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Ash Dragons - Works in Progress - Pic heavy!


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Took a little longer than expected, my little sister had come down with a bit of a fever, so I had to tuck her in and all that. A part about being a big brother I don't mind at all, since she's cute enough to get away with it.


Aaaanyway here we go!


Chaplain Dreadnought has gotten some green on his arm, and I finally started the border of the front, intended to go white with it as well, in lack of anything better ( did NOT want to do it in metal/gold) but stopped myself at brown. It came out nice as a color, but I'm not sure how it fits with the model as a whole... Comments?






The sternguards gotten their final green highlight, and I did some cleanup of the black. Still black highlights to go, but I'm running very low on my dark grey ( booo! ) so we'll see how it works out. Going to the store in a week, so I can always do other stuff in the mean time.



Two guys have gotten the royal treatment with full highlights and gloss on the robes. I'm aiming for the look of shiny leather, even if it does drift a little close to latex :P




And the vanguards now have some green going, and I have yet desided how I want them.... I think I'll do white helmets, and white tabbards, to make them stand out from the sternguards even more, and the white helmets will hopefully tie in to the terminators a bit. Thoughts?



And I just love the pose of this guy "Come get me you xeno filth/heretic/traitor!" (ignore the helmet, that's just me being bored :P )



Getting there! Feedback greatly appreciated, esp on the two questions ( brown on dread and vanguard white ).



Urgh, 6.16 and still no sleep, BUT the Vanguards now have all their green done! Back is killing me but at least progress has been made. I'll be trying with white helmets tomorrow I think. Anyhow, feedback would as said be greatly appreciated :) And now for bed...



Apparently no one had any thoughts/ideas for the brown on the chaplain or the white on the vanguards :P


Here is some stuff that doesn't really have anything to do with the LPC, but I didn't think it warranted a brand new thread.


First of is the Conversionbeamer that I've been working on for the future Techmarine Dreadnought ( made a thread in the AMICUS AEDES forum about it ) and this is what I've come up with so far!





Right now it's still very much WIP, but most of the final details will have to wait untill I can mount it on the techie-dread. And since I don't have the dread for that yet, it's going to be a while ( thus no Tech-dread thread ). The toughts for the rest of the dread is a servo arm ( the big tech marine one ) over the other shoulder, and probably 2 cc arms, one "toolbox" arm with several smaller servo-arms, plasma cutters, pinchers, etc etc so pretty much a servoharness style arm. The other with the mechandrites and all that lovelyness. Thoughts? ( and please no de-railing like the thread in AA... :P )

And of course the body of the dread will get a lot of skull'n'cog goodness added to it :)


The second thing is my right arm for the upcoming Ironclad ( will be built once I have bought a plastic ven, kitbash ftw! ), and I have no idea when I'll ahve the economu for the ven dread, so no ironclad thread eather ;)



The pose for the dread overall I'm planing on doing as him running, his left leg forward and bent, the right one out behind him, turning his torso to his left, this arm in an angle as to smash it into someone/something (see below) and the other arm... well we'll see what I can come up with ;)



FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREAT -_- ESP ON THE CHAPLAIN AND VANGUARDS! But also on the most recent updates ;)



not sure if i like the shoulder mount for the conversion beamer


i like the beamer its self, just there's something about it being there




other than that, sweet models, but that is to be expected now, the highlighting is awesome, i would put some text on the parchment hanging form the plasma cannon as he's running around with a blank a4 sheet stapled to his arm, lol


i, personally would consider putting the conversion beamer on the right - hand unit like the one your making for your ironclad

Fantastic job so far. I particularly like the way you are varying the scheme between the termies and tne stern and vanguards. I am trying to do somthing similar wth my DA succession chapter (avoiding Deathwing and Ravenwing schemes). Any tips on mainitaining coherence across your chapter but having some contrast between units?


Not sure about the tech dread looks a lot for a dreadnought chasis to cope with. Thanks for the great thread. ;)

Thanks guys! Yeah I'm more leaning towards making it the right weapon instead of a shoulder mount since it's a bit big for that. And it would also make it harder to convert other techie stuff onto the dread since everything else would be obscured or obstructed by it.


And that is why you spend more than a day working on a conversion, so you can take a step back, and give it a second, critical, glance.


SladetheElder, I'd give you the advice of having the same base. As you see with the termies, vanguards and sternguards they all have black armour, green details, and I try to keep the green the same ( right lower leg on PA, both on termies ) and vary them as much by the models as I do through paint. That way you can change the paint on the "extra" pieces instead of the base. The vanguards armour will be the same as sternguard, with the exception of the helmets that I'm going to try some white on. And the tabbards that'll be white.

So subtle changes for big effect.


Then the bigger the diff between the units the bigger change you can have. If you've seen some of my 2-7th company figgs, they have a whole nother paintscheme, white+sephia / green trim,legs and black shoulderpads. So much bigger differences.

But I wanted that since my aim was for the 1st comp to REALLY stand out ( look at the DA with their termies next to normal PA ). But I still have some basics the same, shoulderpads, and lower legs.


