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everything but the kitchen sink

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well not really but quite a bit of stuff.

thousand sons which i inherited from a friend, a bunch of khorne berzerkers and stuff i found in my bits box, my sons of phalanx which have increased and with my pretty camera i should be able to give good updates.

perhaps some other stuff. im not sure but i have alot of stuff.

i'll probably have a warseer log going with stuff this forum dont like, orks etc.

i'll post some pics within like the next 6 hours or so.

but in a couple weeks my progress will decrease cause i have tafe.

enjoy my log hopefully my painting and modelling is too terrible.


sorry for lack of photos.

PHOTOBUCKET is being a bitch and i cant upload.

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i finally have pictures!

not very good, since the macro setting on nikon d80 are confusing.

so these are just on manual.


so this is everything thats built and either requires basing or is PIP.




This is the only big thing you will see, i got this off a friend its been like this for like a year or so.




and heres some world eaters im working on, the one with no arms is going to have a heavy bolter.






with new rules is my sergeant still aloud to take khornate weaponry? im in the past, i need to get new codices.

and im aware of the mould lines, they will be fixed before i prime.


i'll probably get another defiler as well, do a standing up one, a really cool TS one.


PS: i know my workspace is wierd...... it was the only place i could find room.

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ahh ok.

well here is some guys im going to do, currently they are just blu-tacked, both conversions from black reach, i'll buy new gs and post them again when they are done.




i know this is a DA storm shield, but i dont have a combat shield, its meant to be a company champion.




should be posting some PIP berzerkers soon, with no mould lines hopefully.

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