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Must defeat the red scorpions plz help


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Gday brothers, i am looking for tips on how to defeat my friends red scorpion army he keep destroying me far 2 often lol


his army relies heavily on large armour, multiple landraiders, predators, n razorback, aswell as dropoding dreadnaughts, a insanly strong honour guard unit, terminator squads and a large command squard, with chaplain, standard bearer and led by carrab cullan or sometimes lysander n a chaptor master.


ive been trying my best but i keep finding myself purly overwelmed, if any 1 has ideas or tips on how to fight him off that would be great, i need a win lol


Fight the good fight brothers

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I myself hav a rather well balanced army tbh fast attack probably best describing it maybe


strong assault squad led be kayvaan shrike, 4 land speeder, rhino 2 razorbacks many, my dev squard is quite large with most weapon varients, 3 dreadnaughts n 2 dropods, i hav 1s of most things tbh, every heavy support choice but only 1 of each, do percese 2 terminator squards myself, 4 tactical squads, redemmer, scout bikers, ive branched in every direction tbh

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What points limit are you using? For the units you've described him as having I'd imagine a large points limit. Either that he's fielding two bare bones Scout squads.


EDIT: perhaps it would be easier if you gave us the army lists that you're using rather than describing the units you have, will make it easier for everyone.

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kayvaan shrike

space marine caplain with jump pack




Terminator assult squad: 4 thunder hammers n storm sheilds 1 lightning claws pair, land raider crusader with brother sagent chronus


ironclad dreadnaught: hurricane bolter, chainfist n 2 hunter killers with dropod




tactical squads: 10 man 7 bolters, flamer, n heavy bolter, sargent: power weapon n chain sword

transport: droppod


tactical squad: 10 man 7 bolters plasma gun n missile launcher: sergent: bolt pistol n plasma pistol

transport: rhino


scout squad: 10 man 9 shotguns, sergent: bolt pistol n power fist


scout squad: 10 man 8 snipers, 1 missile launcer, sergent: bolt pistol n combat blade


Fast Attack


Assault squad: 10 man 7 bolt pistols n chainswords, flamer n plasma pistol, sergent: boltpistol, combat sheild n power sword


2 land speeder squardrons: 3 heavy bolters, 1 multi melta, 2 heavy flamers n 2 assault cannons


Heavy support


Predator: twin lascannon n heavy bolter sponsons


Thunderfire cannon with techmarine



This is my current army lists jus under 3000 pts

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You might try switching out the weapon options on your Landspeeders- drop the assault cannons, take more multimeltas- thatll help with your antitank.


Drop the Heavy Bolter from that tactical squad- get a lascannon or a Missile Launcher- the ML is about as good for anti-infantry, and both are much much better at killing tanks.


Your LRC for the terminators has a Multimelta right? If not- get one.


Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


Basicly though, your entire list has alot of extra toys eating up points that dont really add to the effectiveness of your army as a whole.

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You might try switching out the weapon options on your Landspeeders- drop the assault cannons, take more multimeltas- thatll help with your antitank.


Drop the Heavy Bolter from that tactical squad- get a lascannon or a Missile Launcher- the ML is about as good for anti-infantry, and both are much much better at killing tanks.


Your LRC for the terminators has a Multimelta right? If not- get one.


Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


Basicly though, your entire list has alot of extra toys eating up points that dont really add to the effectiveness of your army as a whole.


raider has got the melta yes, ill get the heavy weapons switched, the ironclads chainfist has been sucessful in the past but if the bolter must go then so be it, sadly i lack any weapon changes for the speeders but will see 2 the problen, if something is out of place in the list the extra toys as stated plz say so i can address the problem.


this has been great help brother an i applaud your kindness thank you

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Im not too fussed with the spelling i understand everyhting ok.

