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Test marine.


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Hi there folks. I've done up a test marine using a different method than my current army. I've used mechrite red as a foundation. I was basically looking for opinions on it. It's a bit duller I think than my other method, but it is quicker. This is obviously gearing up for the mega paint-fest that April is going to turn into for us BA players.






What do me fellow Blood Angel-rinies think?

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Cheers guys. I've had problems before with Mechrite Red so I thought I'd experiment and try and get it nailed. My current army starts from a white undercoat and is really bright red. Unfortunately white undercoat isn't the easiest way of painting up an entire army. Here's a comparative shot.




While it's much brighter it takes alot more work to get the shading and highlighting right.

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Aye, I think I'll keep the Space Hulk minis like they are but the new army additions will probably go darker if for nothing else but my sanity. I've got about 2000 points done with the white undercoat method and I'm struggling to finish the honour guard now because it's such a pain. Come April I think I'll start afresh.
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I actually like both...The first is gritty and dirty the second is glorious. I think more to the character of the Blood Angels the more pristine finish is appropriate since they have a taste for aesthetics and artistic works and as far as I was aware take meticulous care of their wargear. but I can understand the trials of building an army with such a nice paint job. I remember back when I had a 100 man company and the paint job was patchy at best. Which is why I make a real effort with them now, since I dont paint to play.


I Guess it depends if you're painting to play them or to really make an example out of each mini.



On a side note.


The GW Article on painting SH Termies I think combines the best of both, its dark and clean at the same time. but for the life of me I done know how they start it! I have been looking all day in work for a copy of the white dwarf with the Painting Space Hulk Masterclass to try and nab a copy or find a pdf download. The scheme on the site looks great but it starts half done and I'm not sure where it is at that stage.

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Yeah I'm the same IronKobra. But they will be used for playing, so for TT I think I'll go darker while retaining the brighter colours for display pieces and such. Plus I also find the Mechrite Red method to be a bit more durable than the White Undercoat one. The model seems to be able to take a bit more punishment, which is also a plus for gaming.
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I think the mechrite isn't a bad way to go down. It has made the idea of painting over black much more acceptable by reduding the 3 layer basecoat stage. I am certainly hoping it works for you...Mainly because I have a 10 man vet squad waiting for much the same technique :P
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So far I found the best solution for getting Blood Red on to Mechrite Red quickly is to over-brush (I think that's what it's called). Basically dip your brush and wipe off the excess like you would for drybrushing but leave a bit more on than you normally would. When you apply it make sure to use smooth and tight circular motions. Finally, edge highlight with pure Blood Red and the very fine highlights with Blazing Orange. Of course the better option is to apply it in thin watered down layers but that takes a while too, and since this is only for TT I figure I'll skip that bit.
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Just to give a heads-up, Army Painter has a new darker red paint coming out in March, which they say will be great for BAs or Khorne Berserkers. I think GW might be pushing them away from the lighter red into a darker, more "regal" color, so the darker scheme might be the way to go!


As an aside... the thought just struck me: does this mean that the Blood Angels are loyalist Berserkers?



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Haha well my mate always calls them wannabe Bezerkers. But you're right about them moving away from the bright red of earlier editions. The WD painting article on the SH Terminators was way deifferent from how they used to paint the Blood Angels, though whether that was just one persons take on them as opposed to the whole 'Eavy Metal team I couldn't say.


I did another marine up the same way last night. I think he's a bit brighter than the last one, but he still only took half an hour compared to the other method.

He's not based yet, and I'm gonna try and use the decals (I usually hate decals). I'm hoping that there are a lot of sculpted shoulder pads in the new box sets.





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Cheers fearlessgod, I've done a few more now. I think by midweek I could have ten marines done and dusted. This bodes well for the army painting of April. A month that I shall now refer to as Blapril.



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So I've nearly finshed this squad now. Just need 2 more bolter marines and the missile launcher and we'll be set.








The Sgt's arm isn't painted because he did have a powerfist but it was old and gnarled so I had to remove it. The Chainsword is a stand-in.

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