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LasCannon Pred. vs. 3 MM Attack Bikes


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I am curious what others think when comparing LasCannon Predators to Multi-Melta attack bikes? I have a predator model but no bikes yet so that makes my choice of which model to include in my list very easy. Someday I may get some bike models but until then I want to hear what experience others have had with MM attack bikes.


I am attracted to LasCan. Preds because they have 48" range and can hit nearly any target on the board right from the start. The 13 front AV is nice too but they lack good mobility and lose a considerable amount of firepower when they move and shoot. I also seem to lose my preds to shots against their side armor a lot, so the AV 13 front doesn't seem to factor in as often as I would like.


While the MM attack bike has only 24" range, its 12" movement helps keep most targets in range all game long and the melta effect can bring down all AV more easily than a LasCannon. When combined with Vulkan, I imagine that the MM attack bike is one of the best tank busting gun platforms in the game. I am concerned, however; that toughness 5 on the bikes makes them a touch weaker than even AV 11. Granted they have 2 wounds each but I am still leery about their survivability.


Since I have seen several players with 3 MM attack bikes in their lists posting here, I would like to hear what experience other players have had with MM attack bikes in either their own list or their opponent's.


Thanks for any and all feedback.



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You've nailed some of the main differences there.


Key things would be:


-Attack bikes can be take out by small arms fire. Tanks can't unless they get some VERY lucky rear armour shots or you're facing Necrons.

-Attack bikes can get a 3+ invulnerable save when they turbo boost. They can't fire on that turn however, so be careful when it's used.

-Bikes, even with their 2 wounds and toughness 5 can still be insta-killed by toughness 8 weapons


I wouldn't put them in competition with each other personally. I see them as having two different roles. Admittedly, you don't always have the points to include both, so often a choice will need to be made, but I'd strongly consider what you want them to do. If you're after some serious heavy armour busting (AV 13 & 14) then the Meltas will be your friend. That 2d6 armour penetration is superb. However, if you're focussing on light to medium armour (AV 10, 11 & 12) then I'd go with the lascanons. The lower armour is generally to be found on transports. The extra range will help you here as you want to take out his transports as soon as possible, thus leaving him stranded. Three lascanon blasts, with one of them being twin linked, should make mincemeat of anything with less than AV13, and even they will be panicking.


Also, unless you're making an all comers list, consider your opponent. Against Eldar and Necrons the bikes will be wasted. The short range of the meltas can make it hard to get Eldar vehicles in range, especially if their commander is clever. However, you can't outrun a 48" lascanon blast. Also, Meltas aren't all that great against Necrons as they only have one unit with an armour value and that negates the extra d6. Where the bikes will aid you here is that there isn't much str 8 weaponry in a Necron force, so insta-kills will be rarer. Also, the tank will be more at risk from the glancing Gauss weapons.


Another thought is what the rest of your force is doing. Do you have all of your fast attack slots filled? If not, you can take the bikes as separate units meaning you have more choice over target selection.

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I prefer the Attack bikes.

You can hide them easier and they can charge in if they need to.

Each biker is 100% effective til dead, the pred can sit around doing nothing at times which ofsets the more 'durable' nature.

Also wide side armor is a problem as well, not only the rear armor.


Note: it's important to note the Bikers can turbo for a cover save and not an inv save. Two very different things.


Anyway, these are just my personal tastes between the two.

The preds have a great place in a list. They are more of a transport cracker while the MMABs are like an 'all-comer' anti-tank, but you have to be willing to sacrifice them due to range and set up time, whereas the Pred is immobile but contributes 100% from the first turn.

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Thank you both for the quick responses. I found both posts to be helpful and thought provoking. I now feel better about when and why I would want to field Attack bikes. I'm glad I asked.


Thanks Again,



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True... 66% :) :P

I don't like Preds personally, but they the AC/LC is prob. the most cost efficient Hvy to take down other Transports and is still relatively durable.


I play an all biker army, so that skews my preference for attack bikes...but since these two are in 2 FoCs, there is a great likely hood both will be included in the list.

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It depends on the rest of your list, but attack bikes are generally better simply because they can do pretty much everything, including surviving, better.


Also, if you're going to use you predator for anti-tank, I suggest you give him lascannon sponsors and autocannon turret. This sort of predator is very effective against transports and the like, and is a lot more cost-effective then the triple-lascannon pred.

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Note: it's important to note the Bikers can turbo for a cover save and not an inv save. Two very different things.


They get an invulnerable save during the opponents shoot phase, not a cover save.


OT, depends whever you want a static anti-tank, as preds have to be still to be effective and thus vulnerable to being charged with meltabombs or kraks. Bikes can move 12" and still shoot, so are a bit more flexible and can at least fight back in combat ;)

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Note: it's important to note the Bikers can turbo for a cover save and not an inv save. Two very different things.


They get an invulnerable save during the opponents shoot phase, not a cover save.


It's a cover save.

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Note: it's important to note the Bikers can turbo for a cover save and not an inv save. Two very different things.


They get an invulnerable save during the opponents shoot phase, not a cover save.


OT, depends whever you want a static anti-tank, as preds have to be still to be effective and thus vulnerable to being charged with meltabombs or kraks. Bikes can move 12" and still shoot, so are a bit more flexible and can at least fight back in combat :)



4th Edition it was an Invulnerable Save; 5th Edition changed it to a Cover Save.



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Don't forget Attack bikes have a 36inch firing range technicalyl due to moving 12inches then firing the MM's 24 inches, and they can move and fire to get within 12inches for the duoble pen dice.


I suppose 6 T5 wounds vs Av 13 is the next comparison, yeh they get taken down by small arms, but the enemy cannot forus its large guns at them if there are other threats, and they are only 120 points for 3 which can be hidden and more mobile than the tank.

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