XKhalilX Posted January 17, 2010 Share Posted January 17, 2010 The Children of Eternity CHAPTER NAME: ..............The Children of EternityFOUNDING: ..................4th [M.32]CHAPTER WORLD: .............MarifahFORTRESS MONASTERY: ........UnknownGENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ...Brazen Claws, gene-seed bond to the Sons of MedusaKNOWN DESCENDANTS: .........Scions of the Infinite, Sons of Idaeon, Steel Disciples Chapter Symbol "Born in the aftermath of Horus Heresy, The Children of Eternity watch over the northern borders of the Ultima Segmentum. Searching the stars for signs of the Omnissiah, their devotion to the Machine God harbours on the peculiar and extreme. They are an enigmatic chapter, combining both mysticism and technology to achieve union with the Machine God." History The Children of Eternity are an enigmatic chapter founded in the early 32nd millennium. The Imperium was reeling from the Horus Heresy and Abaddon's Black Crusades had only just begun. The Emperor, Holy is He, continued to rest upon His Golden Throne, still breathing life into a perpetually striving humanity. With belief in the Emperor's eternal word that man must conquer the stars, the High Lords decreed that a new founding should begin. So the fires of war burned ever brighter.... With the Fourth Founding, the Children of Eternity were born. They were forged from the gene-seed of Ferrus Manus, and the new Chapter’s training cadre hailed from the brave remnants of the Brazen Claws 7th Company. Under the command of Captain Idaeon, the 7th had crusaded against the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion, battling them for the control of several Forge Worlds within the Altruia Sector. After five long years, the 7th company were finally declared the victors. Shortly afterward when the 4th Founding was initiated, the Fabricator Generals of Altruiax, Altruia’s prime Forge World, insisted that Ideaon and his remaining men should be honoured for their heroism and granted the right to lead one of the new Chapters. So it would be that Captain Ereas Idaeon, hero of the Altruia sector, would command a thousand strong Astartes; his longtime friend, the mysterious Mahavajra as his Chief Librarian and the 7th company's zealous Chaplain Ezriah, at his side. The strange Mahavajra spoke at length to the young Chapter, explaining that an Astartes never truly died, and would live eternally within the Omnissiah. Those under Ezriah's spiritual guidance took these words as an eternal declaration of the chapter's favour in the eyes of the All Machine. Thus did The Children of Eternity come to be. Over a century after the bitter war in the Altruia sector, the newly created Children of Eternity were called upon to defend the worlds once again. Archmagos Maedos of Altruiax called for Idaeon to repel the Chaos incursions once and for all. Unbeknownst to the Children, their future would forever be tied to Altruia and an isolated frozen dead world on its outskirts. The worlds of the Altruia Sector burned in the fires of war for over a decade. Forges were destroyed and populations decimated. The temples of the Omnissiah were razed and their tech priests slaughtered by the mysterious Thousand Sons. The traitors were famed for their search for knowledge, and attaining it by any means necessary. All that was stopping them from reaching their goal were the Children of Eternity. Astartes clashed against Astartes. Bolters chattered and tanks roared as soulless Thousand Sons battled with the vigilant Children of Eternity, unyielding in their belief that one could never die on the path of the Machine God, even when the body ceased to be.Yan al-Qeeyam, the Day of Rising The traitors were routed at Kelvara and Altruiax. Yet all was not as it seemed. As the Thousand Sons retreated, a battle ship marked with the blue and gold of their legion appeared from warp space on the outer fringes of the sector, headed towards a desolate frozen planet known as Marifah to the people of Altruia. Upon learning of this, Archmagos Maedos ordered the entirety of his Skitarii forces to abandon Altruiax and plot a course for Marifah. He relayed his urgency in a transmission to Commander Idaeon: "Commander Idaeon, you and your men have been honor bound to our protection since the moment you entered our system those many years ago. Let it be known Marifah must be saved at all costs. Forges can be rebuilt but Marifah must not fall! It is more precious than any of us could fathom. I am no astartes, yet as a fellow servant to the Machine God, I implore you. My word carries the weight of the Lord Fabricator General of Mars itself. Marifah must not be lost." Idaeon and his men landed on Marifah within days of receiving the message. Landing on vast tundra with a large mountain formation to the north, Idaeon and his men were perplexed at what could possibly be so valuable on such a frozen wasteland. Maedos and the skiitari were still several days away and the Thousand Sons would be making planetfall within a week. Taking heavy losses on Kelvara and Altruiax, Idaeon was prepared for a final stand as he was those many years ago as Captain of the 7th company of his former Chapter. Now a commander, he was honored to lead so many to such a glorious end. Ezriah had instilled in the chapter a belief of an existence after death, an existence where one could know the Omnissiah, or ‘All Spirit’ as it was known to the chapter. Those under his command were the most zealous within the chapter, and they clung to his passionate words with a fervour that every Battle Brother in the chapter sought to exemplify. Mahavajra, sensing what only one gifted with the psyker gene could feel, was made aware of what Marifah truly held. He named the landing site the Plain of a Thousand Veils, for nothing was as it seemed on this desolate planet that screamed with frigid gale force winds. So it is true, he thought, Marifah must not be lost. When Maedos and his forces arrived, Mahavajra's foresight proved true upon a private counsel with the Archmagos. The bond between the chapter and the Tech Priests of the Machine God was now forever sealed. The oribal strike of the Thousand Sons' battle ship struck the frozen soil of Marifah with a thunderous cacophony. As Skiitari looked on, Idaeon's men stood firm, statues of flesh, steel and ceramite, poised for a glorious end. Soon the laser battery ended, and the screams of drop pods slammed into Marifah. The traitors had landed and they were prepared to fight for the knowledge they sought. It is said that during Yan al-Qeeyam, those within the chapter who bore the psyker gene, were flooded with a foresight that shook them to the core. None could describe the ghostly after image of all they saw. Skitarii forces heard the Astartes say that it "was like staring into a sun and then looking upon the land, everything had a pattern, a self within a self." Chaplain Ezriah's zealous squads spoke of hearing the Omnissiah call for them, an unearthly communication that the Machine God was embodied in their flesh and steel. The rest of the Astartes spoke of stillness. The weapons and armour of each Astartes was described as merging with the marine. No hand grasped the sword which eviscerated the enemy, it was the "knife edge of the hand," that ran the traitors through. A bolter was no longer separate but alive. Ezriah's squads struck like lightning and died with the words of the Machine God on their lips. Others died upon the frozen tundras in utter silence, human towers in purple ceramite falling with no scream or shout being heard from them. It is said that later, when the apothecaries removed the helmets of their fallen kin, each had a face that was stoic and his eyes white with illumination. Ever since that fateful day, the Chaplains of the chapter have said: "The Machine rose on the Day of Rising, and it took the flesh of life as its guardian for all eternity." The Thousand Sons assault on Marifah broke against the loyalist Marines. The Sons retreated with only a few squads left standing. Marifah stood and Idaeon and his men were once again the heroes of Altruia.Homeworld Within days of the aftermath of Yan al-Qeeyam, the Mechanicus of the Altruia Sector declared the chapter to be the protectorate of their region of space, and Idaeon accepted this responsibility with pride. This agreement would mutually benefit and protect both sides and show recognition of the sacrifice the Children endured in the name of the Omnissiah. The Magos' further promised to provide the Chapter with suitable young males to rebuild their losses and even gifted the Chapter with the world that they had fought so hard to protect, Marifah. Yet this world was no ordinary world of solitude, for as the Chapter had found out, the Mechanicus had gifted them with not only a homeworld, but with a solemn duty that would forever form a bond between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes of the Children of Eternity. Marifah is a desolate world found in the Altruia Sector. It is the furthest planet from the system's sun and its lack of flora and fauna is testament to its isolation. The world is made up of frozen tundras and icy desert plains. The winds are severe and in certain areas, they are known to shred the flesh off bone. Those few animals that do survive are scavengers and can be found in the central tundras. Dar ul-Burad, the Fortress Monastery of the Children of Eternity is situated in the northern regions of the planet. Located in the area known as the Plains of a Thousand Veils, it is carved into the central mountain that stands in defiance of the mysterious plains that surround it. Within the catacombs of the chapter's Fortress lies the Hall of Ancestors. Here, the deeds and honours of the Chapter are kept in archaic tomes; old tattered battle standards lie motionless upon the vast cathedral ceilings, and statues and paintings of the chapter's glorious past are captured. However, within these halls lies a secret known only to the Chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus. In the very depths of the vast fortress lies an archaic machine of monstrous proportions. The Chapter calls the machine Qalb Ar-Ribat, or 'Heart of Preservation'. For the Adepts of Mars, it is known as the Reminisce Device and it is one of their most ancient and best preserved mainframes of digital data that dates back to even before the creation of the Second Founding Chapters and possibly before the Horus Heresy itself. This machine is a storehouse of the most secret information, knowledge so mysterious that not even the Children of Eternity know the true value of what they protect or revere. In exchange for the Chapter's status as protectorate, the Mechanicum manufactured a "spiritual mainframe" within the Reminisce Device. Here, the Chapter's fallen are reborn again. Though their bodies of flesh and blood are long gone from the physical world, their spirit continues; for the machine allows a battle brother to be reborn as a digital engram of their living self. This is accomplished through the uploading of a data-chip implanted into an initiate's brain upon his induction into the Chapter as a Scout. Throughout their life as an Astartes, a Marine will be in constant prayer, his every litany recorded, every remembrance of the Great Father and the Omnissiah forever acknowledged. Upon their death, this chip will be uploaded into the machine. This mainframe is thus a gateway to the ancients. Long dead, these Astartes have merged their human soul with the Omnissiah. Their voices are now heard forever in prayer and utter devotion to the Machine God of which their soul has now become a part. This union makes one inherently one with the Machine, and hence, they are no longer living, yet no longer dead. Death is impossible for those who reach this spiritual perfection of machine and man. Those who have achieved this mechanical merger are forever a psychological and ghostly veil of the Omnissiah itself.Beliefs For the Children, death is the final release; for with a Brother's passing, the Chapter Reclusiarchs preach that the fallen Brother’s spirit is uploaded into the Qalb Ar-Ribat, the ancient machine known only to the Chapter and the Mechanicus itself. Here their individual engram lives on eternally with the Librarium, guarding its secrets. In essence, the spirit of a Battle Brother cannot die, and will live for an eternity as one with the Omnissiah. The Children pity Mankind, for it is their belief that only those souls lifted above human form can truly become one with the Machine God. As superhumans of the Adeptus Astartes, they feel it is their duty to protect those