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Vindicator vs Predator and Whirllwind questions


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Predator/Whirlwind or Vindicator/Whirlwind can both work.


Not helping....




At this point I'm just about ready to flip a coin, roll a dice, or maybe buy which ever one I see in the display case first, which could make my decision for me if the LGS only has one or the other. Game wise I'm leaning more towards the Vindicator because I think it would the better choice. With only one heavy support choice the flexibility of a s10 ap 2 pie plate, is hard to pass up. But visually I think the Predator is a nicer looking tank. Plus in DoW I always had a pred or two because they tore up stuff in that game.


Either way I'm gonna go with the Attack bike and a MM, then I'm thinking for a 1750 point army add in 4 more normal bikes and attach the attack bike to that squad.

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If you are buying a bunch of bikes, buy the Ravenwing box.


In my experience, if you have all three tanks on the battlefield at the same time, the Vindicator will die first. It's a consequence of the playstyle its range limitation forces on you.


Predators, by contrast, are much less narrow in their use.

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For what it's worth, I made my decision.


I'm going with the Vindicator/Attack bike option because I think that of the two, Vindicator and Predator I'm more likely to find that I'll end up in a situation where I really wished I had a Vindi rather then really wishing I had the Pred.


Thanks to all the brothers here who have advised me on the proper interpenetration of the holy Codex

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