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Devastator Squads and what to do with them


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I've just painted up my first Devastator Squad for my BA 2nd Company project and wanted to see how others utilised theirs. I'll try to put down my thoughts and see if I can draw a conclusion at the end. I also acknowledge that Devastator Squads are not one of the optimum choices in a marine army and I presume cover as being available for all of what is to come.


Defining Devastator Squad Roles

Of course this comes down to load out but the roles that I can see are:

  1. Tank Killing -Av12-14
  2. Troop Killing -medium to heavy (MEQ/TEQ/MC)
  3. Area Denial -make an area to dangerous to enter without serious resources being committed

I believe that there are better ways to kill light troops and transports than loading up Devastator Squads with heavy bolters and missile launchers so I look to the heavier end of the spectrum. To meet the three roles that I defined I have gone with 2 plasma cannons and 2 multimeltas.


Combat Squads

The above load out allows my squad to now split into Combat Squads. I would do this as four heavy weapons in one ten man squad is tactically inflexible; can't cover multiple fire lanes, overkill, static in the extreme. By splitting into two smaller squads I can now cover a greater area of the table top and hence I am more likely to be able to threaten some part of my opponents army.


I would go with like weapons so plasma cannons in one and multimeltas in the other. This allows focus fire on specific target types. One can kill medium to heavy troops, and as a back up role kill light transports. Whilst the other focuses on killing tanks with the back up of killing medium to heavy troops.



This is the area that you can turn your 2nd Combat Squad into something a whole lot more impressive. I don't normally play a very static game so I like to utilise lots of transports. I believe that the Razorback is an extremely good choice when it comes to moving the multimelta squad forward 12" and then deploying during the first turn. It is very rare that multimeltas get to fire in the first turn of the game in most cases. The Razorback has the added benefit of being able to lay down covering fire that can hurt light troops or transports that may be pushed forward or that have been tasked with moving towards your your Devastator Combat Squad.


At a pinch with the correct placement the Razorback becomes cover as well just be careful of allowing snipping of your heavy weapons.


By pushing rapidly forward the third role can now be brought into play, Area Denial. All of a sudden with the use of a transport for this combat squad I have pushed a threat umbrella of 36" for transports and 24" for tanks from the point of embarking at the start of turn one. My opponent is probably going to need to commit twice the resources that I have committed to clear this squad away. I would usually task a tactical squad as back up to really dig in if I felt threatened.



Unlike in other squads where the Sergeant is often the main offensive weapon in a Devastator Squad I believe he fills a support role. I lean towards just a power weapon as anything that could require a powerfist would probably be shot at with the main weapons of the squad. The only real decision that needs to be made is push him forward or leave him back. I'm for pushing him forward as this is where the fighting is going to take place without any doubt. Whilst he is great support for protecting against annoyances that may occur in the rear, he will always have a battle up front so I feel that this is the best commitment of resources.


My Conclusions

In the correct configuration I believe that the Devastator Squad can be turned into a very effective threat that can maul certain sections of your opponent's army. Whilst they may not be a game winner as a stand alone unit they set up the rest of your army to deal with whats left once tanks and heavy troops have been dealt with. I would not expect this squad to live through a game as they become high priority targets once my opponent's big shiny things become threatened. This is OK with me as other elements of my army win the game on most occasions.


So how do you guys utilise your Devastator Squads?



Edit: spelling

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This thread should really be in Tactica Astartes. Also, it's spelt Sergeant.


Nitpicks aside, I have to say that Devastator Squads are really good in certain circumstances. Any situation in which you have available fortifications (or Bolster) and know the mission and deployment conditions in advance - Defending in Planetstrike being the ur-example, but any scenario game can do this - benefits Devastators heavily.


In Planetstrike it's especially true because as Infantry the Devastators count as a Scoring unit here IIRC.


3+ Cover Saves really really help Dev Squads out. They are so much of a threat that they act as Krak Missile bait otherwise, which cuts down on the unit numbers too quickly.

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I have to say this is an excellent post and I think you've covered the main points very well. Devs [as with all other units] have many possible options / tactics -- so to give this greater coverage I'm moving it to the +TACTICA ASTARTES+ section.


Keep the comments coming on this one.




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That's a damn good post Thornoo1.


As to my use of devastators, I've only ever gone the anti-infantry route. For a long time, my main opponents were orks, guard, and heavy infantry CSM. So, heavy bolters, missile launchers, and plasma cannons were my weapons of choice.


Of course, that was also before the days of combat squad tactics, so I only took a 5 man squad (4 guns, and the sarge, in other words.) I was honestly more satisfied with the destructive output of this squad, than a predator destructor.


I'm actually leaning towards your approach lately. I have a Raven Guard army in the works, and I've been asking myself how the RG would use a Devastator squad. So far I think it will be lascannons and plasma cannons, and a full ten-man squad, so they can split in half, and go for separate targets. I'm thinking ambush from a few sides, paired with snipers.



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Again, this is a very good posts. I feel multi-meltas are one of the more underlooked weapons in the Space Marine Codex due to short range, and most people only really feel comfortable taking them on attack bikes, landspeeders, or as free weapons on their Tactical squads.


As for how I use Devastator squads, I have used a 4 heavy bolter squad. The couple of times I used it against Tau was very satisfying as they destroyed the Firewarriors and even some of the 3+ save Troops.


Now, however, I am using 1 lascannon and 3 missile launchers. Combat squadded this gives me 1 lascannon with the Sergeant and his signum to snipe tanks and light vehicles, and a squad of 3 missile launchers to pick on light vehicles, light infantry or MEQ. A heavy bolter Razorback finishes the squad, giving some more anti-infantry firepower that they don't focus on.

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I had a bit more of a think about this and just realised that by using the Razorback and multimelta combat squad in this fashion that this replicates the concept of Fire and Movement. Where one group moves whilst the other covers with fire. The second group then sets up a base of fire to support the group at the back to move forward.
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