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I fixed the wheels. I forgot to mention(you may have already noticed it) that: I did sightly extensive work on the bottom of the cab.





still need the magnets for the turret. will most likely do the axle detailing. As you can see i used the original wheels for the inside of the current wheels. I will most definitely need to do some green stuffing

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the thing that irks me is how the from overhangs so much, try moving the wheels up and making like a suspension system.

This is a prototype. I plan to make two more at a later time. Remember(I've said this a thousand times) this is my first vehicle conversion.

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Heh Ive been planning something similar but looking more like a halo Warthog/puma and just run it as a attack bike just need to buy a Land speeder also might try and sway my group to let me run it with a Assault cannon. But as for your Ussal atm the overhang of the front reminds me of a Unimog and we all know how well they turn.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think one big thing here is that you used those ork wheels. They have large slabs of random metal on them which looks OK on ork vehicles as the orks are all about random slabs of metal but they look very strange on a marine vehicle.


Also the side walls of the bed could do with alot more detailing.




- The dood

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I think you did a great job for a first try. I do agree with the above poster though. The walls of the truck bed look too bare and that makes them seem out of place with the ruggedness of the rest of the design. Just adding a few bitz here and there would dramatically improve this in my opinion. Perhaps try it on the next one.
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I know this isn't in the Ussal rules but I had one on hand so...


If I can get a hold of some money soon I should be able to get another LS to use. Only issue will be getting the turret base. I only have one and I used it. I might be able to make one out of plastic card. so yeah, I'm up a tree.

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