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Assault Captain


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ok, first post in a long time.


Me and one of my friends is building a whole chapter of space marines (he paints i write fluf and we do armylist together), and that involves a company of assault marines, lead by an assault captain.

The question is, how should we gear him up and what are your experience whith assault captains?


(sory for my bad english)

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You should have posted this in Tactica Astartes as this is not a question about rules. I would guess though a Jump Pack, Relic Blade, and Storm Shield would make an effective and fluffy assault company captain.
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You should have posted this in Tactica Astartes as this is not a question about rules. I would guess though a Jump Pack, Relic Blade, and Storm Shield would make an effective and fluffy assault company captain.


Relic blades are 2handed. Can you use a SS with it?

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I don't think it says a relic blade is 2 handed only difficult to weild so you you don't benefit from +1A when weilding 2 ccw.

For the record Thammers are also not 2 handed, a quite common oversight I have found when opponents have raised eyebrows at my 2 x TH weilding Chap master the dishes out 5 S8 attacks on the charge...

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There is no such rule as "two handed" any more. It's merely descriptive.


There is "you cannot claim a bonus attack for wielding two weapons" (which both the Storm Shield and Relic Blade have) and there is "you can only claim a second special weapon attack with this weapon by wielding a pair" (which the Thunder Hammer, Lightning Claw and the Power Fist have).


AFAIK only the Eldar codex even references one and two handed, and then just as the names for two separate option lists.


And yes, Relic Blade/Storm Shield is an excellent weapon combination for a Captain. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's practically the default weapon combination, because it represents the best available compromise between number of Attacks, Initiative, Strength and survivability.

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And yes, Relic Blade/Storm Shield is an excellent weapon combination for a Captain. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's practically the default weapon combination, because it represents the best available compromise between number of Attacks, Initiative, Strength and survivability.


I completely agree with this. I'm using a RB/SS Jump Captain in my Half Company list and he has been dangerous. Of course his fury has been taken out on bikes, but he'll catch some infantry.


Koremu is completely correct here, as with a 3++ save, and S6 this guy can take a lot of damage and give it back with interest. Able to take on infantry, bikes, MCs, tanks, he can be nigh unstoppable with the right support unit.


If points permit, I'd consider giving him digi weapons and artificer, in that armour. Artificer armour gives him added survivability against the hordes with a better armour save, while digi weapons turns those annoying 1s to wound into wounds (most of the time), and are very useful against tougher stuff like MCs.


Plus if modelled right the model can look awesome :P.

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Don't forget adding an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, so that he has a ranged attack (also at Strength 6).


This is, with alterations if I'm tight on points, pretty much exactly the Captain I run (except that I use his Bionics as a counts-as-Storm Shield).


I'm collecting the bits to build two more of him - one on a Bike, one with Jump Pack.

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thanks for replies, it seems that i should take him whith relic blade, storm shield, artificer armor and auxilary grenade launcher


or double thunder hammers because thats just pure badass.

i think i will base him on the emperors champion (he is just cool) give him a jump pack (does that fit or does it have to be filed down?) or some kind of mechanical wings, and weapons.

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thanks for replies, it seems that i should take him whith relic blade, storm shield, artificer armor and auxilary grenade launcher


or double thunder hammers because thats just pure badass.

i think i will base him on the emperors champion (he is just cool) give him a jump pack (does that fit or does it have to be filed down?) or some kind of mechanical wings, and weapons.


The jump pack will fit, but you'd have to model the straps onto his torso, otherwise it may look a little weird. I do like the Emperor's Champion model too, but in this case I used the Vanguard Vet with Relic Blade model, added the storm shield from the Assault Squad box onto his left leg, and there was my Captain. But that's really a discussion for the modelling forum.

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