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A Little Angry Marine Doodle

An Angry Marine

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One day (sometime last month) during a very boring lecture on political sciences (if I recall it was on types of economic systems; you can all imagine how boring it was) I doodled a very particular character. Sometime afterwards (today as a matter of fact) I found said doodle and decided to make a concept drawing off him; creating a new "pose", adding colour etc. So, as a result, here is the product. Introducing, for the first time anywhere, Brother Dave of the Angry Marines:


Today I also tried to create a "moke-history" for Dave. Here's what I came up with:


Quite simply, Dave is always happy...all the time. It's due to this happiness that Dave exibits which ultimatly disallows him from rising amongst the ranks of the Angry Marines. As a result, Dave has been unable to reach the rank of full "brother", rather bieng the marine who has to buy the beers after failed games and the one who has to die first. Despit these factors, Dave is still happy...all the time, which kinda pisses of the other marines.


Hope you all enjoy him. You will see him again when he deems that a thread is worthy (and yes, I'm going to use Dave in my games, when I finish the arrange of other projects on my "to-do" list).



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He he, funny! B)

Maybe Dave should be promoted to Chaplain, seeing as how he inspires the other Angry Marines to be even angrier.

With a bit of training and encouragement, Dave could whip the other Marines of his Chapter into before unheard of states of rage and fury!

Then all he has to do is happily charge the Tyranid / Ork / Chaos / whatever force, and the other Marines will follow him in a state of utter grrrrrr.

After having fought themselves out of the mess Dave has gotten them into, hopefully the others are so exhausted from running, fighting and being angry, that they no longer have the strength to beat up Dave as planned. - This would naturally Make Dave happier, and the fact that they didnt get him and that he now is even happier, would just make the Angry Marines even angrier! - Time to sprint off to the next battle!

I bet Dave is crazy quick on his feet! :tu:

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Is he any relation of Packman? ;)


No, but his direct cousin is the Wal-Mart logo :)


Thanks guys, glad to see that people still enjoy my overly-happy "brain-child". Concerning the history, I like how you're thinking Graymantle. I might just place that "chaplain-episode" in his history because never in a million years would I have though off that. Also it works really well (made me laugh :) ). Just have to write it now...soon.



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Model him!


Say Please dizzy :) ...


Well Dave's written history is going to have wait until tommorrow, because I just had an epifany on how GW could employ Dave in their work:



"Hey kids, do you like wasting countless dollars from your parent's paychecks. If so, join the fun. Gamesworkshop. Wasting income since 1987."


Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny have nothing on Chaplain Dave :P



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