whose existence is less fortunate. After the wars fought in the Altruia Sector, the Chapter pledged a solemn oath to the Omnissiah to watch over His creation, both flesh and machine, within its borders. The Chapter's cult is a blend of mysticism, and fanatical belief in the spirit of technology and flesh. They see the Emperor as the Omnissiah in the flesh for his infinite knowledge and superhuman qualities. The Chapter sees their Primarch as the embodiment of the word and faith in their god through his sacrifice. Due to their intense devotion to all things technological, the Librarians of the Chapter are able to unite their own human mind with that of the machine spirit. From the simplest of vehicles in the Rhino APC to the behemoth tank of the Land Raider, the embodied machine spirit becomes an extension of the Librarian's mind. The machine spirit becomes less mechanical and more animate, giving the Chapter a view of kinship with the machines that fight alongside them. They look to their vehicles as mechanical embodiments of the Omnissiah. A vehicle's existence or any technological creation is just as important, if not more so, then a Battle Brother himself. When a vehicle is destroyed, the Chapter believes they have lost one of their own. Because of these spiritual beliefs held by the Children of Eternity, Dreadnoughts are considered a miserable destination; Brothers viewing the Dreadnought chasis as a tomb of never-ending hell and blasphemous to the intentions and desires of the Omnissiah. No Brother should ever be made to suffer being entombed inside such a mechanical prison. Flesh and machine may meld and mix when needed such as bionic replacments, but never become one; the spirits of each are unique and separate entities. Some reckless recruits and more fanatical members of the Reclusiarch within the Chapter have even attempted to "free" the souls of Dreadnoughts of other Chapters, causing considerable tension between the Children and other Adeptus Astartes, most notably their cousins in the Iron Hands.Battlefield Doctrine Making war is the very purpose for which the Omnissiah and the Emperor created the Astartes, and therefore the Children view such war as a form of worship, one that can bring them ever closer to the Machine God. When in battle, the Children of Eternity consider it a spiritual experience akin to prayer, something to be entered into both reverently and meditatively. The Chapter favors close combat assault tactics, believing that a Brother Marine's faith can only truly be tested, his will properly tempered and his honour proclaimed when blade clashes against blade. Only when a marine experiences close quarter fighting does he glorify the superhuman abilities gifted to him by the Omnissiah. When making war in this way, the Children of Eternity also recall the martyrdom of their Great Father, Ferrus Manus, against the Daemon possessed Fulgrim. To die by the blade of the enemy is thus to emulate the Great Father in his heroic sacrifice and unite with him until the day when the Emperor calls upon his chosen sons and their progeny to overcome the forces of Chaos once and for all.Organization The Children of Eternity largely adhere to the Codex Astartes, fielding ten companies of one hundred Space Marines organized as Veteran, Battle, Reserve and Scout formations, although Captains are more commonly known as Masters and the Chapter Master as the High Master. The Zealots Since their inception under the first High Chaplain Ezriah, these devout brothers have fought in countless incursions. They are the most vocal about their belief in the Omnissiah amongst their brothers, and are led by the Chaplain-Zealot. The Zealots answer to none but their Chaplain, and obey him without question. This Chaplain stands above all others in the Chapter as emulating the word of the Machine God. He is the voice of Righteousness, one that is religiously radical and spiritually superior. Arca Khalidus is the current Chaplain-Zealot, and is the youngest brother to hold this position in the history of the Chapter Reclusiarchy. His entire right arm and left eye have been replaced with bionics after losing them in single combat against the Dark Apostle Maefus of the Word Bearers. Ultimately victorious, the skull of Maefus is one of the many trophies the Chaplain carries and has chained to his jump pack and armour. Carrying the Scimitar of Ezriah, he is a physically intimidating sight to both friend and foe alike. The Chapter's First Company, however, breaks with the Codex slightly in its command structure. While the First Company Master commands the Chapter’s Terminator and Sternguard squads, a Chaplain leads the Vanguard squads. These elite assault squad members are known as the Zealots and are led by the Chaplain-Zealot. Since the days of Chaplain Ezriah, these brothers have been drawn from the Chapter’s most skilled fighters, and those whose zealous demeanour far surpasses the rest of their brethren. It is this very nature that requires the leadership of the Chaplain-Zealot, for only a brother of the Reclusiarchy is able to control and guide their religious fervour and fundamentalism for the Omnissiah and Primarch Manus into a devastating charge. Whereas the other Veteran squads are a symbol of glory and honour for the Chapter, the elite Assault Squads represent the faith and zeal which the Chapter was founded upon. To be part of the First Company garners much respect and thus those who wear Terminator Armour are accorded the status of Brother-Elite and those of the Assault Squads are aptly titled Brother-Zealot. However, what is most unique in regards to the Chapter's command structure is that their leaders are able to look to the tactical wisdom of their former brethren embodied in Qalb Ar-Ribat. These ancient souls, with their countless years of experience, still offer sound advice and counsel to the High Master and those in positions of command. The Chaplain-Zealot in particular traditionally spends a great deal of time when not on campaign in communion with his predecessors, most notably the High Chaplain Ezriah himself. The Chapter fields easily twice as many Techmarines than other Codex adherent Chapters due to their reverence for the Omnissiac perfection of machine technology. Techmarines are highly respected and work closely alongside the Reclusiarchy. Because of their quasi-religious nature with technology and their oversight of the holy sancutary of Qalb Ar-Ribat, Techmarines are more commonly known within the Chapter as Techseers. When a Brother of a high rank falls in battle, a council formed of the High Master, the Company Masters, the Chief Librarian and Chaplain-Zealot, aided by the wise spirits of Qalb Ar-Ribat, will come together to select a replacement . In such situations, many days may pass as those of Qalb Ar-Ribat and the Chapter Command meditate together. Only a new Chaplain-Zealot or Master of the Forge will be chosen solely by their peers; the Chaplain-Zealot being named from amongst the Zealots themselves, guided by their recently passed Chaplain, now an embodied spirit himself, and the ancient spirit of Ezriah. Similarly, the newly appointed Master of the Forge is elected by a council of the Techseers themselves.Gene-Seed The Chapter's gene-seed is that of Ferrus Manus of the Iron Hands, descended inititally through the lineage of the Brazen Claws Chapter. During the Hyperion Crusade, the Children of Eternity sustained heavy losses. On the verge of chapter annhilation, their closest allies, the Sons of Medusa tithed hundreds of progenoid glands so that the Children of Eternity could continue to fight in the name of the Emperor. The two chapters advocate a more Omnissiast theology originating in the Moirae Schism, though the Children maintain an extremely esoteric understanding of the Machine God, a cohesion of both the Omnissiast and Traditionalist schools. Several millenia later, the Children of Eternity were able to repay their brothers by tithing a larger number of geneseed to the Sons of Medusa after they took losses in the Badab War. The sharing of geneseed only further cemented the unbreakable bond between the two chapters of Ferrus Manus. Apothercaries from The Children of Eternity estimate that approximately 35-40% of their present day genestock and the Sons of Medusa estimate 15-20% of their genestock originate from their respected counterparts. Like the Iron Hands, the Chapter follows the doctrine that the flesh is ultimately weak and fallible. However, the Children of Eternity believe that one must live and struggle through these weakness in order to understand the greatness of the All Machine. It is due to this variation of doctrine that the Children bear no more bionics than an ‘average’ Chapter, and any augmentations are only those that are deemed necessary in keeping a Battle Brother fighting at peak efficiency or in furthering their knowledge of the Omnissiah. Only when one's human spirit finally passes from the weakness of flesh can one be initiated and received into the majesty of All Knowledge.Battle Cry "Death is the beginning" Reply: "We are Eternal..." Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metal Slime Posted January 19, 2010 Share Posted January 19, 2010 Nice, I really like this one! I think it's my favorite so far. Really great writing in your special events related to your chapter, too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2253833 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 20, 2010 Share Posted January 20, 2010 Ok, very, very good XKhalilX. To be honest I don’t have any problem with these guys fluffwise, the ‘infinity circuit’ idea was always awesome, so I’m going to dive straight into the grammar side of things! Quote Born in the aftermath of Horus Heresy, The Children of Eternity watch over the border realms of the Ultima Segmentum. That’s a lot of border! Any particular part? ‘Northern borders’ perhaps, as they are facing TS later on in article? Quote An enigmatic chapter founded in the early 32nd millennium. The Imperium was reeling from the Horus Heresy and Abaddon's Black Crusades had only just begun. The Imperium of Man was ever reaching across the universe in an undying attempt to gain control of the galaxy. The Emperor, Holy is He, continued to rest upon His Golden Throne, still breathing life into a perpetually striving humanity. With belief in the Emperor's eternal word that man must conquer the stars, the High Lords decreed that a new founding had begun. So the fires of war burned ever brighter.... Few grammar issues here, hope you don’t mind but was quicker to copy and change bits that didn’t seem quite right? The Children of Eternity are an enigmatic chapter founded in the early 32nd millennium. The Imperium was reeling from the Horus Heresy and Abaddon's Black Crusades had only just begun. The Emperor, Holy is He, continued to rest upon His Golden Throne, still breathing life into a perpetually striving humanity. With belief in the Emperor's eternal word that man must conquer the stars, the High Lords decreed that a new founding should begin. So the fires of war burned ever brighter.... Quote With the Fourth Founding, the Children of Eternity were born. Forged from the gene-seed of Ferrus Manus through the Sons of Medusa chapter, from the heroic sacrifice of the Sons of Medusa's 7th Company lead by Captain Idaeon and elements of the 1st and 5th company lead by Librarian Mahavajra and Chaplain Ezriah during the Altruion Crusade where the Sons of Medusa battled the Thousand Sons traitor legion in defense of several forge worlds found within the Altruia Sector, a large body of space with Altruiax as its main forge world and main planet. The war lasted nearly five years with Idaeon's forces the victor. During this time, the Fourth Founding was declared and the Mechanicum decided the Sons of Medusa, with their 7th company's captain being recognized throughout the Ultima Segmentum would give tithe for a new chapter. So it would be that Captain Ereas Idaeon, hero of the Altruia sector would command a thousand strong Astartes, with his longtime friend, the mysterious Mahavajra as his Chief Librarian and the 7th company's zealous Chaplain Ezriah, at his side. The strange Mahavajra spoke at length that an Astartes never truly died, and would live eternally within the Omnissiah. Those under Ezriah's spiritual guidance took these words as an eternal declaration of the chapter's favour in the eyes of the All Machine. Thus, The Children of Eternity were born.... Very odd structure to this paragraph, doesn’t flow very well and overly complicated. Also, first and last sentences are too similar. Perhaps something