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Canis is a horrible model indeed and I don't question it, but I think HORSE doesn't fit for Space Wolves especialy for thunderWOLF cavalry. There are many fitting wolf models on maximini etc. Sentence "they can bear the marine weight because they are "astartes-horse" doesn't explain how they don't die under butts of marines. Oh and by the way, your "you don't like it because you are jealous" are the most retarded and immature words I've heard in my life.



I completely agree that there are better mini's out there. While I have seen some of them, I don't actually have any myself, as I'm not a huge fan of Thunderwolf Cavalry to be honest. I know they have their place in many lists - it's just a matter of personal preference against the imagery. However, as the OP had the horses available at no further financial cost - and did make a good effort in implementing them, they, in my opinion at least - do make a pretty good substitute.


The rest of your post makes me think you took some of the OP's comments too literally maybe? I had read the 'Astartes Horse' comment as merely a light hearted way to try to prevent that from becoming the main subject of responses - and a reminder to stick to the point of the thread, which was to offer an alternative to ThunderWOLVES and show a bit of player creativity. Then again, I could be wrong - I frequently am !!! :lol:


Anyhow, peoples opinions are their own. You either like these horse or you don't for whatever reason. Good or bad, I applaud Spacefrisians efforts in getting himself some TW Cavalry without forking out a kings ransom!!! :)


Happy hunting with them :P

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Canis is a horrible model indeed and I don't question it, but I think HORSE doesn't fit for Space Wolves especialy for thunderWOLF cavalry. There are many fitting wolf models on maximini etc. Sentence "they can bear the marine weight because they are "astartes-horse" doesn't explain how they don't die under butts of marines. Oh and by the way, your "you don't like it because you are jealous" are the most retarded and immature words I've heard in my life.

They're his models and he has creative control. You can state your opinion but you don't need to try to offend people. I personally like the idea of the horses and it really isnt convenient to buy 6 canis models...(or a good idea) I once thought about making cold one riders for my marines(might do that now... :P ) seeing as i have some spare cold ones from fantasy and I like it when people use creativity for their models and make things like these. How boring would it be if noone made individual and unique models?

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I wouldnt let you use these in a game!!!!!!!!!

If you made them actually wolf like then maybe but definitely not horses!!!!!!

Thanks Feytor, someone else who understands! :P


Holy terra man what is your problem? If they don't roll well with your artistic vision then just go, Hmm... nah... and exit the thread, no need to start wailing and throwing a mace around because you don't agree.

The concept of counts-as is an essential part of the hobby, since because of it every single player doesn't have to field the same things. There are plenty of conversions out there that I really don't like, but then I just don't comment. Or even better, come up with something CONSTRUCTIVE to say, instead of just "this sucks!!!!!!"....


I agree that the horses look a tad to small for the marines, but I don't let it bother me that much. My own command squad is actually mounted on coldones and they have a bit of the same issue. My commander pulls it off since he's riding a carnosaur :P So they get some extra protein in their foder, problem solved.


Try with putting them on terminator bases with a lot of stuff ( like a big flat rock ), that might buff them up a bit, and the round bases would work better in 40k ;)

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I think your models look good! A healthy level of creativity, making something that is not exactly what it appears to be, but cannot be confused with other units on the table (there is, after all, not that much cavalry around on the space wolf front, after all). Good thing that they have so much space wolf grey-blue, it helps to make them look like something the wolves would actually employ.


My friend is trying to do the same trick, but the other way around, converting scout bikers into count-as rough riders (The IG cavalry thing)

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Don't let the knobs get ya down, or suck ya into an argument. Just ignore their venting of nerd rage and be proud of the cool things you made. The whole I won't let you play thing is uncool, and frankly, I wouldn't play with someone who wants to kill fun so badly (Just a game, remember). I applaud anyone who endeavors to make their own model in the stark lack of an economical GW choice (Canis is stupid ugly, and stupid expensive, and is in no way a reasonable economic choice...).


They look great. Put them on some round bases though, whatever the size of Canis's base is (60, i think?)


I will be doing a series of TWC, likely on juggernauts as I am 13th co.


Keep up the good work.



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i definitely love the conversions man. your painting can use some improvement (but whose painting is perfect??, we all have room to improve!!!)


in a GW move, im surprised that they didnt make the "Thunderwolves" another chapter's unit, the way that "ravenwing" would make a ton more sense with the Raven Guard.


I DO however think that the Chaos knight horses would have been a better choice, BUT i get that you have what you did, and you went all out; Which to me, are the best sorts of conversions as they really speak of how much you care about your hobby and art. Without the love of the hobby there is no art, and sometimes, there is no art without the hobby :)

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The painting could use some improvement, but I agree with the positive comments made above. The Elven Steeds don't fit the persona of Space Wolves that we know, but perhaps these particular Wolves are akin to nobility? Veterans amongst their Company that go to War mounted with proper regalia. And if someone doesn't like your justifications for them, then they can sod off. You did a good job here. Keep it up.
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The painting could use some improvement, but I agree with the positive comments made above. The Elven Steeds don't fit the persona of Space Wolves that we know, but perhaps these particular Wolves are akin to nobility? Veterans amongst their Company that go to War mounted with proper regalia. And if someone doesn't like your justifications for them, then they can sod off. You did a good job here. Keep it up.

I like your idea of nobility amongst the Space Wolves. They could be the Housecarls (the nobilities best fighters who protected the king (I think))


Put me in the camp of good idea, well executed. B)


I honestly can't believe the amount of disagreement and friction the OP has stirred up by posting photos up of his neat little conversion.. Kudos to you sir! ;)

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I think this is a good attempt to fill a gap that's currently not catered for by GW. I've been looking at adding a TWC unit to my collection and although the Maxmini wolves are ideal, there's something about them that puts me off. Maybe the price tag :). But all in all they're good models, I just can't put my finger on what it is I don't like.


I know you've already made and painted your guys, so apologies for saying this now, but I've seen pictures of TWC made with the horses from the WFB Chaos Knights. They look pretty good. They'd need some spike removal so they don't look completely 13th Company-like, but the horses are a bit bigger. I think that's my initial plan to have 'Thunderhoof Cavalry' as I read they were called. I think I'll stick with them until a really nice model for TWC comes out.


...and no, a £25 metal lump doesn't count when you need 4/5 of them :P.

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