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Ash Dragons - Works in Progress - Pic heavy!


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Aight brothers ( and the occasional sister ), it's that time of year again when the vows start popping up all over the place, and here is yet another!

My vow is 2 squads of terminators ( 18 since they each had one member painted as test-minis earlier ); a captain and 2,5 squads of sternguards ( 26 total ).


Some of you might have seen the sternguards and the captain in the WIP thread I posted here before, as I started them a while back. But since I've only just started them ( gotten the green done on about 7ish ) I figured that I might as well include them in my vow.


The entire group o terminators got primed about 20 mins ago, so sorry if it's not possible to make out much details.


The entire vow



As there are more pics of the sternguards in their WIP thread I'm not putting more pics of them here untill they're getting a lot more paint on them, that way I wont spam up the forum completly with my pictures. So for sternguards see their thread. But here are the terminators!





Sergeant ( and stand in commander every now and then )









I'll be posting updates here ( the sternguards as well, so the other thread will be left alone to save my bandwith on Photobucket ). If I get these done in good time I will also include my Vanguards in the vow ( just primed them with the terminators.. and really want to paint them o.o )


And I'll be hoping for plenty of feedback throughout the project :(


Progress is being made! Thanks to my lovely little sister I've gotten a cold -.- I was free from it a grand total of 3 days before the sniffling began again.


But sickness brings time for paint, so as is everything has gotten it's first layer of green ( knarloc ), and now suddenly some details are visable.




I would also like some oppinions about the bases. I have 3 different ones I'm not sure about color for.

The first is the claw sergeant, about what color to do the sludge/water/whatever flowing through the pipe. I was first thinking a radioactive green but cinsidering that's more or less the color their green will be...



Second is the icon at the base of this scratchy guy. I was first thining white marble, but it might be to bright compared to the base...



Third and last is if I should pait light into this fallen lamp ( the lamp has fallen but the cord is sill in / last dying energy ) or how I should paint it if not.



*Bonus* Here is also a preview of what is coming further down the road ^_^



Well I'm finally out from underneath the cold, and back in the saddle. All bases have been painted, all have gotten the second coat of green ( snot ) and the faces have gotten the first layer ( scorthed ). Was planing on doing all faces tonight, but I got sdetracked with doing the skeletons on the chaplain. Pcs will be up tomorrow since I don't have the light or battery to take 'em right now :rolleyes:


Slowly, oh so slowly, we're getting somewhere! B)

Slyen: Just some gravel/sand from a sandbox at a playground. I checked the sand of about 6 different places before I finally found one that had the right "consistency" of big and small pebbels. So that and some city parts, as well as just random bitz/sprue pieces.


And here are the pics as promised!


Everything is pretty much at the same place at this point as I'm doing them at once, this I'll keep doing as long as I'm doing solid layers. Once I get to hghlights I'll start breaking it up into smaller batches.


A few of the terminators







The horde of sternguards



And the bugger that's been making me go off-target, the Chaplain.

I've done the base for the green shoulderpad and the bone, I also 'ardcoated all bone bits. Since I know I'll chipp them otherwise, and I'm not that amused by the thought of having to do those 7ish layers again....






And here are some pics of the objective marker I'm working on for the upcoming turnament, "Fallen Hero"




Thanks! ;)


The skull is black primer, then I went up going

scortched brown,

mix Scorched / bestial,

bestial brown,

mix bestial / bleached,

bleached bone,

mix bleach / skull,

skull white.


Then I went over the deepest parts ( forehead, sides and jaw ) with black just to make the shadows a little deeper ). Hope that helps!


The parchments I'll be doing about the same thing, but I'll be going up using grey instead of brown, or it would all blend together too much.

Ok, I had a moment of "Huh, wonder what happens if I do this..." And came up with this face-paint on the helmet




Here with one of the 2 finished mods to show how the green and black will look later on




Now this is a super-speed version, if I go with it I'll do it later with several layers and thinner paint etc ( more like the chaplan ).

What I need is public oppinions about the "skull" theme for the helmets. Stay or go, lose the green? Do it in white instead etc etc...



Well after thinging it through for a night I decided to go with the "skull" paint on the helmets. I'm currently working on getting all the bone/white on the termnators. Everything that I usually do in gold will be done bone instead, as I'm not a big fan of gold, but the black+bone theme seems good to me.





Nowear near done, but getting there.... As is I'll probably be re-doing the plate on top back to black since I feel that with so much white I need to tone down on the green a bit.


