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AnDyzZzoRe's WIP for Librarium Painting Challenge 2010


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Well here is my first update for the Librarium, did a lot today!

I assembled and primed my 10 veterans, as well as the chaplain. Just a note, they arent WYSIWYG, or even likely to be played with, I wanted them to look cool, and as i usually play deathwing, a greenwing group of veterans was just a way to use some bits, and make a squad i liked the look of.

As to painting, I decided to make the squad an assortment of successor chapters under a Dark Angels Squad Leader as some sort of group assembled to hunt the fallen.


Chaplain, just a basic model primed and ready to paint(love this model!)


10 veterans


From Left to Right -

Front Left - Angels of Absolution

Back Left - Dark Angels

Middle Left - Guardians of the Covenant

Centre - Angels of Redemption

Middle Right - Disciples of Caliban

Right - The Consecrators

veterans 2


Disciples of Caliban -- The Consecrators -- Angels of Absolution

veterans 3


Guardians of the Covenant -- Dark Angels -- Angels of Redemption

As A note, the Dark Angel I included is an old Ezekial model i picked up without his sword. Ive put a bolter on him and used some bitz to make a power sword for him, and am just using him as a sergent as i love the model.

Any C&C is welcome, these are very WIP as you can see but itd be good to hear your thoughts, if you see any mold lines (probably :tu: ) or comments!



+edited for spelling+

  • 2 months later...

So... after a long time with no updates, I have finally completed my Squad of 10 Veterans and Jump pack Chaplain for the LPC!

Unfortunately during the painting process i decided i didn't like some of the models I had chosen, so i kitbashed some new ones. So of the 10 +Chap i originally had, 3 were replaced, with recently built marines, and ready to be painted,

As my previous post shows I wanted a combined group of Unforgiven led by an Interrogator Chaplain

and here are the finished results!

Group Shot




Angels of Redemption


Angel of Absolution & a Consecrator


Guardians of the Covenant


Dark Angel and Disciple of Caliban


Dark Angels


Unfortunately I only had my phone to take the pictures with as I am unable to use my regular camera at the moment, so I apologise for the quality.

Also, I am aware of mold lines on several places on the models, and again apologise for those, to be honest I was lazy, but it wont happen again. :rolleyes:



**EDIT** sorry Mods, i just updated my WIP post, should i post a new topic in the Hall of Honour or should this topic be moved accross? Thanks


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