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A rolling log of what I'm working on.


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Hello there! First time posting images here. I'm extremely easily distracted, and favor the modeling/converting portion of the hobby far more than the painting, so I'm hoping keeping a log of what I'm currently working on will keep me motivated to actually finish something.


We'll start off things off with a solid forward, down, down-forward...



Given that he's got two powerfists, the only time I'm ever going to use him is in a Masters of the Chapter formation. I need to give him a robe or a loincloth or something, as there's nothing currently making him stand out as a captain (apart from uppercutting a khorne berzerker). Also considering sculpting flames around the punching hand, to make sure that the Street Fighter reference is about as subtle as a hand grenade.


Next up is my counts-as Pedro Kantor.


As clearly it is completely original and nobody has done it before, my sternguard are going to be modeled as Deathwatch. Fake Pedro here is a Deathwatch captain, originally from the Imperial Fists. All that's really left to do before he starts getting paint thrown on him is some clean-up on the greens, unless someone can think of something else he's missing.


And then we have my 3rd company champion.


In all honesty he's pretty much ready for painting as-is, unless there's something I'm missing.


Last thing that I'm currently working on is the chaplain for previously mentioned 3rd company.


I need to sculpt in the little notch things on the straps like the actual assault squad chestpieces have, and there's some gap filling to do on the pack itself, because those things don't really go together smoothly. Overall I like how he's turning out.


And that's it for what's on my table at the moment. Any suggestions/comments/criticisms/harsh insults towards my mother are welcome! As soon as I'm happy with the models and it's not -40 outside I'll prime them and try to paint them to a decent standard.

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Have to say that the Marine dragon punching the Khorne Berzerker is brilliant!Having been playing SF4 lately it made me giggle.


It'll look even better when you've sculpted the flames.


Nice use of the tank scroll as a loincloth for the chaplain,adds a lot of movement to the model.




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Great looking HQ's!


have you considered green stuffing artificer armour on the captains, your gs fu dosen't look too bad, its easy to do if you have a metal veteran figure, you just have to press mould the greenstuff.


anyway they all look fantastic and i totally agree that making and painting hq's is the funnest!

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have you considered green stuffing artificer armour on the captains, your gs fu dosen't look too bad, its easy to do if you have a metal veteran figure, you just have to press mould the greenstuff.

My GS-fu is average at best, but I might have to give it a shot. Worst that can happen is I screw up horribly and have to scrape it all off and start over, I guess.

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