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Test marine.


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Thank you for the support with my paint scheme, and the compliment about the ork head. My firend used to play orks and he would always send his whole army at that vet allowing me to circle and tear him apart! Good times... :)


@ Master


these are blood angles...my RAS (chainfist counts as powerfist or powerweapon)

I couldn't resist so I built 4 jump pack assault marines tonight for my Flesh Tearers. I presumed out all everything I might possibly find usefull without seeing a list, some bog standard Assault Marines would be one of them!



Got another finsished up today, the last 2 are getting their undercoats right now. He was just an old Blood Claw from an aborted Space Wolf army from a few years back. Didn't even get the squad finished, that's how aborted it was. So he was a Death Company for a bit but I needed more bodies for the assault squad so he was inducted.


I went for some hazard stripes on his chainsword for some practice really, I've never had the steadiest hand so I figured I should rise through the Enumerations and learn how to do it.



Yeah the SW bitz jar a bit. But I'm hoping like you say, once he's with a unit it'll be a little less noticeable. I suppose I can always say it was a gift from a SW after a campaign or something. :P I should get the rest of the Marines done by tonight. So I'll throw up some pics later on. Cheers.

Cheers SamaNagol, I think for the next Termi I do I'm gonna try for the old style hazard stripe power fists. If it goes wrong, well it'll turn into a black powerfist. ;)


I finished the last 2 marines tonight. They only need some flock on their bases but otherwise they're ready for the table top.




the whole gang ;




and the whole gang with wheels ;



Yeah I'm definitely digging the hazard stripes. That may just be the bit of extra color I'm looking for on my BA, though I'm still undecided about black shoulder pad rims.


The whole squad looks pretty awesome, Duncs. Though I can't help but notice you hid the SW bits guy behind his buddy! You sneaky git, you! ;)

You can't go wrong with either Vel', both look cool. I'm more of a red trim guy myself though as my old Angel's of Death era BA had the black trim (and were a lot brighter too!) so I wanted the change.


One more thing Duncs I know you are a quick painter but.....have you painted a marine from every chapter??? I have seen Blood Ravens, IF's and now this:-

I just start with a grey circle, fill that in, then bring it up to white. Then I go round the edges with some chaos black lines to make it look like a saw blade and pop a blood drop in the middle.



:D :P :P

BA were my first and only love in 40k I think.


Same. I still get my best inspiration/converting work done with BA figs, as well as enjoy the game more when behind the wheel of my favorite chapter.


Big question here, Duncs, is how you're going to do your chapter icons and company symbols. Hand painting uberness? Or the evil X-fers? :)

Hello there, had a bit of time on my hands today so I re-painted my Dreadnought. I played a game last night and he was way to shiny compared to the rest of my guys so I spent a bit of time with him today. Not 100% pleased with some of the lenses, and the purity seals could use a bit more work, but I'll go back and look at them a bit later. At least now he looks like he's from the same army.


Here's how he looked before ;




Here's how he looks now ;







Vel'Cona @ As far as chapter symbols and markings go I try to freehand, on Vehicles and walkers I use the transfers but I find it easier to do freehand on marines cos transfers are just too fiddly for my fat fingers. <_< All the Chapter Symbols and squad markings on my Ultras are freehand though, but then a U is far easier than a winged blood drop. Of course it'll all be a moot point once the new sprues come out. Yippeeeee!

Hi there, just thought I'd post up the last few pics of my army as it currently stands before April. These guys are fighting in a local tournament, which will be my last hurrah with the PDF. codex (unfortunately I can't change half way through but it's fair enough). It's not an optimized list by any stretch of the imagination, but then I've never played a tourney before so never really thought about optimization. In 2000 point games a use Devs who have never let me down, unlike their Codex adherent cousins. Anyhoo I digress. Here are the last shots and a group shot. Corbulos face looks rubbish on account of it being rubbish and also because it was a dodgy cast I think.







Hello again. Thought I'd show some pics of my Space Terminators that I'm gonna do up for the table top. You'll notice Brother Leon is on a base. Don't worry it's not finished, not by a long shot. I'm basically trying to come up with a base that's detachable from the model so they can still be used in SH. It'll involve a few layers of gravel and some ingenious use of flock but I think it'll be worth it.








I've only got Lorenzo and another guy (the one with the tabard and the marksmanship awards) to do for me to have a codex legal Space Hulk Terminator Squad. Yippee!

  • 3 weeks later...

Not long now... to satiate the thirst I ordered some Apothecaries for my army. They arrived today so I started painting today. Started with the BA specific one and gave him an old metal jump pack I had lying around. The arm is a place holder until I get hold of the new box sets and give him a nice BA-centric shoulder pad. Also I want to see what weapons options these guys will have. So any-hoo here is my SP as he stands at the moment.




also I'll throw up an army pic of everything I have completed so far.



I know what you mean mate. They're not particularly exiting are they. Still, as long as they do their job well. I can look the other way. In other news I got my stuff today. Codex, Sang Guard, DC and the Baal Pred. I'm gonna have the Sang Guard without the wings as the on jet jump packs look really sleek, plus I can't see the wings staying on for more than a week at best.

Hmm you know I hadn't thought of just using the SG JP without the wings. I was going to give them standard JP with a bit of converting and use them as HG, but maybe I'll clip down their wingalings and use the same JP. Get some pics up Duncs! I haven't seen any of the new stuff painted by our forum guys yet. Heck, assembly pics would be great too!


By the way, I'm having the same problem with my SPs; I can't get them to look really interesting. I think some conversion work is in order! ;)


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