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3000 point battles


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Well, I'm going to be playing a 3000 point, non-Apocalypse battle against my friend later today/tomorrow. I have a 2000 point Chaos Marine army, and I need to add 1000 points. My opponent plays Tyranids and has tons of Genestealers, Gaunts and Carnifexen. Plus a fair few Warriors.


Since I have tons of models now, and my friend is bringing his Chaos, I can literally fill the 1000 points up with anything I want.


My current list is:


HQ: Khârn the Betrayer – 165


Chaos Lord with MoN, Terminator armour and Nurgle Daemon weapon – 165


Elites: 7 Chaos Terminators with Icon of Nurgle, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Combi-Flamer, 1 Heavy Flamer, 2 Powerfists, 1 Chainfist and Champion with 2 Lightning Claws – 325


Troops: 10 Chaos Space Marines with 2 Flamers, Icon of Chaos Glory and Champion with Powerfist – 210

Chaos Rhino with Havoc Launcher – 50


10 Chaos Space Marines with Meltagun, Heavy Bolter, Icon of Chaos Glory and Champion with Powerfist – 220


8 Berzerkers with Plasma Pistol and Champion with Powerfist – 223

Chaos Rhino with Extra Armour – 50


10 Plague Marines with 2 Plasmaguns and Champion with Powerfist – 300


Heavy Support: 2 Obliterators – 150


2 Obliterators – 150


Total: 2008


I was thinking of adding a Land Raider or Defiler for my last Heavy Support slot, but other than that, I have no idea what to add.


So... What do you think?

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The first question that springs to mind is: Can Chaos Terminators take Land Raiders as Dedicated Transports?


Buy Rhinos for the rest of the Squads if possible. 3000 point games are not a place to be stood about in.

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The first question that springs to mind is: Can Chaos Terminators take Land Raiders as Dedicated Transports?


Buy Rhinos for the rest of the Squads if possible. 3000 point games are not a place to be stood about in.

Yeah, they can, but unfortunately Chaos Land Raiders only have a capacity of 10 models, as you probably know.

Hm, I could take a LR as the transport for the Termies and take a Defiler in the other HS slot.


Yeah, I should probably get Rhinos for the other squads.


Hmm... I could take a little sacrificial squad of 5 CSMs with a Flamer and a bare Champion, and a Greater Daemon. That way, the GD would have somewhere to come from.


I was thinking of taking a crapload of Lesser Daemons, too. Maybe I could also increase the amount of Obliterators in each squad.

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