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[LPC] ShinyRHino's LPC Thread of Bikeness!


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This is my WIP thread fo the five Marine Bikers I pledged for the LPC this year.


Here's a few shots of the first bike, in progress, a few days ago:









The pics show what one of my bikes looks like after I've completed all of the blue coats. The next step was/is to do all the edge highlighting of the blue, then move on to the golds. I'm using an old, metal Ravenwing torso for this guy. While the sword isn't an Ultramarine symbol, I fugured it was ambiguous enough to be used. Maybe it stands for Fast Attack or something.


This model is actually all done, and is waiting for glue to dry on its base before I can take a final pic of it in another day or two.


Here are the remaining four bikers, all set up in baggies for me to work with. I like to part out my models like this to both fill some spare time by picking out parts from my bitz bags to use, as well as keep them neat and organized while they wait. 90% of the parts used for my army are refurbished from eBay sales. These bikes are no exception.




Below is the start of the second bike in the vow. It's a refurb, and these two shots show what they look like mid-primer coat:






I use a mix of Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium, black craft paint, and water to make my brush-on primer. It acts a lot like Gesso, actually. It's a recipe I learned from a painter on the Reaper Message Board, back when I painted Reaper minis.

It usually takes two coats of this primer to get a coverage I'm happy with. I just don't trust spray primers. tend to overspray my models withit, and ruin detail.

There seems to be a lot of ultramarine LPCs around! Unless it is a different chapter, in which case forgive me for jumping to conclusions


Nice smooth blue, though, and neatly applied. Can't really say much else until we see the other bits painted too.

First bike complete! it just needs a final coat of Testor's Dullcote to seal the freehand and the base.


Poorly lit pics (I was too lazy to break out my lighting rig):










Second bike is now fully primed, and waiting for its first layer of blue.

The more I look at the pics fo the finished biker, the more I hate them. I need to get some energy and pull out my lighting rig for some proper photos. I promise that once I finish the second biker, I'll bust out the lights and take proper shots.


But for now, I thought it would give you guys and gals a giggle to see where these refurbished bikers START at before I get my grubby paint-stripping, part-salvaging hands on them.

This is a set of four Bikers I got a while ago via eBay. They came in a huge vehicle lot that was all painted to this general standard.















Obviously, these guys are just plain...WRONG. Looks like they used to belong to a youngster. The paint is literally almost a millimeter thick in some spots. Arms aren't glued on in the right spots. Details look to have been painted on with a brush from one of those color-by-numbers kits.

I've actually been fielding these horrible abominations for about a year, while I refurbish them one at a time. These are the last four bikes in my collection that are waiting for a replacement model painted by me. They are the WORST examples of pre-owned marines I have. Some of the others I stripped and repainted weren't so bad, though none of them are what I'd deign to call "nice", lol.


Just thought you B&Cers would get a kick out of these.

Thanks for the comments and feedback, all.

@Capt.Lysander: Thanks. I really enjoy doing little details like control panels and targeters on all of my models. The bikes tended tolook very plain and flat without the screens and buttons all done up in color.


And here's some shots of Bike Number Two:









I got off my duff and busted out my lights for some better quality pics. I also readjusted the exposure and macro settings. I think my wife altered some of them while taking shots of my hockey games. ;)


Next biker is already on the painting rig, and one of the "horror" models went into the Simple Green dip. Those abominations are almost gone. Only three left!

  • 2 weeks later...

Third bike complete!








Nothing overly new or exciting here. I duplicated the pouches from Bike 2, as there was a bit of a rough area on that part of the wheel well. I also like how it looks.

Fourth bike has been started. I actualy used my new airbrush to prime and basecoat in my darkest blue. Not sure I'm a huge fan of how it works, though. Priming was tough because of all the nooks and crannies on the model. I ended up having to go over it quickly with a brush coat of primer afterward. Basecoat went on fast, but the jury's still out on whether it saves me time, or not. The darkest blue I use for a shade color goes on fast anyways, and the overspray of it onto all the areas that would normally be black (tires, recesses of engine block, etc) isn't all that thrilling. I'll have to go back over all those areas with black before I can do much else with them. Bleh. The airbrush might be relegated to tanks and terrain for now, at least until I've learned how to use it better.

  • 4 weeks later...



First, bikes four and five:






And then a shot of all five:






I now only need to complete the magnetized attack bike sitting in front of me on the desk to have two full 8-man squads with attached attack bikes. Thankfully, the attack bike is/was not part of my Vow.

Beautiful bikes here. From glop to art, its wonderful.

Great work on the blues too.

My only irk is that for bike 2, I feel you could do a bit better on the back thingie. The silver/blue thing. It looks really fuzzy and I know you can do better.

Beautiful bikes.

Thanks for the replies, guys.

The box on the back of Two is actually an old pewter bit from one of the old school metal attack bikes. It's beat to hell under the paint. I might be able to clean it up some more with another layer of metallics.

The gold does look flat. I actually do wash the gold with a reddish-brown color, but I think letting some pool around the rivets would help a lot.

By the Emperor! Incredible! look at the new life you've given these! a good ballsy paint job that stands out. Nicely balanced with the gold there. Great restoration, so kudos to you!


Thanks for the glowing review! Since completing these, I also capped off a second magnetized attack bike, to make two full squads of eight, with attached attack bikes (who can swap freely between heavy bolter and multimelta). They represent the culmination of over a year's worth of work. I am planning to snap a couple shots of the two full squads as soon as I can.


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