Hope that helps my friend, and as you start playing around with the paint be sure to throw some pics up and I'll be glad to give 'em a look and say what I think :)

Happy to have ya!



Wanted to raise the DCCW arm a little higher from the "armpit". So busted out a brand new blade for the knife ( you have to love the feeling of a brand new blade! ) and it took about 2 minutes before I got a fresh cut in the finger... >< I'd managed to keep cut-free for months now, damnit!

But a loooot of cutting later the arm was free from the shoulder. The final possitioning will be done when I have the body built up as I want it ( so I can see how it looks as a whole, dynamics etc etc ). Also got some more GS on the connection between the shoulder and chest.





Bought some Simple Green the other day, hear people talking about it all the time, but have yet to try it. So I've had two arms ( a metal and a plastic ) as well as a small ball of GS in a bath since last night, going to check on them soon. If all goes well then these guys are getting a bath next. ( only the ones in the back though, the front one is done except for the launcher. )



They'll be the only terminators with magnetized arms ( and top ) so that I can change between heavy weapons.



As always feedback is what I thrive on, so don't be afraid to speak up! Questions, ideas, suggestions or just simple conversation, it's all appreciated :)



  • 1 month later...

Hail brothers!

Been frigging crazy for the past month, with traveling, drama and all round insanity. So there has been a sliiiight decrease in productivity *cough,cough*


BUT I have actually gotten some work done, and even though it is a single day remaining, I think I can pull it off! *the 3 cans of Monster I have in the fridge agrees with me*


The Terminators and Vanguards are done, the terminator Chaplain is 98% done ( only lettering left ), the Chaplain dread is at the same stage and the Sternguards need some highlights, cleanups and lettering and they will be done as well.


Here are some pics to prove it,


The Vanguards



Chaplain, terminator




The Sternguards that have all highlights ( still needs cleanups though )




There are more pics of the Vanguards coming up in the HoH forum :woot:


And here is a sneak peak of what it coming along next :lol:



Chaplain with jp and converted fist




Chaplain standing with power fist.

This is one of my least favorite chaplains, since it's original form is extremly static, and in my eyes boring. But with the fist ( a converted termo lightning claw ) I hope to give him a more powerful feeling as if he was chanting loudly. What you guys think?




Here are two of the same that I've tried to make more individual with some conversions and weapon changes and a different cruzius on one, from DA upg. sprue.



Feels good to be back!

Comments are greatly appreciated my friends, could use some motivation to run the final stretch and finish the vow :lol:



Just some touch-ups left to go, so I should be done within the hour.. painting with a fever is so much fun!

Will likely just take a pic to prove that they are done then crash to bed, and leave detail pics for tomorrow.

*grabs advil bottle and paintbrush*



And here we go, done!

It was cutting it close, but hell that's the way we like it! :D


Just a few pics to verify. I'll take some more/better/detail pics tomorrow. Or whenever I feel like getting out of bed.... Sheesh I hate having a fever...


The entire vow:

Captain, Terminator Chaplain, Chaplain Dreadnought, 26 Sternguards, 11 Vanguards, 10 Assault Terminators and 10 Terminators.






Well the LPC is done, but the project still goes on!

So instead of starting a new WIP thread I figured that I might as well keep going in this one and have it as a blog over my overall WIP projects.


Right now I've been working few days at getting better bases done on the terminators I stripped a month back so that they are a little more fun than just gravel with paint on. I've also re-done the poses of quite a few of them, to give them a little more life. In totalt it's 20 normal terminators and 20 lightning claw terminators. And 2 Librerian terminators while I'm at it ^_^


Some pics!

Full group


The sergeants




Then there is a AoBR sergeant with lightning claws, but he ran away from the camera..


Some guys







My space hulk tribute



Some oldschool goodness



The heavy weapons ( arms and top magnetized of course )



Ad you guys can see there is a fair deal of chaos bitz on the bases, figured that they were as good as any, and it gets boring with only parts of walls and flooring after a while..

The chaos will be painted as world eaters to make the red really pop against the black and green of the terminators. Should give a nice effect in the end.


Not much else at this time, will be priming these guys soon enough and then the train will be a rolling again :D

Getting a lot of work on the bases done today! The grey is done all the way up on the 20 normal terminators and the librerian, and I've so far gotten the 4 bases with chaos bitz on the done ( sergeant, librerian and two standard termies ). As mentioned I've done the CSM as world eaters as I think the red will become a nice counter to the black/green of the models ( or blue/yellow in the librerians case ). I've also gotten the first two layers of blue done on one libbie, as well as his yellow tabbard, pics will come once he's a bit more coloured.


Here we go, a few of the pics got crappy light settings by the camera ( they are a bit yellowish ) but just check the "white" ones and you'll see how the colors really look. I'm actually very happy with how the red turned out, and the helmets got better than I hoped they would. Only issue is that since they are standard loyalist helmet it kinda looks like blood angel helmets.... Oh well...







