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Crimson Fists, WIP


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I haven't been active on these forums in quite some time. I just recently decided to start taking shots of my Crimson Fists and post them for C&C. I wonder if a blog would be better for this kind of thing?


Here is a group shot of what I've got completed so far:




Captain and Command Squad (These guys are typically mounted in the Razorback):








More photos to follow later.




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1st Tactical Squad


Standard 10-man squad with Missile Launcher and Flamer, Sgt. with Power Fist.


I have a second squad almost identical to this one that hasn't been painted yet.






As always, C&C welcome.



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Some Heavy Support:


An old-school Whirlwind with the all metal missile launcher assembly. This sucker is HEAVY...


Unfortunately, the piece is pretty solidly assembled and I was unable to get it apart to reposition it, so...in that position it lives forever.






I tried to tie together different elements of the army together--for example, all of the missiles, whether they be on the Whirlwind or a standard Tactical trooper are grey with yellow tips. In addition, all lenses (except for eyes), screens, sights, etc. are the same shade of green.

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Just one note--they are actually darker in person--the flash really picked out the color in these photos.


The recipe I use is actually mostly "borrowed" from another Fists player--I can't remember his name, but he is based in Australia and has the most amazing Fists army I've ever seen.


Here is what I do:


1. Undercoat Black (I use a Krylon Spray)

2. Base-coat Necron Abyss

3. Wash Leviathan Purple all over

4. Drybrush Ultramarines Blue (or you can do individual highlights)


For the Red:


1. Base-coat Mechrite Red (Spelling??)

2. Wash Devlan Mud

3. Drybrush/Highlight Blood Red


Metal bits are just standard Boltgun Metal with Badab black wash, some highlights of Mithril Silver.


Overall, I know that I am not an amazing painter, but I feel that I've gotten a nice tabletop quality out of these guys with minimal effort.



And yes, some of those models are pretty old--the Captain in particular.

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Good choice of Commander/Captain model! ;)


Nice job!


Overall, I know that I am not an amazing painter, but I feel that I've gotten a nice tabletop quality out of these guys with minimal effort.


Regardless of ability, the important thing is that YOU are happy with the end result. :)

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Some Fast Attack Choices:


Land Speeder with Multimelta:

(Yeah, I know the weapon rail is broken ;) )





I kinda like the way the base came out, and I'm thinking of incorporating rocks like that into all of my future flying stands in this army.


Bike Squadron:


Two members complete, including sgt, 3rd member with melta gun still on the workbench:

(And yes, a Bolter is missing from the sgt's bike)





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Thanks everyone for their comments so far!


Since this is a WIP thread, I figured I'd show some actual WIP:




This is a shot of my in-progress/staging area.


We have here a Land Speeder Storm (Christmas Gift), a Pedro Kantor assembled and based (not sure if I really want to use Pedro--I like my captain and command squad), a Plasma-toting member of my 2nd tactical squad, the 3rd bike from the previously shown bike squad, the bike's melta-gun carrying rider, and the bike's base in the middle of being prepared.


I tend to have a short attention span, so I keep a number of things going at once that I can switch between. Not seen here is the rest of the 2nd tactical squad, a few more terminators (still not enough to make a full squad), and a drop pod (I'll write about this one separately...)



And yes, those are magic cards that I am using as a glue palette. (Don't worry, all lands or commons).

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As promised, here are two shots of the drop pod in progress. I'd say its about 90% finished at this point, but boy is this model a giant pain in the rear. I would have to say that the Drop Pod is the most frustrating model to assemble that I've ever had to do. Painting this has been no small chore either. I don't know if I am even going to include it in my army list, but since it was a thoughtful gift from my wife I feel like I should finish it.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the long delay in updates, life has been keeping me busy.


I've started work on a terminator squad, which ironically contains my original Crimson Fists test mini, an old-school metal Terminator with heavy flamer. I've done some touch up work and re-based it.


I picked up some nice resin bases from Back 2 Basix and I've started with the in-progress terminator squad to start using them.



Pic 1: Old metal termie on new base:




Pic 2: New AOBR termie on resin base (termie is still in progress):




Pic 3: Both terminators, showing rear base detail:




Pic 4 and 5: Shows the detail of how I have been mounting the figures. I drill a hole in each foot and super-glue a small piece of brass rod. I then mark where the rods lie on the base and drill appropriate holes in the base. The figure is then super-glued into the base via the rods.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of updates over the past month. I've been busy with many things, painting being one of them. I never seem to have a camera around when I need it though...


I just recently finished a Land Speeder Storm (vehicle only at the moment). I'm not sure if I'm going to use this in my army, but it is a beautiful model, plus it was a Christmas gift, so I figured I'd paint it up anyhow. Here are some shots of the completed vehicle. The scouts are on my bench waiting to get a base coat, waiting for the rain to stop...


Front right shot showing the speeder as a whole, plus you can see some of the effort I put into the interior, painting the molded-on details.



Shot of the front, showing the Cerebus missile launcher:



Left rear...man I need to learn how to take decent photos...



Slightly better shot showing the driver-side interior as well as the left rear details:





Let me know what y'all think and I'll post more photos once the scouts are underway.

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  • 2 months later...

Land Raider in progress:


W/o flash, this shows the "real" colors:




With flash, showing some details:









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Some updates...


Terminator Squad Sgt, showing my first ever attempt at a power weapon...






The completed Drop Pod, with a touch of weathering:





Completed Biker squad. Unfortunately, I have no idea where the camera was focusing in some of these images:





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