along these lines would be better: With the Fourth Founding, the Children of Eternity were born. They were forged from the gene-seed of Ferrus Manus, and the new Chapter’s training cadre hailed from the brave remnants of the Sons of Medusa 7th Company. Under the command of Captain Idaeon, the 7th had crusaded against the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion, battling them for the control of several Forge Worlds within the Altruia Sector. After five long years, the Sons were finally declared the victors. Shortly afterward when the 4th Founding was declared, the Fabricator Generals of Altruiax, Altruia’s prime Forge World, insisted that Ideaon and his remaining men should be honoured for their heroism and granted the right to lead one of the new Chapters. So it would be that Captain Ereas Idaeon, hero of the Altruia sector, would command a thousand strong Astartes; with his longtime friend, the mysterious Mahavajra as his Chief Librarian and the 7th company's zealous Chaplain Ezriah, at his side. The strange Mahavajra spoke at length to the young Chapter, explaining that an Astartes never truly died, and would live eternally within the Omnissiah. Those under Ezriah's spiritual guidance took these words as an eternal declaration of the chapter's favour in the eyes of the All Machine. Thus did The Children of Eternity come to be. Quote Unbeknownst to the Children, their future was forever tied to Altruia and an isolated frozen dead world on its outskirts. ‘would forever be tied to’ Quote The worlds of the Altruia Sector raged in the fires of war for over a decade. Forges were destroyed, populations decimated. The temples of the Omnissiah razed and its tech priests slaughtered by the mysterious Thousand Sons. The traitors were famed for their search for knowledge, and attaining it by any means necessary. All that was stopping them from attaining what they sought were the Children of Eternity. Astartes clashed against Astartes, swords drawn, bolters smoked, and tanks roared as soulless Thousand Sons battled the vigilant Children of Eternity, unyielding in their belief that one could never die on the path of the Machine God, even when the body ceased to be. The worlds of the Altruia Sector burned in the fires of war for over a decade. Forges were destroyed and populations decimated. The temples of the Omnissiah were razed and their tech priests slaughtered by the mysterious Thousand Sons. The traitors were famed for their search for knowledge, and attaining it by any means necessary. All that was stopping them from reaching their goal were the Children of Eternity. Astartes clashed against Astartes. Bolters chattered and tanks roared as soulless Thousand Sons battled with the vigilant Children of Eternity, unyielding in their belief that one could never die on the path of the Machine God, even when the body ceased to be. Quote The traitors were routed at Kelvara and Altruiax. Yet all was not as it seemed. As the Thousand Sons retreated, a battle barge marked with the blue and gold of their legion appeared from warp space on the outer fringes of the sector, headed towards a desolate frozen planet known as Marifah to the people of Altruia. Upon learning of this, Fabricator General Maedos ordered his skiitari forces a full evacuation from Altruiax and plot a course for Marifah. He relayed his urgency in a transmission to Commander Idaeon: Traitor Legions wouldn’t have Battle Barges as we know them, could just say ‘a battle ship’. Also ‘….ordered the entirety of his Skitarii forces to abandon Altruiax and ….’ would sound better. Quote It is more precious then any of us could fathom. than, and ‘any of us’ doesn’t sound right, doesn’t he know how valuable it is? '….than you could know.’ might be good? Quote Idaeon and his men landed on Marifah within days of receiving the message. Landing on vast tundra with a large mountainous formation in the northern region, Idaeon and his men were perplexed at what could possibly be so valuable on such a frozen wasteland. Maedos and the skiitari were days away and the Thousand Sons would be planetfall within a week. Taking heavy losses on Kelvara and Altruiax, Idaeon was prepared for a final stand as he was those many years ago as captain of the 7th company of his former chapter. Now a commander, he was honored to lead so many to such a glorious end. Ezriah had instilled in the chapter a belief of an existence after death, an after existence where one could know the All Spirit, the Omnissiah as it was known to the chapter. Those under his command were the most zealous within the chapter, and they clung to his passionate words with such fervour, that every battle brother in the chapter sought to exemplify. Mahavajra, sensing what only one gifted with the psyker gene could feel, was made aware of what Marifah truly held. He named the landing site the Plain of a Thousand Veils, for nothing was as it seemed on this desolate planet that screamed with frigid gale force winds. So it is true, he thought, Marifah must not be lost. When Maedos and his forces arrived, Mahavajra's foresight proved true upon a private counsel with the Fabricator General. The bond between the chapter and the Tech Priests of the Machine God were now forever bonded together. Idaeon and his men landed on Marifah within days of receiving the message. Landing on vast tundra with a large mountain formation to the north, Idaeon and his men were perplexed at what could possibly be so valuable on such a frozen wasteland. Maedos and the skiitari were still several days away and the Thousand Sons would be making planetfall within a week. Taking heavy losses on Kelvara and Altruiax, Idaeon was prepared for a final stand as he was those many years ago as captain of the 7th company of his former chapter. Now a commander, he was honored to lead so many to such a glorious end. Ezriah had instilled in the chapter a belief of an existence after death, an existence where one could know the Omnissiah, or ‘All Spirit’ as it was known to the chapter. Those under his command were the most zealous within the chapter, and they clung to his passionate words with a fervour that every battle brother in the chapter sought to exemplify. Mahavajra, sensing what only one gifted with the psyker gene could feel, was made aware of what Marifah truly held. He named the landing site the Plain of a Thousand Veils, for nothing was as it seemed on this desolate planet that screamed with frigid gale force winds. So it is true, he thought, Marifah must not be lost. When Maedos and his forces arrived, Mahavajra's foresight proved true upon a private counsel with the Fabricator General. The bond between the chapter and the Tech Priests of the Machine God was now forever sealed. Quote The oribal strike of the Thousand Sons' battle barge struck the frozen soil of Marifah with a thunderous cacophony. As skiitari looked on, Idaeon's men stood firm, statues of flesh and steel, poised for a glorious end. Soon the laser battery ended, and the screams of drop pods slammed into Marifah. The traitors had landed and they were prepared to fight for the knowledge they sought. Battle barge again, and maybe ‘statues of flesh, steel and ceramite’? Quote Gene seed frequencing has shown no adverse side effects to that which has been described. Unnecessary sentence; if you like, add something to the gene-seed section instead? Pheww, ok done for now! Will do some more later. Hope it’s at least some help? P.S. Are you in the Iron Gauntlet with this? Lysimachus PC 16/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2254391 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 21, 2010 Share Posted January 21, 2010 Ok, looked at the next bit, and I think really you need to mention the fact that Marifah is actually their Homeworld sooner. Perhaps this section could be combined with the Homeworld section? Hope you don't mind, but again quicker to just edit some suggestions/grammar crit together than try to point them out one by one, so taken the liberty of rewriting the next section. Quote Within days of the aftermath of Yan al-Qeeyam, the Mechanicus of the Altruia Sector declared the chapter to be the protectorate of their region of space, and Idaeon accepted this responsibility with pride. This agreement would mutually benefit and protect both sides and show recognition of the sacrifice the Children endured in the name of the Omnissiah. The Fabricator Generals further promised to provide the Chapter with suitable young males to rebuild their losses and even gifted the Chapter with the world that they had fought so hard to protect, Marifah. Yet this world was no ordinary world of solitude, for as the Chapter had found out, the Mechanicus had gifted them with not only a homeworld, but with a solemn duty that would forever form a bond between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes of the Children of Eternity. Marifah is a desolate world found in the Altruia Sector. It is the furthest planet from the system's sun and its lack of flora and fauna is testament to its isolation. The world is made up of frozen tundras and icy desert plains. The winds are severe and in certain areas, they are known to shred the flesh off bone. Those few animals that do survive are scavengers and can be found in the central tundras. Dar ul-Burad, the Fortress Monastery of the Children of Eternity is situated in the northern regions of the planet. Located in the area known as the Plains of a Thousand Veils, it is carved into the central mountain that stands in defiance of the mysterious plains that surround it. Within the catacombs of the chapter's fortress lies the Hall of Ancestors. Here, the deeds and honours of the chapter are kept in archaic tomes. Old tattered battle standards lie motionless upon the vast cathedral ceilings, and statues and paintings of the chapter's glorious past are captured. However, within these halls lies a secret known only to the chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus. In the very depths of the vast fortress lies an archaic machine of monstrous proportions. The chapter calls the machine Qalb Ar-Ribat, or "Heart of Preservation”. For the Adepts of Mars, it is known as the Reminisce Device and it is one of their most ancient and best preserved mainframes of digital data that dates back to even before the creation of the Second Founding Chapters and possibly before the Horus Heresy itself. This machine is a storehouse of the most secret information, knowledge so mysterious that not even the Children of Eternity know the true value of what they protect or revere. In exchange for the Chapter's status as protectorate, the Mechanicum manufactured a "spiritual mainframe" within the Reminisce Device. Here, the Chapter's fallen are reborn again. Though their bodies of flesh and blood are long gone from the physical world, their spirit continues; for the machine allows a battle brother to be reborn as a digital engram of their living self. This is accomplished through the uploading of a data-chip implanted into an initiate's brain upon his induction into the chapter as a scout. Throughout their life as an Astartes, a marine will be in constant prayer, his every litany recorded; every remembrance of the Great Father and the Omnissiah forever acknowledged. Upon their death, this chip will be uploaded into the machine. This mainframe is thus a gateway to the ancients. Long dead, these astartes have merged their human soul with the Omnissiah. Their voices are now heard forever in prayer and utter devotion to the Machine God of which their soul has now become a part. This union makes one inherently one with the Machine, and hence, they are no longer living, yet no longer dead. Death is impossible for those who reach this spiritual perfection of machine and man. Those who have achieved this mechanical merger are forever a psychological and ghostly veil of the Omnissiah itself. Hope you don't think I'm trying to take over, and hope this is some help! Lysimachus PC 17/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2255819 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 21, 2010 Author Share Posted January 21, 2010 no lysimachus i always get great feedback from you on my ideas. I just haven't had chance to really sit down and take a look. :) What is this Iron Gauntlet challenge? I was putting this up to get it placed in the Librarium Honourus. Ferrus told me to drop it off here first to get suggestions. These boys are my pride and joy because I had that initial foundation of weird beliefs, you guys months ago helped me refine them :) Did you catch the Chaplain-Zealots name? I gave myself quite the ego boost on him eh? ;) LOL Painting wise I have maybe 4-5 tactical marines done. I am very lazy when it comes to painting and can never get inspired. EDIT: I saw the challenge thread. I think I will just try and do the submission as a regular poster on the boards and not in the challenge. