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My Ultramarines - WIP


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For the LPC 2010 I have commited myself to doing 9 tactical marines and a dreadnought.

Here is my work thus far

2nd day of challange. Base coat down on 5 of the 9 marines as well as some detailing. 1 torso has recieved highlighting. AOBR has gaps filled in and bling attached


First weekend of challenge. First 5 marines complete. Other 4 have basecoat and some detailing done. Dreadnought has been fully undercoated and the legs are complete. I have turned the completed marines around so I can present them in all thier glory once the whole squad is done.



No pics but the whole squad is done. I just need to finish off the bases. Dreadnought torso is 100% done. Dread weapons are done, just need highlighting. Base of dread made. Just needs to be painted.

Since I have finished these up so quickly I have extended my oath to now include Sicarius, 2 Termies minimum and 5 scouts if the paint strips off them nicely.

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Here is my test scout. I am going for a more "night ops" version than the classic GW colour scheme. These guys are meant to be infiltrators and general all round sneaky puffadders and I cant see them doing that in bone fatigues and blue body armour.

That being said, this is a test mini so all comments and critiques are welcome.




My origional plan was to have no blue on them at all but rather all black with the Ultra symbol outlined in a gray colour. Unfortunatly most of them have covered shoulder pads so that didnt work.


The red silencer is part of the theme that pulls my army together. All (well all that can) of my units have red on thier weapons. This just seemed to be the best place to put it ^_^


I will paint the next one with a black silencer and compare. Maybe find another spot for the red. I also think I am going to change thier pouch colour to a dark grey as well.

the scout looks good, but after painting a million of the little buggars i can share some pointers:


the black could do with some bigger highlights (cloak and pants, the rifle looks great). i drybrushed a dark gey over these areas and it was a good effect.

small details make all the difference, scouts arent great sculpts, so things like leg straps being picked out helps. i panit mine brown to match the holsters.

the muzzle needs to be a different colour IMO, a small highlight or drybrush boltgun metal perhaps? Tual does his with the same camo as the cloaks which looks great.


Sorry if that sounds too critical, its a great mini regardless of the above ;)

  • 1 month later...

I noticed that I havent updated this in a bit so 2 quick pics of what I have done so far.

Scouts in thier "covert op" uniform


And Captain Sicarius


Only my terminators to finish and I will be done with the LPC. I will put up proper images of the above units when I finish everything up.

Sic-boy is a sweet mini and great paint job, as i usually expect from you T.


As for the scouts, when i saw your test mini a while back i wasnt sold on it, but these look fantastic, seeing the dull 'metallic' effect on the chest eagles and the highlighting has won me around


great job

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Waaait... What's that strange feeling in my chest...? Oh! Yes! I must be in love... in love with the inverted Omega! Yes!

... No... doesn't fit. It is... it is ENVY!

I hate you for having had an idea how to use those cool sanguinary guard chest plates without looking out of place!


... ENVY!


  • 6 months later...

New year, new LPC.

My commitment for 2011 is far smaller than previous years. My life is hectic as all hell. Anyways, I am doing a 5 man squad of devestators i.e. a sergeant and 4 heavy weapons.

Here is my first WIP update. Torsos built and based. Weapons built and ready to be painted


Nice army so far - could we get a few shots from those guys turning their backs on us?

From what I can see, these are the most outstanding miniatures of the squad.

Your gold looks very good, and while your darklining appears a little rough, it still does the trick. ^^


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