And the Librerian




I wanted to give him something special, so a helmet getting roasted in witch-fire came to mind.


Hoping to get at least a few layers of grey done on the 20 lightningclaws as well tonight, so back to work I guess.

And so the rest of the "chaos bases" are done, all bases (42) have now gotten the grey done, so various rubble etc still needs to get some paint, but that shouldn't take too long. At least it wont have 5 layers as the grey does...


The 3 ligthningclaws with some WE bitz on them!





And the Sergeant




The chaos hunters ;)



Comments and thoughts? :P



Those came out really great, easily my favorites on the DIY competition. I really like the bases as well, not many people paint the bases first but different strokes for different folks, I guess. I saw your guys on Adeptus Orlandicus, too. What store do you play at normally?

There is going to be a fair sized tourney in the Kissimmee/ St. Cloud area next Friday/ Saturday, are you going to go?

Thank you! Yeah I've always painted the bases first, mainly to have it DONE, I hate having a model finished, after spending so much time on it and... you have to drybrush the base. And I tend to get a lot of gray on the feet/lower legs due to drybrushing. But to each their own <_<


I'm usually at Sci-fi City, since it's about 20 minutes away from where I live (Oviedo). My main issue is that since we're currently in the US on tourist visas I can't get a drivers license, so I'm stuck with getting rides from people ( parents mainly ), so Sci-fi is great since it's so close by.

If you're around sci-fi and looking for a game let me know, I try to be there as many saturdays as I can.


Back on topic,

Work is going on with the bases, I did three more in chaos. Sorry guys, but I fell in love with red... and as a loyalist I take a perverse pleasure in painting the chaos star... Right now I'm doing all the metals, which is most of whats left. After that I have some minor blacks, some details and two run-offs ( same style as on the lightningclaw sergeant above ) that I'm thinking of doing one with brown nasty sludge and one with orange toxic goo.



Yet more bases! Finished at 2.55 last night, but waited with pics untill this morning, better light and more energy, hehe.


The last of the chaos bases







Some of the marble-esk bases





Some city rubble






Group picture!





A lot of pics, I know. But now that the bases are all done it will be a bit less, since it'll be a while before I have big updates and since the medels themselves don't really have individual paintjobs they will have fewer singles pictures. So bear with me my friends.


And as always, thoughts, comments, or just mad gibbering, is always greatly appreciated!



  • 2 weeks later...

Well no rest for the wicked! 10 shootie termies are done of the 40, bringing me to a total of 20 shootie and 10 lightningclaws done ( out of about 100 total ).


I traded some bitz and some conversion-jobbs with a mate in the area for a bunch of his old metal terminators ( I have an addiction problem..... ) and thought I'd show how they're coming along.


After stripping them I gave a few of them "new" arms to bulk them up a bit, and started on their bases. My favorites are the "executioners" :D







The CSM are not attached to the bases now, since I want to do the painting before I put them on, as I feel that I won't be able to reach all surfaces with the brush if I put them on first.


I also started on my standard bearer for the future command squad. He is going to be pretty simple conversion. The Commander, apothecary and champion will be where the knife and green stuff will really come into play, as I plan on buying a box of termies so I can build them from scratch ( much easier to convert poses etc ).

I gave him a underslung bolter/stormbolter under his fist, mainly so that I can use him without someone going WYSIWYG nut-buster on me :D




As always, comments are good things ;)



All your work is pretty bad-ass, man. To comment on the Van, I'm really liking the whole "white helmet" thing; it sounded good in theory and looks even better in practice. Something simple gives such a big impression - minimalism for maximum return on your efforts. Smart painting on top of GOOD painting.


Keep it up, bro. :]

Thanks brothers! :P


Mikhail: Hmm, don't think so sadly, not 100% sure though. Got a link to a pic of the one you mean?


Lemainus: Yeah I wanted them to stand out from the sternguard, apart from the robes, but in color as well. So white face-masks with the white tabbards really made them pop. Which works great to the darkness and brooding of the sternguards. Less is more!


Paladin7221: If I can inspire then I've done something right ;) Have at it, just remember to put up some pics. Give me a holler if you do a version, would love to see it :)


A slight update. Did some work on the standard,



Wanted it to be a bit more than just the big ol' sheet, since it will after all be the banner of the 1st company, the firewyrms. So a little more Omph! is in order.


The banner bearer also got some extra bling, a sheated sword, in case the fist just doesn't cut it ;)




Keep letting me know what you guys think!

Cheers mates!

Time for some paint updates! a bunch of 10 guys that are "done". Still need to do their purity seals, but that's about it. Not sure what color I want to do the scales on the sergeant though... might just give them some grey highlights ( black scales ) to keep him blended with the squad. Any other color and e'll stand out a lot. I went back over the fists and swords, before I more or less drybrushed them up, but now I'm actually painting them, and I like this effect a lot more!




The Deathwatch boys ( I need to get a 5th so I can field a 5-man squad of them )




Demo boys ( and the cam went yellow again... )



Well we're making progress!



And the next 5 I'm working on



Two of them being "sergeants"







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