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I've been looking at a Wolf Wing:


Not played it yet, and probably won't for another few months.

It certainly looks effective, on paper, but is severely lacking in models - quite possible to be out-manoeuvred by a speedy army.


Below 1500pts, it is a squeeze, and may have to loose all transports (except drop pods?), leaving those termies footslogging across the table (relentlessly!)

At 2k, you can go for 3 squads of 5 TDA WG, Logan, Bjorn, A priest and a 2nd LR.

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Below 1500pts, it is a squeeze, and may have to loose all transports (except drop pods?), leaving those termies footslogging across the table (relentlessly!)

That and/or Landraiders. In DoW this could be quite funny being able to put down Logan Grimnar & 7 Termies in a LRC halfway across the table while everything else drop-pods in. However, I don't see it being super effective due to the same problems of Deathwing since only one bad set of rolls can completely devastate your army.

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For the love of Russ people, its not called Wolfwing or Loganwing or anything like that, we aren't dress wearing nancy boys! And it is very effective at killing things if used right, unfortunately that means not spreading out too far and as games go, objectives are key...
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For the love of Russ people, its not called Wolfwing or Loganwing or anything like that, we aren't dress wearing nancy boys!


You claim that it is not called that, despite the fact that everyone calls it that, and don't offer any alternatives? What else are we suppose to call it?

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I don't agree with a lot of his conclusions. Stuff like not needing any fast units is just silly.


His one list is illegal....Logan makes WG packs count as Troops, not become Troops. So you are limited to 3 elites choices.


Wrong. Read the FAQ.

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I was orignally going to build a mono WG list with Logan, 15 TDA WG and 2 LRR at 1500 but this has since changed to;





Rune Priest w/ Living Ligthning and JotWW


Drop Pod

Wolf Priest


Drop Pod


Again at 1500 points so its no longer mono WG due to the Priests but i feel their benefits are more than worth while.

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I did a wolf guard drop pod list and it's doing ok. Not as great as I would like. I am going with 3 Termies and 4 Power armor models a pod and I have 4 pods and Logan with a pack of Long Fangs to kill big stuff on landing. I am 2 wins and 1 draw so far.


It's just nerver racking.




His one list is illegal....Logan makes WG packs count as Troops, not become Troops. So you are limited to 3 elites choices. Actually no. You get 6 choices which can be Wolf Gaurd. To field them all tricked out thou you are hitting near like 2200points.


Look up the Space Wolf FAQ and look for the 5th edition one. I have it as a PDF file if you need it. It covers alot of stuff.

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The relevant section says:

Q. Are Wolf Guard Packs genuine Troops

selections in the Force Organisation chart

instead of Elites when fielded in an army with

Logan Grimnar? If so, is this optional?

A. Yes, they count as Troops and take up Troops

Force Organisation Chart Selections. This is not

an optional choice, so you can have at most six

Wolf Guard Packs in an army with Logan Grimnar.

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I do not think a wolf wing list is viable at 1500, a thing i regret.


Not only for its lack of models, but for the lack of mobility.. i tried some game with a drop pod list + the logan-long fangs with mm trick, but the other players simply begun with every in reserve, and then begin to dance around my main force, shooting from afar, and atacking in force the packs who tried to take some ojective... it was a disaster, and i feel the same thing will happen to a wolfwing army

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