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Facing Chaos and Eldar anything i'm missing


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Good day brothers. Sorry this is abit of a long thread

My regular opponent who plays Eldar and has a 2500 point army has started a vile Chaos deamon army. He says he purchased a box set which was £180 and the last one the GW store had left. He said it was quite good value as individually the models and codex (which came in the box) would have been about £220. Now I can't find this set on Gw's website to see what he has but apparently it's about 1200 points of models. No doubt he is going to add to this as well.


My question really is, as i've never played against deamons what on earth should i pick to fight against him? We plan on 1 or 2 games one evening then organising to meet the an apocalypse with his eldar and deamons vs my marines and any guard i bring along. I normally play deathwing but have a large number of troops available, about 7000pts. At the moment with repairs to my car I can only afford to buy one unit max if i really need it. What would you guys say i'm missing, i've copy and pasted my list of unit before upgrade below.

Cheers for reading,





Belial of Deathwing


Sammael on jet bike


Ezekiel Librarian


Company master with 5 man command squad veterans


Company master with 5 man command squad veterans






5 man Veteran squad


10 man veteran squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


5 man terminator squad


venerable dreadnought


venerable dreadnought


Iron Clad Dreadnought


10 man Scout squad, x2 sniper, heavy bolter






5 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad


10 man tactical squad





Fast Attack


5 man assult squad


Ravenwing attack bike squadron, 6 bikes and 1 attack bike


Ravenwing land speeder




Heavy Support


10 man Devastator Squad


Land Raider









Imperial support


1 valkrie, 1 basilisk, 1 russ, 3 x infantry platoons



Super Heavy



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Sorry, I dont play DA, so I try not to critique lists over about 1000pts... after that Im afraid Ill miss a subtlety in the list and give you ineffective ideas.


That being said, shouldnt this be in the army list subforums?


I wouldnt say your missing anything per-se, just that your FA and HS sections are relatively bare compared to your troops sections... I would reccommend getting some more of each over time *shrugs*. Particularly a whirlwind would be good.

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