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PMT's "Dragonsons" Salamanders Successor Log

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I have this army up on a couple other forums and the people there seem to appreciate it. So I figured of all places to post a marine army log, this would be the place. They are my Salamanders Successor Chapter the "Dragonsons". The plan for them is to get em up to 1850 points (eventually) but for now 100 points is the goal.


Below is a list of the army's components and a completion chart:


  • [_XX]Vulkan
  • [X_X][Master of The Forge
  • [X__]Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta + DCCW /w Heavy Flamer
  • [X__]Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta + DCCW /w Heavy Flamer
  • [X_X]Dreadnought w/ Plasma Cannon + Missle Launcher
  • [XX_]Dreadnought w/ Plasma Cannon + Missle Launcher
  • [XX_]Dreadnought w/ Plasma Cannon + Missle Launcher
  • [XXX]10 Tactical Marines
  • [X_X]10 Tactical Marines
  • [X_X]10 Tactical Marines
  • [XX_]9 Sternguard Veterans with 4 Combi-Flamer + 4 Combi-Melta
  • [X_X]Drop Pod
  • [XX_]Drop Pod
  • [X__]Drop Pod
  • [X__]Drop Pod
  • [X__]Drop Pod


[___] = I don't have it...Yet

[X__] = Bought (Unbuilt)

[_XX] = Partially Built

[XX_] = Built

[X_X] = Partially Painted

[XXX] = Finished


They were originally just a single test mini that I did up while I was helping a friend of mine paint his first model (which turned out AWESOME, even if it did take him 2 days). The scheme is kinda tha same as the "viva metallica" thing that's on here, but I do mine with boltgun, and use hard highlights with mythril silver. Also, in all fairness I should point out that I did this BEFORE I saw the viva metallica guide (unfortunately) and painted and washed most of the army before trying mythril as the initial basecoat. Guess I'll never know now.


BUUUUUUUT, you didn't come here to listen to/read my ramblings. You came for pics, and I shall deliver.



This is everything that's built. There's some more in boxes/bags but that's only 3 drop pods and 2 black reach dreadnoughts and vulkan. Actually you can kinda see him off to the left of this pic. He's unbuilt and waiting to be added to the ranks.



Here's a quick shot to see how the new master of the forge looks when standing next to all the other (painted) models. He needs to have a few things tweaked, and the last couple details (like drilling out the bolter barrel) done before he gets his clear coat.



Another pic, kinda the same. EXTREME CROPPING!!!! If I switch out the lascannon for a plasma cannon (which I have) and add in 5 more marines that's a fully functional painted 500 point army.


Time to add in a few more pics pics of the individual units, just for fun.


Master of The Forge:










Tactical Marines: (These pics were taken before final highlights and details)
















I'm currently working on finishing my master of the forge (final, final details) and his servo harness. After that I have 5 marines that are highlighted, double washed, and ready to move forward to the next phase (guns, flames, joints and anything else that needs to be black, eyes, squad markings, purity seals, and final highlights) bringing me up to a painted 500 points. <3 Painted armies.


I'll have to come up with a 1000 point list to shoot for, but after that this log will take a long break. I've vowed to get all my armies up to a painted and based 1000 points, which sucks because I have 6 of them if you count all the random chaos crap I need to do something with.


  • Necrons
  • Thousand Sons
  • Emperor's Children
  • Salamanders
  • Space Wolves
  • Iron Warriors (Deathwing w/ Grey Knights done in chaos models) <-This is the army that's going to try to soak up all my unused chaos models.


Anyways, that's it for now. Enjoy the pics.


Leave a little C&C if you'd like. Improvement suggestions are always handy.



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Just about got it.


base coat boltgun

wash green (yes, thrakka green)

wash green

Highlight in mythril

wash green

wash green


Try your best to keep the green coats light since your highlights will start to disappear if you get it too thick. The effect is that simple. A tactical marine takes about 30 seconds to 1 minute per step, minus the highlights which take me about 15. then it's adding in the details after. Black shoulders, flames, coloring the guns, and highlighting those.