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2256155 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 Fair enough mate, I think I can count it towards my comments for the Challenge anyway! :P Had a look at the next bit, again nothing much to change; a couple of really long sentences that need breaking up a bit, stuff like that. the only thing that I thought was really odd was this bit: Quote The machine spirit becomes less mechanical and more methodical, giving the chapter a view of kinship with the machines that fight alongside them. Surely a machine is pretty methodical already? I assume you're trying to say they're more 'alive', hence I put 'animate' instead. Is that the kind of feel you're going for? Quote For the Children, death is the final release; for with a brother's passing, the Chapter Reclusiarchs preach that the fallen brother’s spirit is uploaded into the Qalb Ar-Ribat, the ancient machine known only to the Chapter and the Mechanicus itself. Here their individual engram lives on eternally with the Librarium, guarding its secrets. In essence, the spirit of a battle brother cannot die, and will live for an eternity as one with the Omnissiah. The Children pity mankind, for it is their belief that only those souls lifted above human form can truly become one with the Machine God. As superhumans of the Adeptus Astartes, they feel it is their duty to protect those whose existence is less fortunate. After the wars fought in the Altruia Sector, the Chapter pledged a solemn oath to the Omnissiah to watch over His creation, both flesh and machine, within its borders. The chapter's cult is a blend of mysticism, and fanatical belief in the spirit of technology and flesh. They see the Emperor as the Omnissiah in the Flesh for his infinite knowledge and superhuman qualities. The Chapter sees their Primarch as the embodiment of the word and faith in their god through his sacrifice. Due to their intense devotion to all things technological, the Librarians of the chapter are able to unite their own human mind with that of the machine spirit. From the simplest of vehicles in the Rhino APC to the behemoth tank of the Land Raider, the embodied machine spirit becomes an extension of the Librarian's mind. The machine spirit becomes less mechanical and more animate, giving the Chapter a view of kinship with the machines that fight alongside them. They look to their vehicles as mechanical embodiments of the Omnissiah. A vehicle's existence or any technological creation is just as important, if not more so, then a battle brother himself. When a vehicle is destroyed, the chapter believes they have lost one of their own. Because of these spiritual beliefs held by the Children of Eternity, Dreadnoughts are considered a miserable destination, brothers viewing the Dreadnought chasis as a tomb of never-ending hell and blasphemous to the intentions and desires of the Omnissiah. No brother should ever be made to suffer being entombed inside such a mechanical prison. Flesh and machine may meld and mix when needed such as bionic replacments, but never become one; the spirits of each are unique and separate entities. Some reckless recruits and more fanatical members of the Reclusiarch within the chapter have even attempted to "free" the souls of Dreadnoughts of other chapters, causing considerable tension between the Children and other Adeptus Astartes, most notably their cousins in the Iron Hands. Lysimachus PC 18/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2257061 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 XKhalilX said: Because of these spiritual beliefs held by the Children of Eternity, dreadnoughts are considered a miserable, eternal destination, and thus the brothers look at the dreadnought chasis as a tomb of hell, and blasphemous to the intentions of what the Omnissiah desires or represents and no brother is ever entombed inside such a mechanical prison. Flesh and machine may meld and mix when needed such as bionic replacments, but never become one; the spirits of each are unique and separate entities. Some reckless recruits and more fanatical members of the Reclusiarch within the chapter have even attempted to "free" the souls of Dreadnoughts of other chapters, causing considerable tension between the Children and other Adeptus Astartes, notably their cousins in the Iron Hands. Wow, this bit caught me by surprise. My Infinity Knights (similar name, similar emphasis on the living forever) consider dreadnoughts sacred-living-forever machines, and I assumed that would be the route you'd taken as well. I bet any meetings between the two chapters would be more than a touch awkward. :D I can't find anything to criticize that Strike Captain Lysimachus hasn't already spotted, either. Very well written, very interesting ideas, and it's nice to see a purple loyalist chapter for a change. :) Good stuff! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2257281 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 Ok, next section. To be honest, the first paragraph is very... odd. I get what you're trying to say (I hope!) but it's quite convoluted. The second one is pretty much fine though, although the first two sentences might work a bit better linked together: Quote Making war is the very purpose for which the Omnissiah and the Emperor created the Astartes, and therefore the Children view such war as a form of worship, one that can bring them ever closer to the Machine God. When in battle, the Children of Eternity consider it a spiritual experience akin to prayer, something to be entered into both reverently and meditatively. The Chapter favors close combat assault tactics, believing that a brother marine's faith can only truly be tested, his will properly tempered and his honour proclaimed when blade clashes against blade. Only when a marine experiences close quarter fighting does he glorify the superhuman abilities gifted to him by the Omnissiah. When making war in this way, the Children of Eternity also recall the martyrdom of their Great Father Ferrus Manus against the Daemon possessed Fulgrim. To die by the blade of the enemy is thus to emulate the Great Father in his heroic sacrifice and unite with him until the day when the Emperor calls upon his chosen sons and their progeny to overcome the forces of Chaos once and for all. Again, taken the liberty of rewriting the first paragraph. Hopefully it's still getting the feel across that you wanted, if not feel free to ignore what i've suggested entirely! (come to think of it, that goes equally for everything i've said so far... :yes: ) Lysimachus PC 19/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2257847 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 23, 2010 Author Share Posted January 23, 2010 Ace- yes I think our two chapters would have a very awkward meeting. Imagine your squads of Dreadnoughts flooding off transports. Any of my marines who didn't have helmets on would look like :lol: LOL Lysimachus- THANK YOU for the great editing brother. I repasted all your suggestions and it flows a lot better. I have ALWAYS had very bad grammar. Even when I was working on my M.A. dissertation pretty much every single editing mark was grammar and I asked my teacher if I had one of the worst grammar abilities of any M.A. student she had. She remained silent and I laughed, which made her laugh. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2258515 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 24, 2010 Author Share Posted January 24, 2010 any lexicanum have any C and C? i feel its prettyy much ready to be submitted for final approval Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2259089 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 Well, the only thing I have to say is 1) there is only one B in the born (very first word in the IA) and why are your marines purple? Red would probably be better, with your devotion to the machine* god. Also, why don't you add something in about how the regular trooper has a deeper knowledge of machines than most, they have adepts come over and train your chapter about the various things that adepts are taught... the best and the brightest go to Mars, and when they come back they are like the Wolf Priests to the Space Wolves, "even the mightiest and proudest Wolf Lord will step aside when a Wolf Priest passes by". These guys command absolute authority and respect, to go against one is to invite shame and a quick death for a Wolf Lord will soon have you killed in battle. I think you should really try to emphasize their role in the chapter. *When I first typed that out, I accidentaly typed marine god :D Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2259128 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 24, 2010 Share Posted January 24, 2010 No worries mate, very happy to help! I'll try and go through the last 2 sections in the next day or so. In the meantime, i'm not sure whether it's deliberate or you missed it but you haven't made any changes to the first paragraph of the History section? Also, I'd swap the Homeworld section to before the Beliefs rather than after; as at the mo, you talk about the big machine at the start of Beliefs but at that point you haven't said what it is? Ok, looking at the Org subheading, I think this is an area where you need to have a bit more of a think. While the bit about the 1st Co. is fine, it's not hugely non-Codex (Terminators and Vanguards basically?). What about the Chapter org in general? Are they fully Codex or do they use the IH 'Clan Company' style. With that in mind, do they have a single Chapter Master or a Clan Council? (either way, might be a cool place to mention how the Chapter Command often relies on the wise tactical council of long dead Battle Brothers within the machine?) Also, while I disagree with DAT on the colour scheme, I do agree that the Children would likely have a higher proportion of Techmarines/Adepts. Come to think of it, wouldn't they have IH style Iron Fathers instaed of Chaplains anyway? Quote Since their inception under the first High Chaplain Ezriah, these devout brothers have fought in countless incursions. They are the most vocal about their belief in the Omnissiah amongst their brothers, and are lead by the Chaplain-Zealot. The Zealots answer to none but their Chaplain, and obey him without question.This Chaplain stands above all others in the chapter as emulating the word of the Machine God. He is the voice of Righteousness, one that is religiously radical and spiritually superior. Arca Khalidus is the current Chaplain-Zealot, and the youngest member in the history of the Chapter Reclusiarch. His entire right arm and left eye have been replaced with bionics after losing them in single combat against the Dark Apostle Maefus of the Word Bearers. Ultimately victorious, the skull of Maefus is one of the many trophies the Chaplain carries and has chained to his jumpack and armor. Carrying the Scimitar of Ezriah, he is a physically intimidating site to both friend and foe alike. This sidebar is fine, the only things I can see is I'd cut 'member' and change to 'Reclusiarchy', also typo should be 'sight' not 'site' Will check over gene-seed later today if I can! Lysimachus PC 20/40 (yaay! got my bronze at least and didn't fail the first Iron Gauntlet Challenge!) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2259197 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 24, 2010 Author Share Posted January 24, 2010 DAT- I chose purple as they came from the 7th company of Sons of Medusa. 7th Company is purple in Codex Astartes. So, its not part of the IA article, basically Idaeon decided that to honor his fallen men, the new chapter would take the color of 7th Co. in honor of their sacrifice. The chapter has white helmets to pay homage to their parent chapter the Sons of Medusa. White arms will signify a veteran. Their chapter symbol is the hand of fatima(you can google that). It will be outlined in black and will be a white hand. For Sgt's I haven't decided a designation. I got some ideas: 1) right arm is white (veterans would have to white arms) 2) white shoulder pads in which case the hand symbol would be black with white outline, making it opposite of regular marine. 