And C+C is as welcome as always, if you have any oppinions I'd be glad to hear them :P ( as long as it isn't just "this is crap, go die!" :P )

Thanks :P


The purple is the way I've done energy effects through out the army ( power weapons, fists, plasma etc ) and I like it since it differs from the more standard blue.


The dark and dingy colors are intentional since the 1st company are after all the masters of death in the chapter, mostly so the terminators. And that is what I wanted to bring out in their paintjob.


Practise makes perfect, so just start expermenting, and don't stop untill you get it right! :sweat:

Ok, got all the bone done on the terminators, finally... Parchment will follow ( since I'm basng that with gray ).

The helmets all got "skulls" and a clean-up of the black ( helmets only ). usually hate doing eyeslenses, but terminator helmets are golden, since their lenses stick out so far I can actually work with them!


Got my Thunderfire cannon primed black today as well since I will probably be using in this weekend in a turnament, so I need to get panting on that one as well ><


I really like how the overall feel for them changed with the new helmets




The re-breathers got changed from green to white



And the fallen icon got a "bone" paintjob in the end, going for a marble-ish effect, so I might hardcoat it to give it some shine, what do you guys think?



Veteran sergeant Areoth, second in command of the 1st Company, aka the prince of skulls....




So to do, purity seals, green highlights, black highlights, cleanups, hair... urhg, back to the grinder.

Ok, Im still alive! Sorry! Dropped off my grandmother at the airport this morning so hopefully there will be some major progress in the near future. I HAVE actually been working, even if I haven't been updating *dodges flying kick from angry monkey*.


The terminators are almost done, only red for purity seals, black highlights and general clean-ups left. The sternguards are still far behind, but they now have their metal done at least!

I've been sidetracked once again, this time by my chaplain dreadnought... I wasn't happy with the level of it's paint so I stripped it, primed it again and then did some light converison work on it ( yes after the prime >< ).


Aaaanyways here are proof that I have been doing something at least, terminators. Combat squad protocol in effect during photo-shoot.






Chaplain dread. The spikes of his original halo broke in the transport from sweden, so I gave him a new halo, bigger and better as an extra band-aid. He also got some parchment under the cannon ( holy prayers, litanies ) and a piece of cloth over the arm. Not sure if I'm doing it with lettering or simply as cloth ( good way to get in chapter colors and keep the actuall dread totaly black ).






And the terminator Chaplain! Still not done, but getting closer and closer, muahahaha ( yes I am insane.. so what? )







As you can tell the 1st is being inspired a lot by chaplains and the entire black+skulls theme. My last Ironclad will probably be converted into a 1st comp dread, black with a lot of skulls etc etc. This since lets face it, the veteran company is the deadliest force in the chapter masters arsenal ( next to an exterminatus.. ).


C & C are as always more than appreciated, so let me hear your thoughts brothers! *gets forced back to the paint station by a bolter to the temple*



Ok, pics are up in the hall of honour HoH linky


Here are a few pics thougg;







Happy with the result, what you guys say? :unsure:


Now dont just stand there, head over to the hall of honour and take a look! ;)

Thanks Loken, I use liche purple as base, then simply add in skull white more and more. A watered down wash of purple ink, then a final highlight at the tips and edges ( lots of white in that last one ).


I find that it makes a good contrast to the overall dark figgs, and I think it could work well on blue also ;) Give it a try and post some pics of hos it turns ut :P

Another update! I have also added 11 Vanguards, my chaplain dread and the termo chap to the Vow since I know that I'll be working on them anyways, so might as well make 'em official :P


The sternguards have gotten their bone-white done ( the grey-white will come soon ), and a first green highlight. Next will be a black highlight, then the two final highlihgts ( one green and one black ) followed by cleanups and details.


I have two guys with Deathwatch shoulderpads, and decided that I wanted them to stand out a bit more, so they got a custom paint-job.



The chaplain dread is getting as much love as I can give him, bone-whites and plasma coils done.





The Terminator Chaplain finaly got his green shoulderpad done ( very happy with how it turned out! )



The Vanguards I'm still not sure how I want to paint o.O, I want them to stand out, but since the 1st comp is already a "new" scheme, I'm afraid of throwing too many shades into the mix. I might do something with white.. What do you guys think about doing helmets and part of the armour in white instead of black??


I did 11 Vanguards so that I can switch between how I want the serg equiped (rb/th) or if I want to run 2 razor squads ( might even happen one day...)

The power weapons (serg with RB )


Power fists (serg with TH )





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