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Close Combat squads in Rhinos


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I can think of 2 ways to use dedicated assault units and Rhino transports together but I'm not sure which is better or if its just a situational thing.


1) Move up 12" then pile out behind the Rhino. Rhino gives you a cover save/blocks LOS and you wait until the next turn to move up and assault.


2) Move up 12" and stay inside the Rhino. Next turn you can pile out and assault because your Rhino didn't move. You can make use of the extra 2" for disembarking here but you're hiding in the Rhino for an extra turn.

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I can think of 2 ways to use dedicated assault units and Rhino transports together but I'm not sure which is better or if its just a situational thing.


1) Move up 12" then pile out behind the Rhino. Rhino gives you a cover save/blocks LOS and you wait until the next turn to move up and assault.


2) Move up 12" and stay inside the Rhino. Next turn you can pile out and assault because your Rhino didn't move. You can make use of the extra 2" for disembarking here but you're hiding in the Rhino for an extra turn.


2) should read 12" Rhino move, next turn, pile out 2.99" + move + assault. (I know I am nit picking)


I hadn't thought of that minigun :) . 2) gives you more options I think. 14.99" of assault, effectively. 1) only gives you 12" and that is only if the enemy has remained in range....


I think 2) is more flexible.


*My reasoning may seem cryptic as I don't feel I have explained it well. Do you get what I mean?


Say you 1) and you are on the right side of the rhino the 2.99" you are allowed. You only have an assault bubble of 12" from that point.

If you 2) you have 14.99" from ANY of the access points AND if the enemy has run away from run, you are still in the Rhino and can drive that another 12" instead.


Circumstances will alter of course but I think 2) is better, in theory :)

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The latter is what I recommend. =) I understand that Khorne Bezerker players and Space Wolves have used that very tactic for many years. Drive up, sit in the Rhino. Worst case the Rhino blows up and your tremendously awesome Space Marine Ld saves you from being Pinned. One way or the other, after a turn of sitting in their little shell, they get to disembark, move, and assault. =) Just remember that the Rhino cannot move or pivot during that turn it's parked.
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Space Wolf and Khorne Zerker players I play against do it like this basically;


Have one big killy squad with HQ in land raider, and two or three big killy squads in rhinos. It's also viable if they run two LRs.


Anyway, they drive full speed ahead with the intention of assaulting me with the LR unit, while the units in rhinos run in a turn later to add weight to the slaughter. The good tactic is to simply drive the rhino next to a unit you want to assault, wither the storm of bullets coming (at this point it doesn't matter if the rhino dies), then assault next turn.


Rhinos are generally not good for assault unless you got a bunch of them filled with killy stuff. GH, zerkers, plague marines, etc. are all great for this because they're also troops so having a bunch of them is actually a very viable option.

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As a Black Templar Player, Rhino rushes can get your crusaider squads in the enemy's face, then pile out afterwards. Not that effective versus very mobile armies like most eldar lists, but can work. You just need a lot of rhinos.


It's usually better than foot slogging, but not as effective as drop pods, IMHO.


Rhinos + Drop Pods + Landraiders keeps your opponent on his toes. Mix it up, give lots of targets, keep your heads down and hope that there is enough left to assault them on subsequent turns.

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Add one more who agrees with #2. A assault squad in this setup with a chaplain and maybe a flamer or two does wonders, especially

in a mech heavy list. Heck i was flat out told they were garbage by a few too many people in my store, but they have silently been reaping

the Emperor's fury on my enemies ever since i began to include them in my standard list. And thats the point nobody really is afraid of assault marines

to begin with, and in a rhino they are even less of a threat because people forget about them.. until its too late <_<

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