3) purple stripe down middle of helmet 4) Black trim on shoulder pads Lysimachus- Nope didn't make it deliberate, I just missed it. Now corrected :) Lysimachis and DAT- I added stuff about techmarines, and wrote up more on company organization. obviously since its new stuff it will need review and grammar checking. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2260075 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted January 25, 2010 Share Posted January 25, 2010 Well, I think you should combine the roles of tech marine and chaplain. The zealots bit could be worked very interestingly into something that could be very... characterful. Your chapter is awesome right now, and it has character, and its very unique, but.... It has no dark side, so-to-speak. Wow, we worship the Omnissiah facet of the Emperor - and you pulled that off very well - but the chapter is pure. No chapter is pure, for all have some darker side. The Blood Angels are noble, humble astartes, but they fight temptation for every single second of their extended lives. Black Templars are noble crusaders - who are perfectly willing to throw away the lives of their underlings to prove their worth to the Emperor. Your chapter has touched on their darker side - their hatred for dreadnoughts, and that they act upon it -but you could expand that and turn it into something that will make your chapter connect, make it come closer instincually as it grows farther apart consiously to its brother chapters. Just a thought. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2260168 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 25, 2010 Share Posted January 25, 2010 Ok, very good. I like the changes you've made to the Org section, done some grammar checking over that bit and found a couple of other bits in the sidebar too! Quote The Children of Eternity largely adhere to the Codex Astartes, fielding ten Companies of one hundred Space Marines organized as Veteran, Battle, Reserve and Scout formations, although Captains are more commonly known as Masters and the Chapter Master as the High Master. The Chapter's First Company, however, breaks with the Codex slightly in its command structure. While the First Company Master commands the Chapter’s Terminator and Sternguard squads, a Chaplain leads the Vanguard squads. These elite assault squad members are known as the Zealots and are led by the Chaplain-Zealot. Since the days of Chaplain Ezriah, these brothers have been drawn from the Chapter’s most skilled fighters; and those whose zealous demeanour far surpasses the rest of their brethren. It is this very nature that requires the leadership of the Chaplain-Zealot, for only a brother of the Reclusiarchy is able to control and guide their religious fervour and fundamentalism for the Omnissiah and Primarch Manus into a devastating charge. Whereas the other veteran squads are a symbol of glory and honour for the chapter, the elite assault squads represent the faith and zeal which the Chapter was founded upon. To be part of the First Company garners much respect and thus those who wear Terminator armour are accorded the status of Brother-Elite and those of the assault squads are aptly titled Brother-Zealot. However, what is most unique in regards to the Chapter's command structure is that their leaders are able to look to the tactical wisdom of their former brethren embodied in Qalb Ar-Ribat. These ancient souls, with their countless years of experience, still offer sound advice and counsel to the High Master and those in positions of command. The Chaplain-Zealot in particular traditionally spends a great deal of time when not on campaign in communion with his predecessors, most notably the High Chaplain Ezriah himself. The Chapter fields easily twice as many Techmarines than other Codex adherent Chapters due to their reverence for the Omnissiac perfection of machine technology. Techmarines are highly respected and work closely alongside the Reclusiarchy. Because of their quasi-religious nature with technology and their oversight of the holy sancutary of Qalb Ar-Ribat, Techmarines are more commonly known within the Chapter as Techseers. When a brother of high rank falls in battle, a council formed of the High Master, the Company Masters, the Chief Librarian and Chaplain-Zealot, aided by the wise spirits of Qalb Ar-Ribat, will come together to select a replacement . In such situations, many days may pass as those of Qalb Ar-Ribat and the Chapter Command meditate together. Only a new Chaplain-Zealot or Master of the Forge will be chosen solely by their peers; the Chaplain-Zealot being named from amongst the Zealots themselves, guided by their recently passed Chaplain, now an embodied spirit himself, and the ancient spirit of Ezriah. Similarly, the newly appointed Master of the Forge is elected by a council of the Techseers themselves. and the sidebar: Quote Since their inception under the first High Chaplain Ezriah, these devout brothers have fought in countless incursions. They are the most vocal about their belief in the Omnissiah amongst their brothers, and are led by the Chaplain-Zealot. The Zealots answer to none but their Chaplain, and obey him without question. This Chaplain stands above all others in the Chapter as emulating the word of the Machine God. He is the voice of Righteousness, one that is religiously radical and spiritually superior. Arca Khalidus is the current Chaplain-Zealot, and is the youngest brother to hold this position in the history of the Chapter Reclusiarchy. His entire right arm and left eye have been replaced with bionics after losing them in single combat against the Dark Apostle Maefus of the Word Bearers. Ultimately victorious, the skull of Maefus is one of the many trophies the Chaplain carries and has chained to his jump pack and armour. Carrying the Scimitar of Ezriah, he is a physically intimidating sight to both friend and foe alike. Lysimachus PC 21/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2260368 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 25, 2010 Author Share Posted January 25, 2010 okay Lysimachus I changed the sidebar and organization. Your edits made the organization flow MUCH MUCH better! thank you! ;) should I call the techmarine Techseers, Techsages, or something else? reason I don't want to have Iron Father model is I was never too keen on idea(although I enjoyed Iron Father Gdolkin from the Iron Hands novel alot), I also felt that Iron Fathers were all about ultimately being a dreadnought and bionics, something that from my IA, was not a direction I wanted to go. Also, because of the zealous religious nature of the chapter I wanted the Chaplains to keep their traditional role, but be over the top in it. So my Chaplains are kind of like Iron Fathers without the tech knowledge. My techmarines are like Iron Fathers without the religious zeal. Basically I tried to have them each view technology in a different aspect. Id say my Chaplains are more zealous religious warriors, and my techmarines more theologians. any that making sense? Its not at all conveying what I have in my head, but I guess I am bad with words at the moment. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2261303 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelfire Posted January 26, 2010 Share Posted January 26, 2010 Great! The piece is well organized and coherent. However, one thing you may want to elaborate on with greater details is why exactly these sons of Ferrus are ideologically different from the Iron Hands/Sons of Medusa. For instance, their abhorrence of dreadnoughts comes from disliking the idea of being locked into a vehicle chassis for basically eternity. But why do they hate this? Is it the result of the beliefs of their homework population? A tragedy within the chapter's history? Similarly, why did the techmarines lose the religious aspect that the Iron Fathers have? (By the way: I feel "techseers" starts to sound like the IG enginseers. "Techsages" is too hokey-pokey religous. I think enginelords or machinelords sounds cool. Just my thoughts.) I'm not saying that you have to go in this direction. It's something I think would be cool for you to explore, but "it just happened" is still a valid explanation without going in to detail. -Angelfire Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2261536 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 26, 2010 Share Posted January 26, 2010 Ok, final section looked through, was mostly fine, couple of little bits where it didn't seem to flow quite right, but hopefully ok now: Quote The Chapter's gene-seed is that of Ferrus Manus of the Iron Hands, descended through the lineage of the Sons of Medusa. Like the Iron Hands, the Chapter follows the doctrine that the flesh is ultimately weak and fallible. However, the Children of Eternity believe that one must live and struggle through these weakness in order to understand the greatness of the All Machine. It is due to this variation of doctrine that the Children bear no more bionics than an ‘average’ Chapter, and any augmentations are only those that are deemed necessary in keeping a Battle Brother fighting at peak efficiency or in furthering their knowledge of the Omnissiah. Only when one's human spirit finally passes from the weakness of flesh can one be initiated and received into the majesty of All Knowledge. Other points: Something odd seems to have happened with the editing of the Org section? The second paragraph - starting 'The elite assault squad...' - and the final three paragraphs seem to be the unedited original versions. Either need to take them or the rewritten ones out! I think either name works fine for the Techmarines, both give that tech/religious feeling You know, I think I was forgetting that they aren't direct IH successors but via the SoM. Taking that into account, it's really not any problem to go for a more 'Codex' structure. TBH, I've always thought that the further down a line of successor Chapters you go, the more likely they are to go towards following the Codex than the organization/tactics of their original Legion (admittedly not always the case, but....). For example, I don't know whether SoM have Iron Fathers instead of regular Chaplains, but if they don't, you certainly don't have to explain anything about why you don't! Well, anyway, so far that's all I could see that needed changing/rewriting. However, I wouldn't be suprised if the Librarium staff do notice other bits (I'm pretty good on the grammar side of things, but I do have a tendency to miss things! :P ) Lysimachus PC 22/40 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2261584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 26, 2010 Author Share Posted January 26, 2010 lysimachus: i forgot to delete old stuff, now taken care of. as for the rest, there isn't a lot of fluff on the Sons of Medusa at all. Very little. So I can play around with the fluff a little more since they are not very established. and the seer or sage part is suppoused to be overtly religious, based on how much they revere technology, even seeing machines as "alive and animate." I think this goes way over the way the IH look at tech. Its respected by them, but i don't think IH in anyway look at your typical Rhino or vehicle as a fellow "brother." The Children of Eternity do. Machines are merely another type of created being by the Omnissiah, and humans are another, both are created beings in their own right by the Machine God, and that is how my COE look at it. so the techmarines are still very religious, just in a different aspect. So in terms of dreanoughts, its merging two souls in one, something that in religious terms isn't possible. so that is one reason the COE don't like it, its just diabolical to the Omnissiac plan. Secondly, to be locked in a dreadnought rather then merge one's spirit within the Omnissiah through his word (ie. digital data within a mainframe for example, though that is making it a very basic understanding) is hellish, for one is not with their God, and to choose merger in divine unity is far better then a dreadnought chasis where one is stuck in a semi state of life and death, a mechanical purgatory. Tech code and data plans, all that stuff is like religious scripture to worshippers of the Omnissiah, and to be uploaded into some type of alter digital life form where one communicates like a spirit ancestor within this digital universe is the epitome of perfection. