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Typhus, Herald of Nurgle

Alpha PTP

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So I bought a Typhus model from my local GW a few months ago and I finally got around to painting it. I'm trying to motivate to do a nurgle army, specifically plague marines. I have no intention of using Typhus in my list, but I really do love the sculpt considering how old the model really is.


Its really weird to think that the Typhus sculpt is over seven years old. Time flies, eh?


Anywho, he isn't meant to be display quality. Just nice enough for the table top.







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Great stuff :P A much darker paint job than most I've seen, and not too DA dark either - a very nice paint job indeed!


Funny you should post this, I've been going through all my WD's for the last 10 years to gather all the Death Guard and Horus Heresy info. Have ready to read and sat here next to me - WD 282 - June 2008 has the Typhus model in the New Releases along with the current metal Death Guard models. There's also an entry for him detailing his fluff and 3rd ed entry iirc. He's another reason I wanted to collect DG :)


Mine's due when they release the second lot of the LotD stuff next month, if I can paint it half as good as yours I'll be quite pleased :)

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@Terminatorinhell: It has to be the end of the world. I'm just going to start posting finished models rather than ones in the work in progress section. Stuff always comes up and the thread ends up having to die because of my hectic life. <_<


@MuGGzy: Typhus and the idea of T4(5) marines with Feel No Pain are what got me interested in a Nurgle force. On top of that, I love the Death Guard's fluff.


@pattison: Yeah, I've always wanted to get him since he came out. Har har about the table top comment. :P


@Brother Loring: Thanks, mate! :lol:


@Plague Angel: I'm very picky about my work. I could have done more with him. Those tubes that hold the Destroyer Hive drove me nuts. I considered not painting him after I got to those after I finished everything else. Alas, I rushed them a bit.


@infyrana: I was going for a more dark color scheme so that his bone helmet would really stand out. Typhus' helm and his scythe are what make him really stand out from other chaos terminators. I guess you're talking about the non-US edition of WD or a big typo. :lol: Typhus came out in June 2003 (issue 282) along with the current plague marine models, Codex: Eye of Terror, ect in the US. The battle report in the issue uses an awesome table for the Lost and the Damned vs Imperial Guard. :o


I can't stand the current plague marine models. Forgeworld did an outstanding job with their conversion kit for the Death Guard. I intend on getting 3 sets for my army. I'm also going to get two of the renegade ogryns because they remind me of Big Daddy's from Bioshock and will make cool looking daemon princes.


On a side note I am SO pumped for Bioshock 2. :lol:

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@VtrAxX: Its been awhile since I finished something. I think the last model I finished was Vilmon for my Menoth army. I've been messing around with glazing and washes a lot. I didn't do much (or any) of that on this model. Right now I'm working on an Emperor's Children marine because I can't afford my Forgeworld order till I find a new job. :lol:


@WRappiii: Thanks mate. ;)

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Alpha, yes, sorry should have clarified. It's the UK edition of WD, I believe it has the Eye of Terror stuff as well etc, plus a battle report with him in.


The DG fluff is great, probably the only fluff that has had me interested and kept me wanting to read more (hence the reason I had out my old WD's). I love the first world war trench warfare style that the DG kinda represent - gas masks and gas warfare, spiked helmets etc. FW did an excellent job with their DG (all mine will be made as FW converted models), and Typhus fits in with them perfectly.


Good luck with your DG :)

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@infyrana: Yeah, the Death Guard's fluff is a fun read. I have yet to read the book from the Horus Rising series. Forgeworld's Death Guard terminators are also very nice. The only heads I don't like are the champion heads for both the terminators and plague marines. I might get some of them and field Typhus if I play more than 1500 pts. My LGS doesn't do more than 1500 pts because they start gaming at 9am on Saturdays only (Ugh) and they try and finish it around noon. It's a real bummer we don't have time to play more and they refuse to do evening gaming, hence why fewer and fewer people are coming in to game.


@Capt. Lysander: Thanks. I've started writing down all of my painting recipes in a journal so I can duplicate these colors for the rest of the army.


My friend is giving four rhino's for helping him paint yellow on his orks and I am also getting two obliterators that are 20% off. I'm looking forward to toying with them. I'm thinking of doing the pre-heresy Death Guard icons on the doors and make them corroded rather than buying the Forgeworld doors or free handing the three skull icon.

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