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2x5 Sternguard w/ IC's vs. 1x10 Sternguard


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Alright, so I'm trying to work in some Sternguard to my list, and I'm thinking about running them like this:




Librarian w/ Avenger and Null Zone


10 Sternguard

Power Fist

2 Heavy Flamers



I'd combat sqaud the Sternguard, giving a Heavy Flamer to each. Power Fist goes with the Librarian, while Pedro goes with the non-PF half. Then, have the 5 Sternguard+Librarian steal a Razorback from a unit of Devastators. In the end, it would look like this:



5 Sternguard

1 Heavy Flamer





Librarian w/ Avenger and Null Zone

5 Sternguard

1 Power Fist

1 Heavy Flamer

Razorback (although they cannont start in it)


In a larger context, this would fit in with a Mech list with another full unit of Sternguard in a Rhino, 2 Tac Sqauds in Rhinos, etc. Is 5 Sternguard+an IC too few? How effective can I except these small units to be?

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Two extremely killy scoring units? What's not to like! I fear they may become extreme target priorities for your opponent and may be a liability in KP's. To treat this I would suggest having other 'shiny' targets for your enemies or reserving them. Also you should really try to stick some combi's in those squads.
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I currently do almost exactly the same thing, only using two squads (not one split into combat squads), each with a heavy flamer and their own razorback. One has (counts-as) Pedro with them, and one has a librarian with avenger.


I use them to drive up within template range, leap out and rapid the target to death. My regular (read, only) opponent runs two squads of genestealers, and when this works for me, I can pretty much take out both in a turn, or at least cripple them to the point where I can win the upcoming assault.

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