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2262285 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 27, 2010 Share Posted January 27, 2010 I think you've explained it very well there, and from the Children's viewpoint, it makes perfect sense. Would be good to get some more feedback on this one from some of the Lib staff, I think it must be fairly close to being submission ready. good stuff! Lysimachus Edit: side point, but just noticed you've not changed the Gene-seed section, don't know if that deliberate/oversight? God, I sound like such a control freak! I honestly don't mind whether you want to use my revisions or not, it's your baby! :tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2262799 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 27, 2010 Author Share Posted January 27, 2010 sorry lysimachus, I don't keep doing that on purpose, I keep forgetting. Prolly cuz ive been fixin it up away from my home computer. You tend to get distracted with work ;) yes, definately need some people from librarium lookin at this. Or maybe they don't look at it until I officially submit it? so do you guys think I am missing anything? Do you think I should explain somehow or another why the COE find the dreadnought deplorable or do you think the little amount I have said why in beliefs section is sufficient enough? don't want to get into too much detail, but my post before this one I tried to explain it in detail being outside of the IA itself. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2263184 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted January 27, 2010 Author Share Posted January 27, 2010 BTW, if anyone can photoshop the chapter symbol onto the shoulder pad, I have the PDF file on my home computer, just let me know. that would make my marine picture amazing :P once these guys are good enough to get into Librarium(hopefully), I will then get to work on trying to get my white scars chapter the Sons of Jubal(will change name soon) into the Librarium. then after them I will try to revamp my Steel Wyverns :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2263350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Philip S Posted July 7, 2010 Share Posted July 7, 2010 Do you have a chapter symbol? Philip Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-2455917 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted April 19, 2013 Author Share Posted April 19, 2013 Sons of Idaeon CHAPTER NAME: ..............Sons of IdaeonFOUNDING: ..................Unknown [M.38]CHAPTER WORLD: .............KelvalaFORTRESS MONASTERY: ........UnknownGENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ...Children of EternityKNOWN DESCENDANTS: .........None Chapter Symbol "Founded during the 38th millenium, The Sons of Idaeon defend the Imperium with a cold and calculated outlook. They see humanity has come to its final days, and only those loyal and brave enough to the Emperor will be on his side in the Final War for mankind. Men will turn from the Golden Throne, astartes will fall to chaos. The Sons believe less then a legion of marines will stand by the Emperor of Mankind on the final battlefield for the survival of humanity. They venerate their Primarch and the first astartes birthed from their homeworld. Only those who have broken their own body and spirit can rebuild it to a tempered killing machine and guardian for the dying throes of humanity." History Founded in the 38th millenium, the Sons of Idaeon are fervont in their belief in their Primarch and the Emperor of Mankind. Cold and calculating, brutal and stoic, the chapter is firm in their belief that the end times of humanity are near, that their primarch will return, and the Emperor will rise forth from the Golden Throne and annhilate all the enemies of man. For the Sons of Idaeon, a marine through war and spiritual devotion to their primarcha and Chapter Master, can ultimately unite their soul with their father primarch and be one in a mystical union of astartes, primarch and Emperor. The Sons of Idaeon revere their founding chapter's first Chapter Master, believing him to be a living embodiment of Ferrus Manus. Since their inception, the chapter has extended this doctrine to their own Chapter Masters, believing them to be the spiritual embodiment of their Primarch, a regent in his absence until he returns for the final war for humanity. During the 38th millenium, the High Lords became increasingly concerned that the forces of Chaos were rallying for another Black Crusade under the treacherous Abbadon. The Ork Waaaghs were ever increasing, the Eldar and their dark fallen kin were always in the shadows waiting for a chance to strike. The Emperor had spoken; new astartes must rise to meet the challenge. So it would be that the sons of the venerable ancient Ereas Idaeon would be born. Ereas Idaeon, hero of the Altruia Sector Wars five thousand years before, was the first Chapter Master of the engimatic chapter, the Children of Eternity. Descended from Primarch Ferrus Manus through the Brazen Claws, the Children were zealots for the Machine God, loyal to the Omnissiah and their brethren in the Ad Mech above all. They protected the Altruia Sector's forgeworlds, and are the guardians of Qalb ar-Ribat, an ancient data mainframe created before even the Horus Heresy itself. This machine was regarded as a Holy Relic to the chapter, and guard with utmost secrecy, only the Ad Mech and astartes under the Pax Ferrus Eternus knew the true value of the frigid tundra world of Marifah, the Children's homeworld. The Children of Eternity travelled the Eastern and Northern fringes of the galaxy, in a quest to obtain all knowledge laid down by the All Machine, the Omnissiah itself. Forgeworlds are cathedrals to worship and contemplate Omnissiac perfection, STC templates are the very words of all that is holy. As an unofficial militant chamber of the Ad Mech, the Children gave their oath of allegiance to defending the realm of the Omnissiah made flesh, the Holy Emperor of Terra. They pledged to die for the All Machine's one and only perfected creation: Humanity itself. Astartes are the biological evolution of this perfect design. During the 38th millenium, several companies of the chapter were sent to the northeastern fringe territory, in a region known as the _____ system. Here, several worlds that were recolonized by the Imperium during the Age of Horus lay vulnerable to attacks being on the very boundaries of the Astrominomican's reach. Reports reached Imperial space that contact with the system was lost approximately 2 years prior. The Children were tasked with exploring the system, having the world of Volkatha/Valkantha/Val'Kantha/Kalavela an infrequently used recruiting world for the chapter, as well as the homeworld of their first Chapter Master, Ereas Idaeon, being the epicenter of the system. If foul play was involved, the Children were determined to keep Imperial citizens, as well as a valuable recruiting world in their hands. Homeworld Beliefs The Sons of Idaeon unequivacolly believe that their Primarch Ferrus Manus never died. Ferrus Manus' supposed matrydom was the symbolism of sacrifice that all embodied spirits must make to become one with the Omnissiah.Ferrus Manus and The Emperor of Mankind are one in the same entity. The Emperor is the eternal Omnissiah. The Form of the Emperor is the form the Omnissiah has always had, and will always take for the Emperor is the epitome of perfection in creation. Ferrus Manus is the very spirit through which mankind was created: determination, ingenuity, ironwill, guardian to the weak, and wrathful to the oppressor. The Emperor is unable to feel human emotion or physical pain. By his creation of the primarchs was he finally able to feel the attributes of humanity. These sons of the Emperor were a seed of the Emperor's divine light, feeling both extraordinary power and wisdom, as well as the human free will. Humanity's role is to obey the Emperor without question. Upon the call of the Great Crusade, mankind was destine to conquer the stars. Those too weak to physically fight must help in anyway possible. Through man, were the astartes born, the perfected creation of the Emperor's beloved humanity. Only the strongest would survive to become adeptus astartes. The traitor primarchs left their earthly perfection by giving into their human side of creation. The whispers of Chaos are a trial for all, and those too weak will surely succomb to its deviancy. The chapter believes humanity will face a final conflict, what the Sons of Idaeon call Ultamus Bellanus, or Final War. In the Final War, The Emperor will rise from the Golden Throne, and call forth his loyal sons. Those who disappeared will return, those who died, will resurrect, and Ferrus Manus will emerge from hiding and be the spearhead of the battle against Chaos. Mankind will face their enemy: the traitor primarchs and their children, the demons, the xenos, for all are tainted with evil and impurity. Only mankind was created in the Omnissiah's image, and it is only they who have the right to rule. The Final War will determine if humanity has proven itself worthy of the Emperor's salvation. Those too weak of will or of faith will perish and suffer eternall at the hands of Chaos, those who steel themselves with unyielding faith will be embraced into the Emperor's effulgence and be marked in an eternal salvation. For the Sons of Idaeon, emulating Ferrus Manus is to ultimately become one with their Primarch, and thus one with the Emperor. He is the reason for their existence and they revere him to an exceptional degree. Upon becoming an aspirant of the chapter, the Sons follow the example of the founding chapter of the Iron Hands by removing a scout-brother's hands for steel ones. The Sons of Idaeon take this a step further when a brother reaches full astartes status and replace both his arms for fully bionic ones. During his training, an initiate works with the Iron Sages in constructing his bionic replacements. This bonds each brother with technology on a personal level, cementing the bond between man and machine. The Iron Fathers remind the initiates of Primarch Ferrus Manus defeating the Silver Wyrm and bearing his silver armed limbs as a sign of victory and his divinity. Through physical and spiritual devotion, the chapter believes a brother can reach a mystical union with the primarch. Battlefield Doctrine The chapter utilizes methodical calculated battle tactics, relying heavily on wearing down their opponents through sheer strength and brutality. They employ a fairly large amount of terminator suits. Organization Unlike their parent chapter, the Sons of Idaeon follows the Codex Astartes strictly. The Chapter Master is known as an Iron Regent, symbolizing his position is a temporary reign until the return of the Primarch. Each company is designated as an ___. Each ____ is self sufficient, maintaining its own equipment. In times of need, the ____ will help their fellow brothers. Unlike the Iron Hands, there is no competition or strained relations amongst the ____. Squad sergeants are designated with silver helmets. The Sons have adopted a variant of traditional role of the Iron Father into their ranks. The Iron Father is a combination of Chaplain-techmarine. The Iron Father's role is primarily of the Chaplain position, holding an intermediate knowledge of technological workings. They do not bare a tech harness or many of the tools a traditional techmarine carries, this designation is reserved for the Iron Sages, pure adepts of Martian arts and astartes physiology. The Iron Father's role is a preacher and spiritual healer who looks over his men and their bodies as guardians of the chapter. They help administer the spiritual rites to the brothers, and train them in basic understandings of machine technology. Those spiritually inclined to communicate with machine over man are sent to the chapter Iron Sages to undergo the full training of a techmarine. It is the job of an Iron Father to test the marines to the brink of physical and mental exhaustion. It is his duty to break the weak, and temper the strong. The Iron Fathers oversee the trials set forth by the chapter, and guide the initiates with the help of the Iron Sages in teaching each initiate basic bionic modification for their final trials to be inducted as a full astartes. Upon completion of the trials, the initiate's battered and damaged physical arms are surgically removed and the bionic arms they personally helped construct under the care and tutelage of the Iron Sages are attached under the watchful eye and beneditions of the Apothecarium, Iron Fathers and Iron Sages. Iron Fathers are fiery in their belief that Primarch Ferrus Manus never actually died and believe he will reappear during the Final War. They preach that Eres Idaeon of the Children of Eternity was an avatar of the Primarch, and the spirit of Ferrus Manus, known as Spiritum Ferrori, is embodied in every Iron Regent of the Sons of Idaeon. The astartes of the chapter offer full submission to their leader, as both a wise tactician of war, and an ultimate spiritual figure in the flesh. Gene-Seed The Sons of Idaeon were created using the geneseed of their parent chapter, the Children of Eternity. As sons of Ferrus Manus, the chapter preaches an ironwill and a stoic outlook. Battle Cry "Glory In Spirt. Honor in War." Chaplain/Captain: "In his name we live"<br /> reply: "For Ferrus. In his name we die." Chaplain/Captain: "The Final War comes..." reply: "For Ferrus I shed my blood...." Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-3353444 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XKhalilX Posted April 20, 2013 Author Share Posted April 20, 2013 Scions of the Infinite CHAPTER NAME: ..............Scions of the InfiniteFOUNDING: ..................Unknown [M.35]CHAPTER WORLD: .............AkkadFORTRESS MONASTERY: ........UnknownGENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ...Children of EternityKNOWN DESCENDANTS: .........None Chapter Symbol "Founded during the 35th millenium, The Scions of the Infinite are a proud and honorable chapter residing on the planet of Akkad on the border of the Southern Fringe and Segmentum Pacificus. They are a vastly unknown chapter, searching the Imperium and the regions outside its borders for knowledge they believe tells of the final war between mankind and the forces of xenos and chaos. They are a stubborn chapter, unwilling to share their discoveries with anyone outside their chapter with the exception of the Ad Mech, and the chapters under the Pax Ferrus Eternus. This secretive nature has caused a rift between them and the Imperium, notably other astartes. Their detractors are quickly silenced upon seeing the noble Scions take to the field of battle, exuding bravery and upmost loyalty for the Emperor of Mankind." Amongst the Children of Eternity there had always been the quest for knowledge. Knowledge of the Omnissiah and its creation were a means to understand the unknown of the All Machine, a means by which an astartes can merge his self with his Creator, and eventually become one within the Qalb ar-Ribat, the Heart of Preservation. It was this device that an astartes would be a digital engram of his living self, once his physical body had passed on. Here, the brothers of the past eternally sing hymn and praise of the All Machine, or what others may call the Omnissiah. Within a millenia after being created, there arose a select circle of brothers within the chapter that believed there was more to knowledge then simply being a tool to Omnissiac Perfection. Calling themselves The Omnitepha, they were certain the Machine God left its signs of creation wherever mankind reached in the galaxy. STC's were pages of a Holy Book that these brothers believed was a collection of all creation, including living flesh and tissue. The brothers of this secretive circle called the book Deus Mechanica and believed that by discovering all the STCs, the age of the All Machine would rise once again. Some say hundreds, if not thousands, of STCs were lost forever. For the Omnitepha, the Machine God would not be so callous as to have such a fate happen to its living words. The Omnitepha were also staunch adherents to the writings of Mahavajra, the first Chief Librarian. While revered throughout the chapter, the brothers of the Omnitepha emphasized the study of the Chief Librarian's words above all others, for his words above all others were sacred. They further isolated themselves in their belief in what they would revere as the Omnitep. The Omnissiah was known by many names; as the Machine God, the All Spirit, the Architect of Humanity, and finally the All Machine to the chapter. For the Omnitepha, the Omnitep was the ultimate reality of this distant entity. Some say the Emperor of Mankind is the fleshly embodiment of the Omnissiah such as the Adeptus Mechanicus and the chapter itself. For the Omnitepha that was only part of the greater belief. The circle of seekers believed that not only was this the case with the Emperor of Mankind, they further believed that Primarch Ferrus Manus himself was the living spirit of the Machine God. The Emperor was never human, and to understand human emotion, weaknesses, and strengths, to understand his greatest creation, he created the Primarchs. Attributes of himself were poured into each one. These immaculate sons of the Emperor were superhuman, man and god in one. Ferrus Manus embodied the truest spirit of the Omnissiah in this regard. The Omnitepha further declared that the Horus Heresy was predicted by the Emperor, to strengthen humanity in its darkest hours. how can one know true suffering and victory unless they themselves establish it and impose it upon their own kind. The Emperor believed that the only way for humanity to survive against the enemies of man: gods of chaos, xenos of varied intelligence and power, that he must put his greatest creation through a trial unimaginable. Thus came the Heresy, and the years that would put man through utter desolation and a life knowing nothing but war and destruction. The Omnitepha prophecised that this reign of Darkness would last a little over 10,000 years. After 10,000 years had passed, a new age would begin. The Emperor would rise from his Golden Throne, and call upon his sons. The missing would return, the dead would rise again, and the traitorous would come to meet their end. Upon the defeat of the fallen sons, the primarchs both loyal and traitor, would return to the spirit of their father, and all would merge in a glorious spiritual union. This union would burn the skies in an effulgent white that would stretch across the entire universe. From this burst of light, the Omnitep would emerge. This being would carry the strength and will of humanity within itself. The Omnitep would destroy the gods of Chaos and the unholy Eye of Terror. With their end would come a new age of man. Here, the Great Crusades would begin anew, and their direction would be to the Imperial fringes in all directions, conquering the diabolical xenos races once and for all. The Omnitepha knew that certain catalysts must be put in place, certain knowledge aquired for the dawn of man to come forth. To know the secrets of knowledge, to collect the Deus Mechanica, is to truly worship the Omnitep. Those who are possession of such sacred and arcane knowledge would be the greatest warriors in the new Imperium. Astartes would become like the primarchs of old, thousands of battle brothers like their fathers from whom they were created. To become such a titan of war was a gift given by the Omnitep, his psychic aura connecting himself to every astartes in the end of times. For the Omnitepha, it was their goal to acquire such knowledge, preserve it and share with those amongst their chapter and to those astartes they could trust outside their own kin. Few would hold the secrets, even fewer with have the strength to preserve. So does the Omnitep test his faithful.... The Scions of the Infinite were born in a time still effected from the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. Created in the 35th Millenium, the memories of the traitor Horus and the fallen sons of the Emperor were still ripe in the minds of the Imperium. The Lords of Terra having established themselves in the absence of the Emperor, now residing on the Goldren Throne in a stasis, waiting once again to rise and conquer the stars. Knowing what resided to the north in the Segmentum Obscurus, The Imperium desired its boundaries to further expand in the Eastern and Southern Fringes. Only be expanding and securing its borders, could mankind survive and thrive and become the dominant force in the universe the Emperor had hoped for. It was a time of great suffering, immense fear and little hope. It was a time to instill hope and honor into a universe so wrought with human suffering so desperate for salvation. It was a time that the Scions of the Infinite were born from the ashes of a galaxy in hell.... The Scions were created from the geneseed of the mysterious Children of Eternity. A chapter created out of the gene lines of the martyred Primarch, Ferrus Manus. The Children were created in the 32nd millenium to protect the Altruia sector near the Eastern Fringe. They had strained relations with the Iron Hands and were known to be a very secretive chapter. They were however, noted for their loyalty towards the Imperium, and their protection of forgeworlds throughout the sector and the Ultima Segmentum. Their name was quickly spreading amongst the Imperial worlds of the Ultima Segmentum and the High Lords felt such loyalties could be used throughout other vital areas of the Imperium. High Master Valgan Akares of the Children of Eternity was asked by the High Lords to send a training cadre of his astartes to train up a new chapter in the Southern Fringes. So far from their realm of operations, High Master Akares was hesitant to stretch his astartes so far for no reason but exploration of the Southern Fringe, all the while trying to train a new line of battle brothers under the gene-seed of Ferrus Manus. However, fate would soon force Akares' hand as the Segmentum would supply all the reasons his chapter would need to gain a foothold in the sector of space known as the Larsa region in the Southern Fringe. Rheus Amandon, Master of the 3rd Company and a priori of the Omnitepha, was to comand the expedition fleet. His name was known amongst the chapter as a warrior-philosopher, deeply contemplative and stoic in his approach in matters of war. In the face of uncertainty, he was the Master that Akares needed to get the job done. One hundred marines under the command of Master Amandon, comprised of several of the Children's battle companies arrived in the region, unsure as to why they were sent so far from their home. High Master Akares was explicit in telling his astartes to remain in the region until they were to be called back. His leadership was firm and unyielding, leading his men for over three centuries. The astartes obeyed Akares without question, yet few saw the reason behind such a far distant exploration. Trajan Elgir was one of those few who saw the signs. An epistolary in the chapter's librarium, he was a close friend of Master Amandon and his constant vigil of counsel and guidance on countless wars the two had participated in since being inducted as astartes from the same scout squad. Like his close friend, Elgir was a priori of the Omnitepha, a Magi of the Order, and believed the words of the first Chief Librarian Mahavajra, were still echoed as prophecy for all time. He sensed the exploration of the southern fringes would bring about magnanimous changes within the chapter and the Imperium itself. For good or bad he was unsure, but as a Magi of the Omnitepha, his duty was to seek the knowledge of the All Machine wherever it may lead him. within months of reaching the region, the expedition fleet of the Ad Mech accompanied by the Children of Eternity began encountering human worlds lost in Old Night. Many seemed to revert to primitive cultures. How the Machine God was found within these feral societies Master Amandon was unsure. His questions were answered upon reaching the planet of Akkad. Upon planetfall, the Children found a world of enormous sand dunes, as tall as any mountain, stretching like world oceans found on Old Terra. The people lived in a highly technological society, built on STC designs long lost to the Imperium of Man. Scouts had reported strange monolithic pyramid structures at the heart of the cities, where the people seemed to encircle them like clockwork every third hour, bowing and praying to the pyramid like some god of old. While revering technology was not blasphemous to the Children, these pyramid structures spoke of an alien civilization long extinct or deserted Several cities mimicked the same landscape as what seemed to be the capital city. General Fabricator Maedos of Altruiax was heading the fleet expedition and summoned Master Amandon and Librarian Elgir to accompany him into the heart of the city alongside his skitarii. The people looked on in what Amandon determined was both awe and fear. They reached the pyramid in the center of the city, and the guards of the pyramid sanctuary approached them. They crossed their power glaives and allowed the expedition party to enter the pyramid grounds. Upon entrance Maedos bionic eye whirled to zoom in on the intricate details of the inner sanctum. While no expert in pictal deciphering, even Amandon could see the images depicted the Emperor of Mankind, even in images, Amandon was always amazed at how he was depicted, and how his