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I need a really cheesy list....

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Im going to be in a tournement soon and really want to have a competitive list to go with.

My main concern was what would be better point for point, Njal or 2 Rune priests? Both with JOTWW and one with LL and one with Storm caller.


Thbe rest of my list consists of a Lord (Hrothgar, I always have him) 5 Termies in a pod, 2 Grey hunter Squads(1melta.plasma each and fists) in rhinos, 1 blood claw squad with fist and wolf guard, 5 melta scouts and 5 long fangs.


Any suggestions as to what to change for a more competitive feel? thanks

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For the GH squads I seem to have problems with rhinos blowing up and me getting pinned. If you use Wolf Guard w/ PF combi-melta, you get the better LD and base 2 w/ the PF. I also add a Wolf Guard to the Scouts w/ combi-melta PF. If you pop a transport you can crush them and/or if you don't pop the vehicle the PF will take care of it.


I've only used Njal once and was so-so with him. With the FAQ not allowing part of his special powers to be used if you go second, means part of that hefty point cost is wasted...just my opinion.

I would split the two special weapons so one GH pack has two melta and the other two plasma as it helps define their roles abit better and help with their effectivness in that role.


For example the the way you have it now is that you cant assault if you fire the plasma together with the melta. I you go with two plasma in one pack you get more punch when you rapid fire without losing anything, and in the other pack you get more melta punch and is still able to assault.

Just a couple pts I wanted to clarify/put in my 2 fangs:


Named IC are the antithesis of cheese, usually =P. Don't need them to be competitive, stick with two rune priests and double your fun. As for GH, always slam in with them a wolf guard, even if you loose a melta gun. Its just worth it in the end (extra attack, with power fist, combi melta - although I always go with thunder hammers because of the badassery factor), like the above poster had mentioned. And I wouldn't even bother with plasma myself, but that's cause I don't like the chance of killing my own dudes. Maybe try a standard, they can really shift the tide.


Also, are your blood claws in anything? They aren't the best shooters so always fun to pop em out on someone. Perhaps drop a runepriest for a wolfpriest to go with them (it gets quite nasty).


Storm caller is also really only at its best if your runepriest is in a vehicle or in a mostly footslogging build, so you can get it on your army that is charging forward, unless you intend for the storm caller priest to run with the bloodclaws (on foot), in which case it is most vital to keep them alive.


Long fangs are using ML i guess?


And whats the total points? 1500? 3 HQ's could be a bit much in a low pt scenario like this, but fun. Personally, I'd rather have another troop, or another heavy support (maybe a transport for your 15 bloodclaws plus rune/wolfpriest).


Lastly, make sure that your runepriests/wolfpriests are low cost ones (110 for one, with chooser, 110 for the other to give him wolfy necklace if he will get into combat)

The Tournement is 1500 pts, Thanks for the replies


Long fangs are using, plasma cannon/missile/2 lascannons


I am Honour bound to have Hrothgar in every list, even in a cheesy list :)


The Wolf guard have/3 SS/1 FB/1AC/1CF/1WC/1DuelWC/1 hammer


And as a side note, 6 blood claws took 2 wounds off a tyrant last game with pistols so i shoot them every chance i get!

The Tournement is 1500 pts, Thanks for the replies


Long fangs are using, plasma cannon/missile/2 lascannons


I am Honour bound to have Hrothgar in every list, even in a cheesy list ^_^


The Wolf guard have/3 SS/1 FB/1AC/1CF/1WC/1DuelWC/1 hammer


And as a side note, 6 blood claws took 2 wounds off a tyrant last game with pistols so i shoot them every chance i get!


Definitly shoot with them, its just that the melee is their strong suit.


I like wolf lords as well, I use one on a TWM and its a riot. I would go with the lord and just 1 priest then. Use the remainder to fill out some more heavy or troops.

There are no cheesy Space Wolf builds. :cuss

There is no Cheese.


And the Cake is a lie.


However, if the OP wants an effective SW list thatll compete against anything that might be thrown at him, then a GH Heavy Rhino Mounted force with Dreadnaught and GH support led by a Rune Priest and with perhaps some swiftclaws is hard to beat for general strength and versatility these days.

Yeah, my old Melta-hunter packs are all BP+CCW, because I wanted them to have more attacks if they were against infantry on the charge/countercharge, while my Plasmapacks were all bolters, because thats what Id be using anyways.
I've only used Njal once and was so-so with him. With the FAQ not allowing part of his special powers to be used if you go second, means part of that hefty point cost is wasted...just my opinion.

All the FAQ said was that if you go second, you don't roll for his power until your turn, which means that it won't go off for your opponent's first turn. All of his powers specify game turns, though, which means that they will take affect in your turn when you roll, and in your opponent's following turn.


I've used Njal several times now and his Lord of Tempests has had a significant effect more than once, including one instance where I rolled the difficult terrain one, and my opponent botched two of the three charges he set up, pretty much handing me the game.

Cheesy lists would include, IMO, 3-4 HQ choices...



Depends on which kind of HQ. But I would mostly disagree cause 3-4 RP and/or WP are not that completely powerful to be cheesy and 3-4 including wolf lords with any kind of power will eat up so many points that the list as a whole becomes thin.

I've used Njal several times now and his Lord of Tempests has had a significant effect more than once, including one instance where I rolled the difficult terrain one, and my opponent botched two of the three charges he set up, pretty much handing me the game.


I too have seen the Lord of Tempests ability wreck havoc on my opponent's plans. The unpredictability is what makes it so strong, its impossible to make exact plans around it.


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