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Tank shock


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What if I tankshock a unit of eldar and they make their Ld test. Does the eldar player have to move his models out of the tanks way in the closest fashion (all to one side perfectly bunched up for a flamer) or does the tank move on and the unit acts like the tank was never there(stays in the same spot in the same cohesion)? And what if the declared range happens to be just on top of the tankshocked to be unit?


The BBB says that the unit acts like there never was a tank if they make the test. But I hear lots of sounds that people tankshock a unit and then flame them because they are all so nicely packed. I would love the latter option but where is the rule?

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Tank Shocked Models only have to move if the Tank would end up on the position they occupy. They have to move the minimum distance necessary to be at least 1" from the Tank. The Tank Shock and Flamer Trick works because the Tank ends up where the Infantry used to be and they all have to withdraw into a pack in order to maintain unit coherency.


And don't think that it has to be the Rhino or its contents that does the Flamer attack. You can Tank Shock with a Rhino going 12", then flamer the bunched up infantry with a Land Speeder.


For reference the exact rule is p68, col2, para3;


"If some enemy models in the enemy unit would end up underneath the vehicle when it reaches its final position (it makes no difference whether the unit is falling back or not), these models must be moved out of the way by the shortest distance, leaving at least 1" between them an the vehicle and maintaining unit coherency."

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