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Vangaurd Vets

Captain Elarix

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I've seen Vanguard Vets be very effective coming out of a Land Raider.


They seem too expensive with jump packs, but if not kitted out to be too much make a nice combat power armor unit that can be bigger than a command squad.

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If you compare an equally equipped Assault squad to an equally equipped Vanguard squad (10 strong with 1 Power weapon, no jump packs, in a rhino) they are only 55 points more expensive (205pts vs 260pts). For those 55 points you are getting an additional 9 attacks and Ld 9 across the entire squad. For 30 more points, you can splash a couple more power weapons or a thunder hammer/relic blade too.


I think that Vanguard CAN get expensive if you try to turn them into a überhelldeath squad. The key is to think of them as better Assault Marines with no jump packs (jump packs get real expensive real quick on Vanguard) plus the ability to take an extra power weapon or two... thats it. Any more and they become a classic case of too many eggs in one basket.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Vanguard are the greatest assault unit at the Marine codex's disposal, but in certain situations such as counter-assault against large foot slogging poorly armored troops, they can be more useful than Assault Marines (more attacks) or Assault Terminators (they can sweeping advance and can have more attacks than equal points of LC Terminators and vs T.Hammers, they have more attacks and strike at initiative).

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Do you know, I don't think I'd ever considered using them as a counter charge unit based in a Rhino before. Major blind spot. So congratulations, you've given me a new trick to try. Even my usual tooled up squad is only looking at 100 points or so extra, and that's with Relic Blade/THammer/Fist and 3 Shields.


The Shields are the most important difference between the Vanguard and the standard Assault Squad, IMO. The addition of 2 or 3 invuln saves really alters the durability of the unit.

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