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About time I started a thread for my completed squad, maybe it'll get my butt in gear to finish some more!


Tactical Squad Cuth, split into demi-squad Cuth:




and demi-squad Danst:




"What are you waiting for? For The Emperor to arise from the Throne and smite them all? Hurry up and do it yourselves, you lazy @#!*!" Sgt Eomer Cuth - 2nd squad / 4th Company of the Reapers Chapter, assigned to 39th Hunter-Fleet under the command of Captain Bryn Morr


Hopefully Scout Squad Banes will follow shortly, then Squad Cuths Razorback and Captain Morr himself!

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I gave these guys a base coat of Chaos Black, then Mechrite Red. A watered down layer or two of Blood Red over that (even coverage without it getting too bright), then about 3 layers of Baal Red wash to set the final tone and do some shading. Finished off with Badab Black wash into the deepest recesses. Looks a little bright at first, but the Purity Seal dulls the red down a bit.


Just realised from those pictures, I have to take a new group shot now that I've drilled out the barrels!


Cheers for the comments so far!

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New 'finished' shots now that I've drilled out the barrels and retouched the paint on them:


Demi-squad Cuth:



Demi-squad Danst:



And hopefully willhave my sniper scouts finished in the next couple of days...

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Ah yes, I'm moving onto my Captain shortly, get my Scouts out of the way and then it's a toss-up between him and the Razorback.


All depends when i get a chance to get hold of the Emperors Champion so I can use that tasty looking sword... (then again, I just saw the sword on the WFB Mannfred Von Carstein model, I think it would make a superb Relic Blade...)

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Squad Barnes is complete!




Close-up of Sgt Barnes and a couple of his guys:








Note the muted red tone on their armour. Barnes' lads dull their armour and remove Chapter Insignia for any covert insertion.

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Cheers pattison, I do like adding little bits and pieces on my rank and file guys, save any bigger work for my characters (such as the Relic Blade I have planned for my Captain).


Bugger, just noticed, I painted the metal 'slats' on the inside of the Sgt's left gauntlet with boltgun metal, but completely forgot to do the same on his right gauntlet!!! Time for a quick retouch...

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  • 5 months later...

First post in here for a while - the Razorback is finally finished! Only started it in January, how's that for procrastination?








Tried quite a few times to freehand the name on the front, but it just seems to be something I can't do well at all. I plan to revisit this vehicle when I get hold of some more paints, to drybrush some mud along the track housing and maybe add some damage on the edges, but for now it's done.


So my force so far:




Got my Captain to finish off and that's my 500 point force done. I think after him, I'll start on my Land Speeder...

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Thanks war009, feels better to finally get something finished again! I considered the ink pen thing. Thing is, my handwriting is pretty much illegible. Besides, it kind of sticks with the no-nonsense, no frills attitude of the Chapter.


Sgt Cuth - "What the bloody hell is that scrawl on the front of my vehicle? You, Serf! Give me answers!"


Serf - "My Lord, all vehicles in the service of the Imperium, particularly those of the Adeptus Astartes, must be appropriately named in the correct manner lest we offend the machine spirit."


Sgt Cuth - "Mynocks to that, if I try to grind a bunch of greenskins to paste in that thing I'll never live the laughter down. Looks like a bunch of pointy-eared fairies got to it with a marker pen. You're lucky, if Invigilus here caught sight of itself your precious machine spirit would go doo-lally. And the bugger's got assault cannons on top. Lose it fast, and get me a spray can and a stencil... Chop-chop now, or I'll have you mindwiped back to a monkey."

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Thanks Quarian, I've long since realised that I simply can't handle stuff like highlighting and freehand, but I'm happy so long as the end product is just that - crisp and clean.


My painting used to be pretty scrappy, things like overlapping colours when you looked closely, I'm glad that the extra time and care I'm taking these days seems to paying off.

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  • 10 months later...

It's downright shocking that it's been nearly a year since I actually finished something? What the hell? Need to get my finger out here...


Hopefully this is a good start. Captain Bryn Morr, my first HQ!










I'm hoping that there's some technical improvement and greater attention to detail here compared to my first Troops units, not only because I want him to stand out, but because I plan to improve my painting with each successive unit I add to this army.

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The troops look great, the conversion I have some suggestions for:


1. Work on your skulls and wings. I would suggest a brown base, with a bleached bone highlight, followed by a bleached bone/skull white 1:1 mix, then a straight up skull white highlight. Simple, but it will help them get the depth I think you are looking for.


2. Use that same technique for your parchment, then grab a micron pen or a small brush and thinned down black paint, and do some squiggly lines. It will help with your small details.


3. Make the studs on the armor stand out, grab some tin bitz and dwarf bronze. Tin bitz first, wash with ogryn flesh or badab black, then a quick dab with dwarf bronze.


4. Get rid of the blue. Seems to be a little out of place, if you want it there, cool. I like bright, flashy colors. But make it personal heraldry. Split the wrist shield in half. Do Lightning blue, solid, highlighted with space wolf grey. Then do white with a sword a-la grey knights. Something little to stand him out, but either way, smooth out the blue.


5. Your green and red look great!


6. With the eyes, start really dark, highlight a little bit of the front/bottom, then a small white dot on the remaining dark parts. Use that same technique on painting the gems.


7. Clean up your edges and joints and boots. Where it should be all black I can see some red, and on the metal I see a bit of red as well. Just get a small brush and touch them up. For highlights on the joints do a codex grey/chaos black 1:1 mix (or astronomicon grey if you don't like mixing) and be very careful when highlighting the edges.



I hope that helps. I am picking little things that will help improve the model overall. I think it looks great and you should be happy on how all of these have turned out! They look great!

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Appreciate the advice Siege40k, but everything here is as intended for several reasons. Mainly my limited palette, I only have a dozen paints and no spare cash to expand that any time soon.


The blue on the shields is intentionally uneven, they are meant to count-as a Storm Shield and I tried a stippled effect with Codex Grey going through Enchanted Blue to Skull White. I had considered doing a more defined lightning-effect, but the limited spacecombined with my lack of skill made it look awful, so I chose a more static effect, as if the shield is constantly rippling with an energy field.


The eyes and gems are down to my limited palette again, just a blob of Scorpion Green, a tiny dot of white at the top and a crescent of Badab Black Wash in the lower left. It's something I've only just started doing, but it's getting better. Same for the eyes, same method just needs more practice I think...


As for the general neatness, I think my main problem there is that I'm working on the living room floor under a 60 watt bulb. At some point I need to get a decent angle-poise lamp to work under, but until then it's a case of eye-strain and little mistakes creeping through!

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