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Ultramarines 4th co


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Vowed that I should paint 3 Vindicators, a 10 man Assault Squad and two Tactical squads.

I've already started on the squads since I had to wait for my brother to return from Italy with my camera.

Some marines may have red lenses but that's supposed to change. As member of the 4th company they'll be given green lenses to match the shoulder trim.

The photos are quick and sloppy but I promise to take better ones with a white background once they've gotten a few more licks of the brush.

1 Assault Squad


2 wip Tactical Squads.


3 unpainted Vindicators


And a close up on the Assault Sergeant.


Comments and criticism appreciated. ;)

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Thanks, I actually had problems making my Captain since I had a hard time making him as badass as my Sergeants. :P



I realize that as the Assault Sergeant and my two Tactical Sergeants are painted in my first pictures they may be disqualified.


I have a whole bunch of unpainted Sergeants with everything from chainswords to powerweapons that I'll paint up for my Tactical Squads.

Haha yeah I can imagine, I've had a few games where the guy I was playing looked at a squad saying, "is that your commander? Cool figg" "No that's the sergeant, the commander is the guy next to him..."


The painted sergs may be DQ'd but as long as you can paint 3 other sergeants you'd be fine as the vow is to a fixed number of certain units, not specific models.

Minor progress on the Assault Marines.


I'm finding my Vindicators a bit boring so I'd like some tips how I could make them more interesting as right now they are pretty much stock.

As I have a gift voucher to my local game shop I might use it to pick up a skeleton box.

Thought I'd put some skulls and bones in the sand of the dozer blades to give them a Terminator/Auschwitz feel.

Do any of you have a better idea of how I could make them cooler using subtle conversions?

Nice work Freakiq!


I hate to say it, but it looks like I stole your idea with the wings for my RG captain! Not exactly the same, but they just wouldn't fit on the helmet with a jump pack in place. :lol:


A good looking 4th, if I do say so!



  • 3 weeks later...

Been busy lately, posting to show that I'm alive.

Started painting the Vindicators and I've gotten the base coat done on them all.

The Siege shields looked boring so I used them as an excuse to get some extra colour into the army.



Painted up a Dreadnought unrelated to the LPC between some games this weekend.

Still WIP.


I know the pictures are blurry, will post better ones when the models have received some more paint. :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Still alive, been busy studying and being sick which has left me with only two days left to finish.

Posting just to make sure I've got enough WIP pictures and to motivate myself.

Still making progress though and I won't give up so easily.

My brother is in Italy with my camera so quality is if possible even worse.

Note how the flash completely ruins my blending.


Courage and honour!


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