There are some strange cjoices ill highlight, there are no worng or right answers with list building but these dont quite sit right with me.


kayvaan shrike

space marine caplain with jump pack

Assault squad: 10 man 7 bolt pistols n chainswords, flamer n plasma pistol, sergent: boltpistol, combat sheild n power sword

A good hard solid unit, capable of a first turn charge and severe carnage, im a little put off by mixing weapons, its usually better to run with 2 flamers or 2 plasmas..

If you want to take on marines id suggest throwing another plasma out there.

another thing as you have a chappy and shrike you dont really need the Pw on the assault sergeant.. if you add a fist in your more able to deal with the high T opponents and the odd vehicle if necessary.

I would also drop the combat shield, a 6+inv is not worth much, but i definately wouldnt be putting saves on the sergeant, thats why you have 7 unmodified marines.. instant bodybags :devil:



Terminator assult squad: 4 thunder hammers n storm sheilds 1 lightning claws pair, land raider crusader with brother sagent chronus

i figure the single claws are to get Pw hits at intiative, tbh youd want 2 or 3 with claws as enemy attacks at initiative can ruin your day.

this is just personal preference though as i know guys who run all TH/SS with success.


ironclad dreadnaught: hurricane bolter, chainfist n 2 hunter killers with dropod

If armour is your concer id be sticking with the normal ironclad with the meltagun, combined with the HK's can be an awesome anti mech first turn surprise.


sargent: power weapon n chain sword


sergent: bolt pistol n plasma pistol

Not sure if this is a typo, but its a little weird, id switch the wargear and give the chainsord to the plasm guy and the bolt pistol to the PW guy


scout squad: 10 man 9 shotguns, sergent: bolt pistol n power fist

im a little unsure of running all shotgun squads, sure they are good for massed fire but lose thier hitting power exponentially when in cc,, a good mix works well 50/50 shotties to ccw gives you the best of both worlds.


scout squad: 10 man 8 snipers, 1 missile launcer, sergent: bolt pistol n combat blade

Id be giving the sergeant a sniper rifle too as its free and hes BS4


hope this helps

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Well for instance the combat shield in your assault squad seargent- has it helped you at all? Why a Powerweapon instead of a Powerfist?


Why a flamer and plasmapistol on them? Wouldnt 2 of one help you out more against your prefered targets?


Why do your tactical seargents have doubled up weapons like that? It should probly be PW+Bolt Pistol and Plasma Pistol+ CCW.


Why is your Sniper Seargent kitted out for CC? When his BS 4 sniper shot might be more useful......


Why so many shotguns on your scouts? Such a large squad cant have a transport, so why not give them bolters? If you want CC, why not give them BP+CCW?


Have you found the chaplain+Shrike to be helpful? Do you need them both in that assault squad?

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Im not too fussed with the spelling i understand everyhting ok.

There are some strange cjoices ill highlight, there are no worng or right answers with list building but these dont quite sit right with me.


kayvaan shrike

space marine caplain with jump pack

Assault squad: 10 man 7 bolt pistols n chainswords, flamer n plasma pistol, sergent: boltpistol, combat sheild n power sword

A good hard solid unit, capable of a first turn charge and severe carnage, im a little put off by mixing weapons, its usually better to run with 2 flamers or 2 plasmas..

If you want to take on marines id suggest throwing another plasma out there.

another thing as you have a chappy and shrike you dont really need the Pw on the assault sergeant.. if you add a fist in your more able to deal with the high T opponents and the odd vehicle if necessary.

I would also drop the combat shield, a 6+inv is not worth much, but i definately wouldnt be putting saves on the sergeant, thats why you have 7 unmodified marines.. instant bodybags :devil:



Terminator assult squad: 4 thunder hammers n storm sheilds 1 lightning claws pair, land raider crusader with brother sagent chronus

i figure the single claws are to get Pw hits at intiative, tbh youd want 2 or 3 with claws as enemy attacks at initiative can ruin your day.

this is just personal preference though as i know guys who run all TH/SS with success.


