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Black Templar Killteam conversion

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Hi everyone,


Im going for 8 members. These 4 were kind of a test and decided that I would go with it. I really need to try to change the legs for the other four. I tried many different things and im running out of options. I tried to convert the lower body with SM legs and it looked stupid, maybe will try grey knight ones....need help!!!


Need feedback or comments actually.


Also i intend to change/add iconography...would other chains like on BT backpacks and such be too much?


Tanks for your help, great site!




More pics will be added to my BLOG





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Small update. A power mace for my squad leader, needs greenstuffing and of course chains.


I bought myself a dremel today, i hope i can manage converting the legs now...



No one has commented on this? My friend, they are great. The poses suggest methodical death. The only thing i would say is power armour up the legs a bit. Milliput is your friend rather than greenstuff. It sands nicer in my opinion. I look forward to seeing more

Personally I like the concept you've based you're squad around. I also enjoy how you've used chaos warrior bodys as the main frame-work for you're marines. Very good, very interesting.


Only thing that I can complain about is the use of the SM heads and Chaos heads in conjunction with one another in the squad. You should just stick with "one or the other" in this case as, personally, they look too different (one [the SM head] looks incredibly "bulky" in corolation to the CW head [which looks almost thin]). If I were you, ML, I would stick with the CW head, just to add that "personal" feel and/or difference. Also, try to do something with the backpacks (again, there looking a bit puny compared to the overall armour).


Other then that there looking good. Post more and paint A.S.A.P.



I think I am seeing this correct; BUT your skills with that modellign chain is sick! Great work, I think they will look VERY menacing when decked out in all black!!


If you've got the time, GS the lower legs to look more like Pwr. Armor. boots....


The flamer guy's head should be positioned up, as looking down it seems to 'hunch' over his pose

Hey you guys,

For a minute there i thought no one gave a ....


Tanx for the compliments, always good for motivation lol.


Guyver : Im soooooooo happy someone got that (Methodical death). I want them to have this kind of ''no stress'' attitude in the midst of battle. Slowly going forward cutting down heretics.


Now that i read all this, I agree with everything, i just didnt see it.


1. Power the legs up!

2. Swap bubble heand SM heads for more converted chaos ones.

3. Flamer head ....i know what u mean, i was trying to make it look as it was casually checking if the flame was still there before incinerating heretics


An angry marine : For the backpacks, i agree too, they are the old pewter Black Templar ones. Well its not because they were made that way i cant make them better....but how? Any ideas? I guess chains and cables could do the trick. Or even I could change the ''balls'' on either side by something you must have already seen on the net or un White dwarf : braziers. I must have some somewhere.


Cpt Kenaz : Those chains saved my life for the project. I had some bigger ones and just before I started i went to this garnment shop and found these little slick ones. Im not sure skills hve anything with it looool.


Very constructive comments guys,


Actually, I was taking a break from these guys to browse the net, I got a dremel and WOW, my life just changed, I will post some pictures in a few minutes of what i did tonight...but keep in mind that it was before reading all this. Now i really wonder how i will go to sleep tonight??!

I do have to say these look awessome, I did the Chaos Warrior bodies. However, they don't really scream "Black Templars" to me. Of course, that may change with the addition of paint. Keep up the good work!


Also, what will you be fielding these as? I'm not too familiar with Black Templars and their troops, so in my limited knowledge I assume these will be Sword Bretheren?

Oh they will scream BT by the time Im through with them. But i mean archaic armor and skulls should give a hint of Bts...well i hope! Green stuff and Iconography will help too.


They are a killteam. Used in killteam missions in campaigns. (Back in 4th Ed now playing with friends with 5th ed)


In games i guess Sword bretheren or i will just put them in squads, they will stand out, as they should.


Here are some of my tests tonight, with the dremel i was able to manage positionning the legs much better. A bit of chainwork too.


I will work on the suggestions tomorrow. Then add a more sci-fi feel to the axes.










An angry marine : For the backpacks, i agree too, they are the old pewter Black Templar ones. Well its not because they were made that way i cant make them better....but how? Any ideas? I guess chains and cables could do the trick. Or even I could change the ''balls'' on either side by something you must have already seen on the net or un White dwarf : braziers. I must have some somewhere.


If I were you (and if I had the money), I would purchase say 10 (our how many members your squad has) High Marshal Helbrecht backpacks from GW direct our the Warstore. Not only do the backpacks have that archnic/Black Templars feel, but also they are just wider then the pewter backpacks that they don't look puny. Or you could, as you said, change the "backpack-ball" size on the backpack but I would expect the end result would look pretty goofy.


Balls in your court man, best of luck to you.



aaaaaah yes, Helbtech pack. I just went to check it out. Great idea. Ill go online and buy some right now. I need 8. My kill team is as follows:


160 pts:


1 Initiate with power sword

1 Initiate with flamer

1 Initiate with melta, sword and pistol

2 Bolters

2 bolt pistol and chainsword

1 Sword bretheren with twin lightning claws

Gotta say, I've never been a fan of the chaos warrior/marine conversions. But, I've never seen the legs dremeled out. I;m actually liking the look of these guys and this will be something that I will have to keep in mind for a world eaters army I;m hoping to get to one day. Get some paint on these puppies.

awesome conversions brother, another project thats got my modeling fingers itchty and my deflated wallet sighing lol.

just need to ask mate, where did you get those chains from. im after some myself to templar up the AOBR dread even more

Cpt Templaris : Any Dressmaker shop should have some. Yeah I know, you get in there and they all look at you exactly when a woman comes in a GW a store (you lost?). Here in Montreal I got some from a store called..well.. The Dressmaker, on Ste-Catherine and Chomedy.


For the pelts, well its part of the fluff (they were from the Dorn's Retribution Fighting company), to have a look at the Black Saints entry from my blog. I had the idea from Scibor


He used to have these kinda royal BT with pelts and a loooot of gold. Im just going for royal (fur and pelts).


I need to add maybe a lion head or bear (better), i'll test it.


Too chaos? yeah well thats exactly the look I wanted, not shinny knights, but fullfledge methodical sociopath with a dont **** with us attitude. Ilike the archaic feel and might use a bit of other chaos bitz. But now that you said it, had you any Bretonnian bitz in mind that i could use?



Here i found the pic i was looking from Scibor (its not on his site anymore, something about GW hating him)



I cant seem to find the picture with an Emperor's champion with braziers on both sides of his backpack. Lont time ago it was on GW site before they updated. Anyone has it?

Hello again,


these chains are great, it depends on what finish product ur looking for, now the big ones ill use on tanks only:








There is a big difference,


Like i said, go in Dressmaker shops, you're bound to find some



First step of suggestions done: helmets, i went for all chaos.


I added a few members to the killteam (double ax, double swords), i think i like all the poses except for a few heads here and there that just fell down a bit while drying. Now i need to:


1. Green stuff the joints and the capes,

2. Add BT iconography

3. Power armor the legs

4. Add shoulder pads ''under'' the cloaks.

5. do the bases.

7. paint.

(wait to get my Helbretch back packs too)










sorry for the quality of the pics


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