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Running SM like Eldar (sort of)


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The one thing I like about Eldar is how each unit is specifically designed to face a certian type of enemy unit. It's tricky to work right but if you pull it off it's hard not to lose.


I am expanding this idea to Space Marines; while my squads are still versatile (the SM main advantage IMO), each one is designed to fight a specific unit. To this end, I've added a second character and far more wargear than I normally would.


Here's an example list at 2250:



Malachi, Bringer of the Word

-Chaplin, jump pack, power fist = 130

--> (joins assault squad Euphrate)


Zephaniah, Seeker in the Dark

-Epistolary, jump pack, plasma pistol

-POWERS: Quickening, Might of the Ainchents = 190

--> (joins assault squad Jordos)



Squad Alpha

-10 Tac Marines, PFist, PlGun, Comb-Pl, ML, Rhino = 250


Squad Beta

-10 Tac Marines, PFist, MelGun, Comb-Mel, MulMel, Rhino = 245


Squad Delta

-10 Tac Marines, PWp, PlPistol, MBomb, TelHomer, PlGun, ML, Rhino = 260


Squad Gamma

-10 Tac Marines, PWp, MBomb, TelHomer, Flamer, HvyBol, Rhino = 240



Squad Euphrate

-10 Assault Marines, Twin Lightning Claws, x2 Flamer = 240


Squad Jordos

-10 Assault Marines, Thunder Hammer, x2 PlPistol = 250



Squad Genisis

-6 Assault Terminators, x3 TH/StSh, x3 TLClaw = 240


Squad Exodus

-5 Assault Terminators, x2 TH/StSh, x3 TLClaw = 200




My favorite way to play is the rhino rush, and this list is based on that. I rush all the rhinos forward at one spot, jump out with whoever makes it, and rapid fire. The tac squads almost always get charged; I simply counter-charge with the assault squads (who are screened with rhinos) and the unengaged tac squads. Deep striking termies mop up and deal with big stuff.


Where this list differs from normal is I've really decked everything out, running two characters and heavy wargear on the squads. Each unit in the army has a specific purpose, and the goal is to throw the unit at the opposing unit it would be best at. The tac squads will shoot at the best unit possible (if available)- alpha is good against heavy elites (terminators, etc), beta against light vehicle squadrons and transports, delta against MEQ units or somewhat heavy infantry, and gamma against hordes. However, because they are space marines they can still all handle just about anything (and a couple melta bombs increases their versatility).


The assault squads are a little more specialized, and made far stronger by the presence of characters. Squad Euphrates, with the chaplin, lightning claws and flamers, is designed specifically to do maximum damage to larger infantry units, and is simply devastating to MEQ units. Squad Jordos, with the Librarian, force weapon, power fist, and three plasma pistols, is geared towards fighting characters and army elite units. To this end, I've given the librarian the best fighting powers- the Quickening (to give him init 10 against enemy characters and get that force weapon wound in early) and Might of the Ainchents (a little strength 6 power weapon action against terminators and the like). Because of the manuverability of these squads and their use as a reserve force, I expect to be able to pick my battles much easier than with the tac squads.


Finally, my beloved Assault Terminators make an appearence. A pair of teleport homers on the least threatening tac squads means they should come in close to where I want most of the time; not being able to assault right away sucks a little, but their presence usually prevents my already engaged units from being charged by unengaged enemy units, and I've found they can take just about any charge. Oddly enough the Assault Termies are the least specialized units of the army, with a pretty even mix of thunderhammers and twin lightning claws.


What I'm hoping is that the army will play like Eldar should- I get rewarded for using all my forces in concert and utilizing their specialized nature to it's maximum potential, and I get punished if I don't. Has anyone else out there used strategy such as this for a SM army?


So, that's the beginning of my attempt to run SM the way Eldar should be ran. Like the Orks say, shoot the fighty stuff and fight the shooty stuff! Man, if you made it to the end of this post you get wicked props, this turned into a long one.

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I like the idea though I think that, even though you are trying to be specialised, you still manage to have a massive degree of versitilyity in there.


One thing I can think of as a problem. Your going to suffer at the hands of speialised armys. A good player will quickly learn to use the force deneil statagy to get the advantage so watch out.


But all in all, I say go for it and tell us how it works out.

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Haha that would be an interesting game, because that's how I play! I just envision a lot of transport manuvering all over the battlefield for the first three turns...


Honestly I hadn't thought about other specialized armies (strangely enough). You're right, it might be a tough matchup if I play wrong- hopefully the versitality of my units will allow for some forgiveness when it comes to tactical errors.

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