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Space Wolfy Goodness


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Hey all,

Just wanted to share my Space Wolves as I finish them so here is the first.


He is the first of a 10 man squad of Blood Claws I have completed. I will be posting more to come later today.

Thanks for checking him out C&C is appreciated and good luck to all of you in your painting endeavors.

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I don't mind you asking at all, I find it to be a compliment :tu:.


For the rocks themselves I am using the ones that are in the GW 40K basing kit. I chose these since they tend to have a flatter shape like shale or slate. I then adhere the rocks with Tacky glue. I find it is a bit neater to work with since its thicker and tends not to drip. I then either prime them or in a pinch paint them up with chaos black. I base coat with Adeptus Battlegrey from the Citadel Foundation line, I drybrush with a 1:1 mix of Astronomican Grey and Adeptus Battlegrey, then a final highlight with a light drybrush of Astronomican Grey. I then bring they colours down with a wash of badab black thinned with a bit of water I usually make a third of the mix water. For the snow I am using the GW Snow flock which is like a very fine grass flock, think smaller fibers. I have found that other snow is often a flake crystal like material which I find to be better for a hard packed snow while the GW makes for a softer more powder like snow. I have used both tacky glue and p.va glue for the snow itself and I find the tacky glue makes the snow look a bit more icy, it gives it a more translucent look. The p.v.a on the other hand dries with more of an opaque white that lends itself to fresh snow. I have used both glues on the models the third pic has the tacky glue while the fourth the p.v.a.

I plan to stick with the p.v.a but I would suggest if you do have both glues that you test it out since the difference isn't as distinct in the photo due to the flash passing more light through the actual snow fibers than a regular room light.


I hope this helps if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.

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