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Two Brothers


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First let me know if the imperial hounds are already in use. Second, I dont know how up to fluff this story is. But id like to get some feedback on it. Likes, dislikes, how to make fit into the fluff. Maybe even how to make it better.


Chapter 1


The sounds of battle could be heard in the distance. The streets were empty. All the surviving civilians have been evacuated. Now all that remained, were scattered papers, dropped luggage, looted stores and, of course, the emperors finest. The space marines, more specifically the Imperial Hounds.


Sargent Marik led a small group of his battle brothers down the abandoned street. He could feel the tension in the air as each one wanted a shot to kill the emperors most hated enemies, the forces of chaos. The chaos arrived on this world, dubbed Paratus three. The imperial guard stationed on the planet tried their best to rescue as many citizens as possible. But the taint spread quickly. The remaining loyal forces, were surrounded when Marik and his brothers arrived. The marines quickly secured a drop zone and evacuated any survivors. Marik remembered the report: two thirds of the guardsmen turned, and half of what remained was dead. Nearly three fourths of the populous was killed as well. Since their arrival the Imperial Hounds had many successful advances to what seemed like the enemy stronghold. But the part that made Marik and his brothers so anxious was the fact that they had only been fighting traitor guardsmen.


"Matthias?" Marik opened up a private comlink with Captain Mathias, the captain of his company. He was also his blood brother.


"What is it Marik? Did you find something?" Mathias had been with the marines longer than Marik. It was actually Matthias who had unknowingly inspired his younger brother to be tested for the gene seed compatibility test. His match wasnt as close a match as his brother's but it did just fine. Out of the whole chapter it was him he trusted the most.


"Ha, no not at all," he chuckled. He took a quick glance around him to see if his brothers were listening. "I was thinking again."


"You know thats bad for you, Marik." Matthias's voice was deep but it still had that brotherly love he remembered from when he was a kid. "But, I cant exactly smack you right now." That made Marik smile. His older brother loved to smack him around, but right now he was on the other side of the city district.


"Well i was wondering, why did our enemies choose this planet to attack?" Marik continued. "Its really only a mining colony, the population isnt that high for recruitment, and its not exactly strategically important."


"You should not care why the heretics attack such places, brother, only worry about how to kill them when you see them." Matthias hated it when Marik would use knowledge to question motives.


"Dont get me wrong i want to taste the blood of these heretics, but the chaos rarely attack a place without reason. And ive also heard of eldar sightings on the planet. You know the two dont mix nicely. Remember Tartarus?"


"I really wish you hadnt spent so much time in the libraries." Matthias sighed. "You are right though. Then it is better we find these demon infested fiends and deal with them before they cause problems."


"Are you guys thinkin again?" Marik's younger brother, Maximus came onto the private channel. "We are angels of death, not angels of...thinking."


"We were just goin over how bad you were with your first date 100 years years ago," Matthias said. Marik could not help but laugh. His brothers looked at him and he quieted himself quickly.


"I just finished off another group of of these heretic guards." Max was definitely the youngest of the three, and the last to join, but only by 2 years. Matthias had already been in the service for over ten years and was an established astrates. Marik didnt know this but, his Matthias had seen potential for a librarian in him, but he turned out to be wrong. Max was also the most zealous of the three, and that made for an astounding assault marine.


"Good job, Max," at the moment Max was also in a other district but much closer than Matthias. He turned to a nearby brother. "What news from the scouts, Rufus?"


"Nothing, brother." Mariks raised mood was lowered. "They have not checked in."


"Be on guard." The other astratas rechecked their weapons. There was only two reason why the scouts didnt check in. One, the coms werent working. Or, two, they were dead. He hoped for the latter. He looked down on his left arm. There were several long scratches in the armor. He didnt want to add more.

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Nice so far, as for fluff... a little out there. The marines go through psycho-indoctrination or something of that like that suppresses almost if not all of their memories from their life before astrates. Watch the spelling also, Sergeant * it is a really hard word to spell, but grammar also.

Just use the spell check and it will be fine. I'll be watching for the next update.

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