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Must defeat the red scorpions plz help


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Lastly, I dont think its a good idea to have a hurricane bolter on an IC Dreadnaught- you lose an attack in CC, a Meltagun shot, and you dont get a whole lot in return. Though the model does look kinda cool.


An Ironclad with chainfist only has 2 attacks regardless of other equipment, so the hurricane bolter is superior.


Chainfists don't get a dual-wield bonus unless the second weapon is also a chainfist.

Walkers always get +1 attack for each additional weapon after the first, chainfist or not. BRB pg 73, insert under "Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapons" 3rd paragraph.


You could of course also check the back area of C:SM, pgs. 137 and 144, where in both instances it lists an Ironclad as having A 2(3). Even without pg. 73 of the core book, Codex> BRB.


Ironclads get three attacks.

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False, a chainfist is not a DCCW. Ironclads with chainfists strike last and get 2 attacks by strict RAW.

It doesnt have to be a DCCW, it just has to be a weapon mounted on a walker.


Look yourself, any close combat weapon works in this instance.


Edit: Though you are correct, when using the chainfist its still at I 1.

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By my reading, this does not overrule the earlier "only a second power fist, thunder hammer, or lightning claw can confer a bonus attack to a model equipped with one of these weapons," as the later section refers specifically to Dreadnought close combat weapons.
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By my reading, this does not overrule the earlier "only a second power fist, thunder hammer, or lightning claw can confer a bonus attack to a model equipped with one of these weapons," as the later section refers specifically to Dreadnought close combat weapons.

It specificly refers to Close Combat Weapons in the paragraph I refer to, not DCCWs.

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Brother captain Alecto, what was that about?


I will also vouch for lots typhoon speeders with heavy bolters. Move 12" and fire frag and heavy bolter at infantry hordes (say nids for example) is great. Move 6" and fire the Krak and heavy bolter at light tanks and MC's (nids again spring to mind) is very nice.

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