is it really that much of a disadvantage?

You can't deploy, so that's one turn of shooting, and you can't claim any high ground (must enter at ground level etc), limiting your field of fire.


Exceptions could be made for Special Weapon Havocs, but by and large yes, DoW sucks.

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I've heard alot of people mention how bad Dawn of War deployment is, but is it really that much of a disadvantage?


It really depends on the table setup, and what the opposing force is. If your Marines can reach a good firing position with their initial arrival movement (6" from table edge, plus d6" Run move), it's not crippling. However, if it's a crowded board, terrain-wise, you might be wasting 2-3 turns moving to a useful spot, and your heavy weapons have been effectively neutralized.


If your opponent runs a slower-moving force, DoW setup won't cut the legs out from under your Devs. Since they're still far out of range, you can afford the extra turn or two spent moving to a good firing position. But if you're facing an army that makes use of speed and/or cover, the time spent moving your Devsa round the board hurts you. It's always a matter of timing with Dawn of War.


The DoW imposition of Night Fighting really doesn't affect your Devs much. You're moving onto the board in the first turn, so the nullification of firing range won't bother you, since you can't shoot that turn anyways!

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Devastators are my unit of coice and i cry that they can not score (just my little dream...) 4xML squad (7-8 bodies if you ask) did wonders for me. You need light-med tanks destroyed? No problem. You need to take out Death Company? No problem. You need to deal with horde? No problem. Cheap and effective.


And I don't like HB. 3 shots is not something of wonder.

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I don't play Space Wolves, so there are just Devastators in my Codex. And the other option for some firebase heavy support comes in the form of the Predator, of which I can spam 3 for a relatively low cost.


Needless to say, I only buy Devastator boxes for the heavy weapons :P

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