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Some Iron Warriors

Doom Dice Roller

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A hello to you fellas! I've been drawn back to the hobby a little bit since my main army's new codex (Nids) just was released, and the only thing I found time to spend on 40k-matters

to satisfy the itching geek-part of my brain was posting some pictures of my relatively new Iron Warrios. They are my first non Nid models, and boy is metal hard to do!

Normally I wouldn't bother making myself look silly posting these below average warriors into the halls of painting gods, but it's the least I can do before my occupied mind

is sucked into studies again.

So here they go, Irony Warriors!



Light's too bright....



As usual, my pathetic attempt at source lighting again turned out to look something like some kind of strawberry candy rather than glowing hot plasma coils.






As you can see, my metal is very blunt.






Thank you Doghouse, you were one of the best.


Paintscheme wise I opted for a less-is-more approach, but I feel now that I yet want to add some more hazard stripes.

And although I tried to make them techy (you will have noticed the Iron Hands Bitz), I think it's also not yet enough.





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i wouldnt overdo the hazard striping though, its good as it is subtle, i like it on the shoulder pad thats a good take onthehazard striping, ive seen some iron warriors where its gone too far with stripes and looks like a big bumblebee !!!
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Very nice Iron Warriors there mate! Rough and brutal looking and in a nice and smoth painting! And nice Hassard striping too btw :) not that easy too do.. ;)

though id like to see some small amo-poutches around the champions waist and maby some grandes perhaps to beefing him up somwhat..


Cheers and salute! Looking forward to see some more of them :)

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Oi Mate!


Good to see you back again in the hobby if only for a short while. :)


Nice Squad you got there. If you still want to add a bot more depth to the metal I would maybe try a very light wash with a brown ink. Might get rid of some of the "bluntness".

Though I really don't mind the blunt look. Suits them just fine.


Anyway, keep on the good work!

Someday you might even have enogh for a game! *gasp* ! :)

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