ironclad dreadnaught: hurricane bolter, chainfist n 2 hunter killers with dropod

If armour is your concer id be sticking with the normal ironclad with the meltagun, combined with the HK's can be an awesome anti mech first turn surprise.


sargent: power weapon n chain sword


sergent: bolt pistol n plasma pistol

Not sure if this is a typo, but its a little weird, id switch the wargear and give the chainsord to the plasm guy and the bolt pistol to the PW guy


scout squad: 10 man 9 shotguns, sergent: bolt pistol n power fist

im a little unsure of running all shotgun squads, sure they are good for massed fire but lose thier hitting power exponentially when in cc,, a good mix works well 50/50 shotties to ccw gives you the best of both worlds.


scout squad: 10 man 8 snipers, 1 missile launcer, sergent: bolt pistol n combat blade

Id be giving the sergeant a sniper rifle too as its free and hes BS4


hope this helps


this has helped greatly brother and i am taking my notes, only thing i can say is the scout sergent did have a rifle but sadly it broke an couldnt get a replacment to fit, youve touched some fine points lo brother an i thank you

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i do have another army list more dedicated to sitting back with more heavy support units: vindicator, devastors etc would this maybe be better than the fast attack approach


to be honest its not one or the other that wins games.. its the holy trinity.


good list

good tactics

good luck


Gunlines are useful against some armies but worse off against others, marines are the jack of all trades and IMO work best as all rounder armies

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Just had a look at your army list Fast-Kangeroo and there's not much more I can say on it that Grey Mage and GC08 haven't commented on already.


However, general rules of thumb for special weapons choices is to try and get a power fist on each of your Tactical Squads, helps against infantry, MCs and tanks, very handy weapons. I'd put one on your Assault Squad too.


Like has already been said before have 2 of the same special in your Assault Squad.


I'd have a heavy bolter instead of the missile launcher in your Scout squad. Your sniper rifles are anti-infantry, so it's infantry that they should be shooting at, not tanks. One krak missile at BS3 isn't going to do much damage to a tank, and the hellfire heavy bolter will outperform the frag missile everytime. Plus, get a sniper rifle onto the Sergeant.


I wouldn't run assault cannons in a Land Speeder Squadron, too many points for what they do, and what they do is get your Speeder shot down fast! Try to stick to the two better combinations, multi-melta/heavy flamer, use the melta for taking out tanks or the heavy flamer for infantry, close range, likely to be shot down but should be a pain in your opponents backside. Or my preferred Speeder, the Typhoon, with Typhoon missile launcher and heavy bolter. Hang back and shoot MEQ, MCs, light tanks with the missile launchers or target infantry with frag missiles and heavy bolter shots. Longer range means your opponent will have to focus dedicated anti-tank weapons on it (like krak missiles and lascannons).


Also, if you are have problems with anti-tank then I'd have a look at your Pred. I'm not a big fan of Preds, too static, but the combi-pred (autocannon and 2 lascannons is a very good choice, and cheap too. Although it won't take down big armour like AV14 and AV13, it shines against AV10-12, with 4 shots that should punch through the armour. Plus those 4 shots can be used against MEQ infantry when you run out of tanks. If you having problems with tanks, consider that, consider putting another one in, or try to get more meltas into your list. Like Grey Mage has said keep your Ironclad plain and simple, that melta can be very good for busting tanks, and although I hate saying it, consider Sternguard in a Drop Pod with combi-meltas. Multi-melta attack bikes are also a very good way of dealing with anti-tank.


Hope this has helped, good luck.

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Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


An Ironclad with chainfist only has 2 attacks regardless of other equipment, so the hurricane bolter is superior.

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Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


An Ironclad with chainfist only has 2 attacks regardless of other equipment, so the hurricane bolter is superior.

Negatory- the IC Dreadnaught receives an additional attack for his DCCW.

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Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


An Ironclad with chainfist only has 2 attacks regardless of other equipment, so the hurricane bolter is superior.


Chainfists don't get a dual-wield bonus unless the second weapon is also a chainfist.

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