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Land speeder Storm


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Can any one tell me what the advantages/disadvantages are with this........Is it just a scout transport or does it have any special abilities. I like the model but i just want to know if it is worthwhile trying to fit it in an army list.


Your thoughts and opinions would be greatly appreciated

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I am not quite sure yet how to best use it, as I haven't even played in 5th ed yet.


That said, I have one coming in the mail. I will likely get a second one to, as well as some scout bikers, to add to my 40 scouts.


I am really debating whether to give them a Multi-melta or a Heavy Flamer.


As an open top vehicle, the troops inside can shoot out, so loading it up with 5 scouts with shotguns seems like a fun idea, and would work well with a Storm with a heavy flamer or a Heavy Bolter. Ride up and do drive byes.


Equipping one with a Multi-melta and having a squad inside with a powerfist could be a good way to ambush vehicles.


That is how I see the vehicle, as an ambush unit.


What I want to know is since they can deepstrike, and carry scouts, but is not a dedicated transport, can they deepstrike with scouts on board?

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Id arm it with a Heavy Flamer *negating its lower BS* and use it to get first turn assaults with a five man scout squad, contest objectives, and if the scouts live past turn 2 they can use it to claim objectives later in the game.


Such a squad runs 160pts, and in many ways is more likely to get its points back twice over than a tactical squad.

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Remember that even though the Land Speeder Storm is a Fast Vehicle, the passengers still can't shoot out when it's moving at 12" per turn.


The prize is its Assault Vehicle ability. you can put 5 combat scouts pretty much anywhere on the battlefield you need them to be, guaranteeing that you can lock down your target unit. Selected pinpoint accurate strikes against critical strongpoints of the enemy formation allowing you to neutralise such critical targets as Eldar Dark Reapers, Tyranid Hive Guard, Space Marine Predators, Whirlwinds and Vindicators (remember, you have Krak 'nades), and so on


And I'll second the Heavy Flamer suggestion. BS3 makes the expensive weapon options a nono IMO.

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Yeah, here is what I typically run if I use a Storm:


Scout Sarge w/powerfist+combi-melta, 4 x Scouts w/bolt pistol+ccw

Landspeeder Storm w/heavy flamer


About the same price as a Tac squad+Rhino, but it gives you a wild-card unit which can be used in a variety of ways. Against Daemons/drop pod armies (which includes Tyranids now), turbo-boosting that unit into a good position on Turn 1 can completely screw up their deployment (and in conjunction with Mystics can turn it into a turkey shoot).

Against mechanised armies like Eldar, Tau or IG, you can use them to take out a critical unit (like a Command squad bunkered up in a Chimera, or plasma Vets bunkered in a Chimera, Fire Warriors in a Devilfish on top of an objective etc). Coming in from Outflank, use the combi-melta to pop open the transport, hose the occupants with the Storm's heavy flamer, then assault the Scouts into them to finish them off. Against units like Lootas or Dark Reapers (who don't bunker in transports but rely on their long range firepower), you can torch them+assault. The Sarges combi-melta and powerfist also make him ideal for breaking open backfield artillery like Basilisks. Torch the infantry screen he'll invariably put around it using the Storm (hopefully you'll cause them to break and run), then slam a powerfist into its rear armour.

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