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first marine


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Really nice. Puts my first one to shame, I can tell you that. :P

Really nice highlighting, very crisp and clean, vibrant colors.

Only thing I could say is that the combi-melta is a bit plain compared to the rest of the mini.

For a first marine, it's awesome.

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I can see a number of flaws, but by the Emperor, that is one hell of a first model! Jolly well done.



thanks for the good feedback, what flaws can you see, as im new i cant really tell flaws just yet lol, any tips or techniques would help


thank you

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I wasn't going to say, seeing as this is your first and they can be excused, but being you asked :P


Gun: Drybrushed? It lacks consitency. i always think painting the manifold thing a different colour adds real depth to the gun.

Armour: Although very nicely painted and highlighted, it too lacks depth. I think it needs a shade, such as Badab black over Mordian blue.

Gold: Looks flat to be honest. Try washing devlan mud and then highlighting burnished gold, or similar idea. I find that helps.


In all, it needs more depth. But don't fret, this is a great first model.

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That is a very good job for your first marine. My first marine years ago only had about four colours on him. Pretty rubbish he was.


All the guys on B&C are very helpful when it comes to giving help on how to improve, listen to them and take their advice when you want, it will help you out loads. With that and lots of practice you'll be producing immense models in no time.


Well done so far.

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I wasn't going to say, seeing as this is your first and they can be excused, but being you asked :lol:


Gun: Drybrushed? It lacks consitency. i always think painting the manifold thing a different colour adds real depth to the gun.

Armour: Although very nicely painted and highlighted, it too lacks depth. I think it needs a shade, such as Badab black over Mordian blue.

Gold: Looks flat to be honest. Try washing devlan mud and then highlighting burnished gold, or similar idea. I find that helps.


In all, it needs more depth. But don't fret, this is a great first model.



ill bear that in mind thanks


the gun just got a layer of boltgun metal and washed with badab black then drybrushed with boltgun metal

the armour was undercoated white, basecoated with mordian blue washed with asurmen blue and then drybrushed with ultramarines blue then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of skull white and ultramarines blue

the gold was a 50/50 mix of scorched brown and shining gold, two layers of devlan mud then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of mithril silver and shining gold


on my next miniture ill try and bring out the depth more by taking your advice and post it up here


thank you very much for the tips

:) much appreciated

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I don't really support dry brushing too often. I use it on tanks and tanks only really.


But the complexity of your scheme surprises me, i only started mixing a few years into the hobby. That you are doing it now is a good sign. I think maybe you're not leaving enough of the darker coats to create the shade. Maybe making the highlights on the metal sharper may help, try more mithril silver.

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Wonderfully painted for a first miniature. I like the depth you've created on the cloak and the parchment and skulls look great. The combi-melta does look a bit plain in comparison. Might I suggest picking out the rivets on the gun with gold as this will make it look a bit more detailed and regal which would be good as he is a Captain afterall ;) Maybe pick the skull on the gun out as well?


Overall a great looking model. Keep it up.

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That is a very good first mini. The tone of the gold you've managed to achieve if very good and as Captain Mike has said a wash of some kind into the recesses would really make the gold pop. I know you added a wash during the process but an extra wash at the end always helps to bring the depth out. But in all honesty that is a hell of a first miniature, at this rate you'll be closing in on Golden Daemon standard in no time.
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As Captain Mike and Brother Duncs have said, experimentation is the key to improving and learning what can be done. And as Mike says, use basic troops for experimenting then use the successful results from that on your next major masterpiece! I am looking forward to seeing more from you.
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Is that really your first model?


I see some people have made some suggestions but i'll make just one quick simple ones.


On all your cloth area's i suggest a devlan mud wash.


on the blue armour do a 50/50 water:badab black wash to add depth


And try an ogryn flesh wash on the gold.


Washes are the key to simple paint jobs requiring little experience and skill, i wish they existed when i started :)

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