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hammer units that strike @ iniative?


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i am looking for a unit that i can stick in a lrc with kahn and make into a really mean hammer that will strike either half @ iniative or all @ iniative 5+(kahn will become 6 while every other marine will be 5)


currently am using a standard command squad. it works ok. in the past i have used a tactical termie squad( str9 pf strikes @ init 1 was nice but i had to make to many saves first).


i now have room in my list to take a 5 man honor guard(because i run kantor as well :P ) with 2 relic blades(str7 init 5) with kahn.


is there any other unit i should look to strike harder and faster?

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FYI... Relic Blades may or may not stack with FC depending on who you ask. HG are great (I'd only run the RB on the Champ though...) because the Banner makes Khan even killier. However, you can't go wrong with LC Terminators or even GKTs.
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i dont see why multiples aditions wouldnt stack when you can double and then add on( ie the pf and furious charge. the rule book adresses that specificaly)


i was planning on having pedro within 12" so that they could all get the additional attack from him without payin extra since his ability specificaly says it doesnt stack.


im looking to keep it all in codex space maines so i like the idea of lightning claw termies

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The Relic Blade isn't a modifier. It simply says "CC attacks are resolved at Str 6" or somesuch. Check out the rules section, as I'm sure there is a thread or two there. The banner has some other benefits, including the reroll pinning checks (which can be huge!) and the +1 to the result modifier. But yeah, I think the LC Termies work out better, especially if you can give them Pedro's aura.
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You can stick a Relic Blade in a vanguard, but they're only WS4 with 2 attacks wielding it; YMMV. It is nice that it strikes at initiative with S6, but I'd rather have a S8 weap or just massed power weapons in that crowd. Relic Blades are better in the hands of an HG or an IC, in my opinion.
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