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Templar Neophytes WIP


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Hi folks, thought i'd share a few pictures of the neophytes i just finished. Painting them was alot of fun, and took around two weeks. The heads are from pig iron productions, i wasn't sure they would scale right with the bodies, but i'm happy with how they came out. I'm a bit rubbish at using my flatmates fancy schmancy camera, so the pics have came out a bit bright, the skin tone is actually alot closer to a blue-gray. Also the extreme close ups are pretty unforgiving! haha.


Anyways let me know what you think! any suggestions are appreciated.















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This is intresting!


i've never seen anyone make neophytes look so.... nooby?

you've done a great job painting them though, they look great!


may i suggest a wash on the skin, it looks very white.. it might just be the camera though.


I also didn't know you could arm neophytes with lasguns :unsure:

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Cheers! I snipped the lasgun barrels down and drilled them out to make them look more combat shotgunny, however i am also lazy, so i didn't change the ammo clips or add any other details. the skin has a couple of washes on it, ogryn flesh then devlan mud for the real nooks and crannies. I was trying to make the skin tone look like it hadn't seen sunlight for generations, but it hasn't come out exactly as i planned. Next time i'll probably go with elf flesh as a basecoat instead of fortress grey.


The noobyness was intentional, these are the 'first day on the job / meat shield scouts', i'm going to do another unit made to look further along the path to full Initiate. Not sure exactly how to model them yet though!



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other than the fortress grey skin its all great and i love the concept!


i admit though i see excactly what you are trying to do with the skin and i applaude your efforts as i dont think you are far off.


for the further along the line guys, make them similar but taller, a bit of scout armour and a chain blade to signify he has a real cc weapon, maybe even scout armoured body and cloaked in other places.


well done

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