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GD08 Salamanders Space Marine


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hey B&C...


this is my entry for the Bolter and Chainsword painting comp, in the single mini category...


for those who'd care to vote:








it's my first attempt at the glowing lenses on the helmet, and my first go at a more realistic flame...

i don't really think that i pulled it off as well as Cyril, but i'll keep tryin'...

same goes for the flames...

i didn't want to do a straight Bobinator rip-off (check out his LOTD on CMON), but i don't think i quite captured the look of the realistic hot-rod flames on the cars these days...

i'll have to have a go again on some of the LOTD minis...


loads of freehand work on this guy including the chapter symbol, battle damage, and flames...

i had fun playin' with the battle damage again...

i'm happy with the sallie symbol, considering how small they are...


any C&C before the contest is appreciated...

i will have to take some shots for the contest without the plinth anyway...


i think i will have to redo the gem on the front of the hammer, as it's upside down...

i thought that the hammer would be a little more flat, like a baseball swing, but it's pretty well upright when glued on...

oh well, just one more little thing to fix...

pics really do help when it comes to lookin' for flaws in a paintjob...


thanks for lookin'...




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I would've tried for one continuous flame on the foot. The eye glow effect is nice so good job on that. The hammer pose is a little off it looks like he'll have to kinda of side swing with it instead of the straight smash. My only two nit picky things its probably just personal prefence. Overall job well done. Good luck!
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thanks guys...


@blackblade: there is definitely room for some more experimentation with this flame style...

the hammer pose is the way he's sculpted...

those little triangle tabs don't leave much room for shifting the pose...

i may clip 'em off and try something different with the Blood ANgels version of this guy i'll do in a couple months...


@vulkan: i agree, red does stand out more, but i think i'll try the red glow over a white helmet first...

even the yellow was difficult over the green, as it just doesn't "glow" as i would like it too...

i'll be doing a Sons of Orar Vet. next month, so i'll have a go with the red...


thanks again everyone...




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I think it looks superb, including the lenses!


If I had to have one criticism it would be the battle damage. It certainly looks good for that type of battle damage, but in reality I think it takes away from the painting of the armour. You are obviously incredibly talented and I think could achieve far if you'd spent the time enhancing the armour instead of working on all that damage. That is ot to say the armour is not superb, it most definintely is, I just think all of that damage takes away rather than adds. Just my opinion though! I really do love the model, it is really great!


Best of luck in the comp!


Edit: Just noticed on a second glance, the crisp, good-as-new, hammer looks a bit odd against the heavily worn armour.

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thanks guys...


@Brother Loring: i'm new to the whole battle damage thing, so i'm a bit like a kid with a new toy...

just playin' with it 'til i get bored;)...

my next few projects will be clean armour...


the pristine hammer, as well as the backpack, bother me a little too...

i haven't figured out a nice way to paint battle damage on black, and don't know how i would go about making the hammer look battered...

damaged metals is something i haven't tried yet...

it's all a learning process...

there are a lot of things i will do different next time, which is the whole point of tryin' to step out of my comfort zone...


@Interrogator-Chaplain: the flames were painted from dark to light, in layers...

the first layer was P3 Sanguine Base, sketching out the shape of the flame up the greave, and solid on the foot...

the next layer was P3 Khador Base defining the shape of the flames on each seperate section...

next i layered up with P3 Heartfire (an orange-yellow), then P3 Cygnus Yellow, and finally Cygnus mixed with some White...

i got a little carried away with each layer, which made the overall effect a lot more yellow than i had wanted, but this was my first try at it...

next time i will go much heavier on the dark tones, and just use the yellow to define the shape instead of dominate the design...


@Pattison: that's the problem with being inspired by other people's work, it can seem a bit trendy or derivitive...

the battle damage is the same, it seems a bit trendy too...

there's only one way to expand the painting skills, and that's to bite the bullet, and try it out...


as a guy who paints for a living, i feel it's important to show that i can do anything...

i want customers to know that they can come to me to bring their vision to life, and bring the skills to do whatever style they want...

it's the same with NMM, it seems really trendy, but i still have to learn how to do it, so i don't have to turn customers away...

a brother has to eat!!!


thanks again...




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I think that's a great way of going about learning and like I said, as far as battle damage goes it looks really nice. I just think your skills should be displayed, not hidden behind all the damage, but that is personal choice I suppose. Also, like you said, you're just trying stuff out, so I should shut-up really.


I hope you post any newly completed models, I shall be looking forward to them very much!

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Wow, just wow, from the battle damage to the freehand flames on the foot to the vulkanified helm crest, this model is gorgeous.


the ONLY thing that is holding this model back is the blatant lack of battle damage from the backpack and the hammer

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thanks guys...

a little tweaking will be done, and new pics taken next week...


@brother loring: no worries, mate...

it's good to hear what everyone has to say, as it informs future projects...


@frostbit3: Mephiston will be done real soon...

i'll put up the next update, and then get onto the hair this weekend (this is the scariest part to me, damn hair)...

once i get the hair done, i'll just have one set of cables and a couple little details to add...

i start painting the first week of February, which is just around the corner...


@titan136: i'm glad someone finally mentioned the helmet...

as we all know, this guy comes with a pretty fugly head...

i looked through my helmets, and found this one from the Space Wolves box, and was stoked...

it really does look like a perfect Sallie helm once you carve off the SW decoration...


i will do a little damage on the backpack before final pics...

it's not easy to do good damage on black:(...


can't really think of how to make the hammer look battered...

oh well...




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