effulgence always shown like the stars. Amandon and Elgir recited the Litany of the All Machine in deep reverence for the technological wonders they were experiencing. Within the Inner sanctum rose a majestic throne, encased in gold, emeralds, and rubies. Upon the majestic throne sat the ruler of the world, an elder king with bionical replacements that have kept in power for what could amount to hundreds of years. He rose to greet the party and spoke with a gritty mechanical voice: "I am Logis Marus Kruhl. I have sat upon this throne, upon this world for nearly 600 years. I have waited long for the Ad Mech. You have come. I have much to discuss with you my Lord Fabricator." Logis Marus Kruhl explained the fate of his exploration fleet. Upon arriving in the system those many years ago, a violent asteroid storm destroyed much of the fleet. Scattered throughout the system, there was no way to they could travel throughout the worlds, let alone return back to Terra and Mars. The people living on the worlds were the descendants of those survivors of the crash landings. Akkad, as Kruhl explained, is the world of which they now stepped foot on. The world was inhabited by iron age settlers, already at the beginnings of what was to be a modern civilization. With Kruhl and the Ad Mech arriving, the people considered them to be demigods. The pyramid structures were the combined efforts of the people and the Ad Mech. Through Kruhl's influence, the people rapidly adopted the technological understanding like those of Mars or Terra. Kruhl explained to them of the Omnissiah and the distant father of Man on the birth world of creation, Holy Terra. Kruhl then stopped his discussion, and looked towards the purple clad astartes accompanying Maedos. "Astartes, do you believe in prophecy, matters of fate and destiny, or are things all a pattern of statistical analysis and extreme calculation?" "Logis Kruhl," Elgir replied, "The All Machine, or shall I say the Omnissiah, creates with precicision, all it creates, is for reason and certainty...and yet these created entities are signs of his majesty. if you say I am a man of prophecy and reading signs, yes, I am a believer. The Omnissiah is not as distant as the Martians believe." Hearing Elgir, Kruhl voiced what sounded like an irritating scratching of metal. It was laughter "You speak in riddles Epistolary, what manner of astartes speaks of knowing the workings of the Machine God and its prophetic signs?" Amandon stepped forward and tapped his shoulder pauldron, bearing the mark of the Hand of the All Machine, "An astartes that is a fellow believer, more zealous then any damned tech priest, Logis...." Kruhl stared at the hand and then looked stoically upon the chisel faced Amandon, "I have something to show you." The Logis pressed his hand to a false wall and suddenly the inner sanctum shifted and transformed into a massive storehouse of knowledge. Books, data banks, file transcievers, it was a giant sanctum of pure knowledge. Amandon and Elgir bowed in reverence to such knowledge, as members of the Omnitepha, they had not seen such a volumous amount of knowledge. Kruhl grabbed a large tome showing the two astartes and Maedos. Within its pages were archaic symbols, so old and ancient that many would hardly believe it was from humanity. Elgir saw what looked to be an eye within a hand, immediately recognizing their chapter heraldry. They knew it held prophetic significance as the first Chief Librarian Mahavajra decided it would be the symbol of the Children of Eternity. They saw men with heads of dogs, birds, all sorts of mythical imagery. Upon the cover was an image of an ancient creature with an eye upon its back. "what manner of creature is this Logis?" Elgir asked. "the ancient Terrans called them Scarabs. For some tribes of men, they were a sacred symbol of the cycle of life. Birth, life, death. I have found many of their symbols upon this world. The people here recognized some of these symbols within their own language and artistry. The hand, the scarab, the images of the Emperor. The Omnissiah made its mark on these people long before I ventured upon their world. The Machine God lead you here, you are their protectors now." So many ambiguous words of Ancient Mahavajra were seemingly comprehensible after High Master Akares and Epistolary Elgir studied the tome on Akkad. Word spread amongst Amandon's men about the great tome of knowledge, a book that many believed the first Chief Librarian Mahavajra discussed in his writings and Chaplain Ezriah, the original Master of Sanctity preached about in his sermons at home on Marifah and upon the fields of battle. How their words over a thousand years ago connected to a world on the other side of the universe, housing a library of such magnitude that it would make an Inquisitor or tech priest salivate upon seeing it, none were quite sure. Elgir was certain that his ancient mentor knew of Akkad when he recollected Mahavajra's words, "Seek the distant sands, for the Hand of the Machine will carry the burden of mankind." For many amongst the brothers, Mahavajra was always a distant figure whose words were difficult to decipher and yet meditated upon for spiritual reflection. As a priori of the Omnitepha, Elgir was certain in his conviction that Akkad was the answer to his mentor's thousand year old riddle. As Heirophant of the secretive order of the Omnitep, High Master Akares held no doubt: Akkad was in the Children's destiny. Meeting with Logis Kruhl and General Fabricator Maedos, The Children of Eternity believed that if the High Lords were to get wind of such a discovery, the Inquisition would enter the region of space before the dust even settled on the barren world. What was found on Akkad belonged to none save pure and faithful servants of the Omnissiah; something the High Lords of terra nor the Inquisition even remotely resembled. It was decided that once again the Children of Eternity would protect the sanctuaries of the Machine God. On the planet of Akkad, their loyalties to the All Machine would be further entrusted. The Council of Akkad concluded that the Children would protect the great discoveries only beginning to be understood. The Ad Mech knew however, that the chapter could not be able to protect both the Altruia and Larsa sectors effectively; the sectors were on opposite ends of the boundaries of the Imperium. To increase the chapter's strength over thousand astartes would cause considerable curiosity from the High Lords and Inquisitorial forces. It was decided the gene-seed of the chapter would be used in tithing to create a new chapter altogether. One that would pledge their loyalty to the Omnissiah above all, and shed their blood alongside their brothers in the Children of Eternity and their near kin in the Admech. Bearing the Great Scarab of the people of Akkad as their heraldy, the Scions of the Infinite were born. A name befitting to a chapter formed as a secret "division" of the Children of Eternity. So as to not arouse further suspicion, The entirety of the Omnitepha would leave their parent chapter to form the beginnings of the Scions. The discoveries of Akkad were never withheld from the battle brothers of both the Children of Eternity or the newly created Scions of the Infinite. Rheus Amandon was promoted to Chapter Master of the Scions, and his longtime friend Epistolary Elgir was given the position of Chief Librarian. They donned their new heraldry with pride, and wore an armor of magenta hue, a color representing the landscape of Akkad when the system's sun rose over the sand dunes of such a desolate world. On the eve of the Great Sun's first eclipse since the birth of the Scions, a pact was made between the two chapters. Upon the Great Pyramid of Neintara, Amandon and the cadre of the Scions of the Infinite and the Marines of their former chapter gripped hands in the traditional Eternian way. Upon the pyramid's pinnacle the agreement came to be known as Pax Ferrus Eternus, "Treaty of Eternal Ferrus." The chapters agreed to share all knowledge they obtained together, to fight and die alongside one another whenever called upon, to continue to serve as guardians to the Ad Mech, and remain above all, eternal servants of the Machine God. The Pax Ferrus Eternus would be renewed in an honorary ceremony every century, rotating between the homeworlds of both chapters. In time, two other chapters were created from the gene-seed of the Children of Eternity; the Sons of Idaeon and the Steel Disciples. As the treaty was renewed, these two chapters were inducted into the Pax Ferrus Eternus, and their worlds would come to host the once a century ceremony alongside their cousins chapter worlds. Akkad is situated on the border of the Ultima Pacficus and the Souther Fringe. The world is a vastly arid planet, a landscape of cascading dunes and jagged, rocky framents of ancient mountain ranges, now devoured by the sands of time. The population are mostly a nomadic culture with several major cities situated on opposite ends and corners of the world. The chapter's fortress monastary resides on the planet's largest city of Neintara. Here, the monolitic pyramid of the astartes stretches to the very sky, a structure of megalithic proportions. Each order of the chapter has their own pyramid fortress stationed throughout the world, housing the astartes and reclusium of each order. The chapter's headquarters, Chapter Reclusium, Librarium and First Order reside in the megalith pyramid structure of Neintara. The chapter utilizes hit and run tactics to obliterate enemy ranks. They make extensive use of assault squads who are usually dropped in through modified thunderhawks. Tactical squads are deployed via rhinos and landraiders. The chapter owns very few terminator suits, favoring a battle philosophy of quick strike attacks to surprise and outmaneuver their opponents. The Chapter follows the Codex Astartes with slight variations. Each company is designated as an Order in honor to remember the Omnitepha, the original order that they were founded upon. Each order is lead by a Master. The Chapter Master is known as the Hierophant. The Chief Librarian is known as the Magi, while the rest of the Librarians are known as Seers. The Scions techmarines carry the title Logi in honor of Logis Kruhl who acted as the chapter's first techmarine during their inception until he properly trained brothers in the Martian arts. Squad sergeants are designated with a white stripe on their helmet. The first company wears Gold armor with magenta helmets with sergeants once agin bearing a white stripe on the helmet. Due to the chapter's unyielding quest for secretive knowledge of the end times, the Librarium plays an important and influential role. The Scions always have several librarians attached to each order in battle, and a librarian always accompanies squad missions. While librarians do not supercede the command of a Master, their wisdom and guidance is always sought. Chaplains play much of the same role as do their brothers in the reclusiarch of their parent chapter the Children of Eternity. The difference is in where knowledge lies on the great path to the Omnitep. Where the Children of Eternity are zealous in their devotion to the Omnitep, the Scions are zealous in their thirst for knowledge. Knowledge is not a tool to unify with the Omnitep, but salvation in and of itself. The original cadre of astartes, made up of the Omniteopha adhered specifically to the writings of first Chief Librarian Mahavajra specifically. Knowledge is itself a pure form of worship for the marines of Akkad. None value mystical knowledge of the Omnissiah like the Scions of the Infinite, save for the likes of the Adepts of Mars. The Chaplains are akin to philospher warriors, where knowledge is the key to the secrets of the Emperor Himself, the final times and ultimately the coming of the Omnitep. With its dawning comes the destruction of all that is known, and a new age will be born. Only those who unlock the secrets of the coming age will be granted the right to fight by his side and ultimately be part of his eternal effulgence and being. Those who do not will become warped husks and spawn of the Chaos gods. The Scions of the Infinite were created from the geneseed of the Children of Eternity, astartes under the bloodlines of Primarch Ferrus Manus, the spirit of the Emperor, the Archetype of Man, The Omnitep of Salvation "May He sanctify the Secrets!" Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/190006-ia-children-of-eternity/#findComment-3353454 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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