Even just base coating boltgun and a couple washes make a great start for some rather convincing dark angels.

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So I'm STILL working on my Master of The Forge. It's getting closer though. A few touch-ups here and there, plus a few extra details (glowy backpack thing, flames, plasma pistol) all in all it doesn't look terrible. I did 75% the servo harness last night/this morning, and had to re-paint a few things (a couple times) so things are really starting to get clogged up with paint. I'm just tired of painting it and want to move on to something else.


Here's the progress thus far:














Once he's painted and based I'll move onwards putting the finishing touches on my dreadnought, and paint up one of my 3 FW plasma cannons. Then 5 more tactical marines which are about 50% finished, and that'll bring me up to a painted and based 500 points. At which point I'll be focusing on getting another of my armies up to the same stage. There's a lot of em too so it'll be a while before I get back to the sallies. Enjoy the pics while they last :ph34r:

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I'm sorry, but this thing is freaking awesome on so many levels. Your flames match perfectly with the metallic green and your master of the Forge makes me wanna throw it against a wall it looks so good.


good work and good luck

Wait, wut? I appreciate the words of praise, but from this point on I think you should stay the hell away from my MoTF. :) Buncha crazies around here.

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Update time! I made little change to a couple models and I think a couple more may need change considering 1/3 of my troops have this problem.


It's not a huge update, but I got 5 more tac marines painted up, including a sergeant.




You can see my "problem models" here. The AoBR marines have the arrow on the right shoulder, and I wanted to just leave that shoulder black with the green arrow, but it's looking kinda plain next the demo marines, who have a flame pattern on each shoulder. I'm considering ditching the AoBR marines in favor of the inferior "demo marines" so i can have flames on both shoulders.




You may have already guessed my little change. I've rid my SGTs of the "I'm the most experienced, thus I no longer need to wear a helmet." So all my marines will have "headgear" and the SGTs hats will be painted black. All mine already had the bald heads on em, to i cut them off (cursed plastic glue) and replaced them.






I like the look, but now all my marines need to have the black parts highlighted or else make them all look funny.




Aaaaand a group shot. Albeit a little cramped.


So there's 15 marines painted now (minus basing) so once that's finished up I'm on to finishing my dreadnought to hit my 500 point goal.


Let me know what you think!

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The flames draw the eye away from the boring "metal, black, metal, black, green metal, metal, black". Which is why i don't really like the arrow shouldered marines...not enough flames to make everything interesting.


well I slept in and didn't make it to work, so I decided to get some 40k work done. I managed to paint the bases on the last few models, then got distracted.












So yeah. This piece was sitting around as a piece of white foamcore for a few months. I fixed it...sorta.


Maybe some REAL progress soon.

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base coat boltgun

wash green (yes, thrakka green)

wash green

Highlight in mythril

wash green

wash green


Beautifully simple, yet effective looking formula! I'm slowly grinding my way through a repaint of my many smurfs (last time I was active in the hobby was as an impatient teenager, thus a stripping and repainting of EVERYTHING is in order) and I have yet to find a method that I'm really happy with.


If you don't mind, I think I'll try a test mini replacing the thrakka with asurmen blue and see if metalic ultras catch my eye. Any thoughts on the highlight color given the color change? I'm leaning toward ice blue, but the silver might look good there as well... I'll post some pics with the results.

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Wow. Just.... wow. I love them. That metallic effect is stunning and its very rare so always nice to see something original. How did you do those flame effects? They are AWESOME (in the full sense of the word).


Its things like this that make me think twice about entering the Golden Bolter. Scratch that - three times!

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The flames are actually really simple. I'm surprised that more people don't have better looking flames. Blood Red, Blazing Orange, Golden Yellow. 3 stages, REALLY easy. The trick is getting the right shape.


I didn't really try to make it pretty when I did mine, I just tried to get em done fast. I'm sure if you took a little extra time then I'm sure you'd be able to come out with a golden bolter worthy piece.

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